Comics and graphic novels have inspired several on-screen adaptations, but Gray is taking a different route. Based on The Picture of Dorian Gray, this graphic novel gender bends Dorian. While she still has the supernatural connections of the classic character, she plans to seek revenge on men who've wronged her and other women. Along with the graphic novel, which hits shelves July 13, an audio-drama adapting Gray is in the works with a star-studded cast.
Samuel Barnett joins Gray as the graphic novel's antagonist, Baron Claus Arnheim. While he's featured in shows like Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency and Penny Dreadful, Barnett also has extensive experience voice acting -- appearing in video games like Cyberpunk 2077 and Amnesia: Rebirth. In an exclusive interview with CBR, Barnett discussed why the Baron is a force to be reckoned with in the story and how he brought the villain to life.
CBR: When it comes to Baron Claus Arnheim, what drew you to this character, as well as the project at large?
Samuel Barnett: I love playing a villain. I rarely get asked to do it, so when I'm allowed to it's a great opportunity to let rip. Arnheim is pretty unredeemable, remarkably clever but a sociopathic narcissist. It's a great role to get stuck into. I love the original Dorian Gray and this is a brilliant modern rendering. I also love the true-crime podcast format that it takes.
What was the most challenging thing about portraying this character?
The most challenging thing about portraying the Baron has been finding the voice and the right accent. With it being audio, the voice is all we have to convey everything in our acting so it's essential to get it right. I also have to humanize every character I play, even the most evil ones, and the challenge with the Baron has been to find out why he does what he does and what makes him human, albeit a vile one.

What has been the most fun thing about portraying this character?
The most fun thing as an actor about portraying the Baron is the breadth of what he goes through and the changes in his own character that he experiences as he goes through these challenges. It's a rollercoaster to play, such fun going from extreme fear to being coolly in control of himself. He's so very different to me and I’ve enjoyed the stretch.
What about the Baron makes him a good antagonist for Gray?
What makes the Baron a good antagonist for Gray is that he's possibly almost as clever in his own way as she is. He can read people and he’s also a genius when it comes to business. He knows how to control people and get what he wants.
Since this is based off a graphic novel, what did you want your voice acting to add to this formerly inanimate character?
It's been wonderful bringing the Baron to life and hearing all the other characters being brought to life. I wanted to find the reasons for why he is the way he is and try to convey those through the voice acting, not so that people could feel sorry for him, but so that he could be even more terrible than he is on the page.

How do you think the audio-drama format elevates Gray’s story?
When I read the graphic novel, it leaped off the page at me and lends itself brilliantly to audio drama. Being able to hear it really brings the characters fully to life, makes them fully-rounded human beings and adds so much extra depth to the plot. The true-crime format is perfect because it keeps you guessing the entire time, and you really feel like you're working out the mystery with the host as you go along. It elevates the original graphic novel by aurally expanding the world of these characters so you get a real sense of place and time. It makes it so much more real.
What do you hope people take away from Gray?
I hope firstly that people are hugely entertained by Gray and that they get hooked by the story and these brilliant characters, as I was when I first read the graphic novel and the scripts for the audio drama. I also hope it makes people think and reflect on their own lives and their society as a whole. Gray gives people a lot to think about as it addresses so much of what is wrong in society today, but I hope it gives people hope.
If you could describe Gray in three words, what would they be?
If I could describe Gray in three words I would say INTRIGUING, DARK and AUDACIOUS.
Written by Arvind Ethan David, pencils by Eugenia Koumaki, inks by Diana Greenhalgh, colors by Joana Lafuente and letters by Robbie Robbins, Gray is now available for purchase, with a shelf date of June 30. The audio-drama, directed by Milena Govich, stars Lauren Patten as Dorian Gray, Neil Brown, Jr. as Detective Hank Wutan, Richard Schiff as Detective Augustus Bracknell, Samuel Barnett as Baron Claus Arnheim and Kiran Deol as Gwendolyn and will be available in the fall.