Marvel: The 10 Funniest Deadpool Quotes From The Comics | CBR

If there's one truth about Deadpool that fans have come to accept, it's that he's never short on words. They don't call him "the merc with the mouth" because he maintains a respectful silence while he's working. But what he lacks in stealth, Deadpool more than makes up for by being annoying.

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Much of what Deadpool says is hilarious, if not utterly insane. After decades in the field and packing in more words per page than even Spider-Man, there are definitely a few quotes that stand out above the rest. The man might never shut up but he's also pretty funny.

10 Breaking Out The Classics

Deadpool is a Renaissance man. He stays well-informed on a variety of topics, or at least the voices in his head do. Somehow, they know things that Deadpool doesn't but that's just part of the man's charm. It's also part of what drives other heroes nuts

It's honestly hard to say if Deadpool himself got this pop culture reference or if one of the voices told him to say it. But when charging into battle against an army of people who did not like him, 'Pool let loose a classic, "LEEEEROOOOYYY JENKINS!!!" The man loves to play the hits.

9 Punking Out Spider-Man

Despite all appearances to the contrary, Deadpool is quite the lady's man. It takes a special kind of woman to fall for him for several reasons. Usually, it's beings like the physical embodiment of Death who are infatuated with Deadpool.

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At one point, he married a demonic being named Shiklah. She commented on having a virgin to sacrifice, and Deadpool responded with, "Yeah. Well, Spider-Man's not here." That was a burn on the Wall-Crawler but Shikah burned Deadpool when she left him for Dracula.

8 He Has Strong Feelings On Star Wars

Deadpool has a lot of feelings. They mostly don't make much sense, and they usually confuse even him. But whatever he feels, he feels strongly. And he usually reserves such powerful emotions for things he's truly passionate about like Bea Arthur and Star Wars.

While traveling through space with an AIM scientist and Bob the Hydra Agent, the group got to talking about Star Wars. The AIM scientist started defending the prequel trilogy and Deadpool blew his brains out. He then made a demand of Bob, "Say Jar Jar Binks is an abomination. Say it!"

7 X-Force Wants Him Dead

No one in Marvel Comics hates spending time with Deadpool more than Wolverine. They might be connected by the Weapon X program but that doesn't mean they're friends. Well, Deadpool thinks they're friends. Wolverine, on the other hand, just can't kill Deadpool so he puts up with him.

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When Wolverine's X-Force team ran across a loonier than usual Deadpool, Wolverine put his claws through the man's head. That basically did nothing to the merc with a mouth, leading to him saying, "Scratching my brain. Ooo. Ooo. A little to the left, please."

6 He's Fond Of Breakfast Food

As odd as this sounds, Deadpool is actually a master strategist. While it seems like he's always flying by the seat of his finely tailored, all too tight pants, there is still often a method to his madness. That being said, there's usually more madness than method.

Knowing that Cyclops was going to send Domino to spy on him, Deadpool prepared a non-lethal trap that hinged a chicken in the air vents and an Olympic-sized swimming pool filled with pancakes. Someone had to make them, of course. "...I love the smell of 372,844 pancakes in the morning. Smells like victory."

5 Confusing The Punisher

Over the years, Deadpool has had an interesting assortment of friends to play with. Cable, Wolverine, Daredevil, and Spider-Man have all spent a lot more time with him over the years than any of them would like. But in Punisher's case, he doesn't really like anyone in the first place so it's kind of a wash.

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While on an adventure together, Deadpool suddenly killed someone. Punisher is rarely caught off guard by murder but he was taken aback in this case. Deadpool explained why he killed the guy, once again breaking the fourth wall, "Because you were gonna do it and this is my book."

4 Worried About Wolverine

Few Marvel heroes have gone through the ups and downs Wolverine has. There has been a lot of tragedy in his life, a lot more than one person should ever have to deal with. And nothing makes all of that worse than Deadpool trying to talk to him about it.

At one point, Wolverine had lost his healing factor. Being a surprisingly observant guy, Deadpool asked why his wounds weren't healing. Wolverine explained his healing factor was missing and Deadpool replied with, "Aw, Poor Widdle Wolvie. Where were you when you lost it?" Wolverine then threatened to kill him.

3 Trying To Recreate Film History With Spider-Man

In the first Spider-Man movie directed by Sam Raimi, there's an iconic scene where the Wall-Crawler shared an upside-down kiss with Mary Jane Watson. Ignoring the complete lack of chemistry between Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst, the scene is still a memorable one.

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Deadpool being Deadpool, the merc with a mouth lowered himself down in front of Spider-Man. Not surprisingly, Spider-Man was not interested in being part of recreating such a moment with him. Deadpool identified the wrong problem in the situation, "If it helps, you can pretend I'm Wolverine." It didn't.

2 Bullseye Isn't Sure What To Make Of Him

The relationship between Bullseye and Deadpool is tumultuous, to say the least. They definitely are not friends, even though they sometimes work together if the money is right. At absolute best, they have a healthy working respect between them. And even that is disturbingly tenuous.

When Bullseye was posing as Hawkeye as part of Norman Osborn's Dark Avengers, he was sent to deal with Deadpool. Bullseye actually commented, "You can't possibly be this stupid." Deadpool owned it with a simple retort, "Don't underestimate me."

1 Making Jokes About Gwen Stacy Is Just Wrong

Second only to the death of his Uncle Ben, the murder of Gwen Stacy may have been the most impactful event of Spider-Man's life. He has never truly dealt with the emotional fallout of her death. As such, it's something that continues to play a part in his decision-making process today.

On a mission that didn't involve Spider-Man in the least, Deadpool felt the need to comment on the quiet streets. Fortunately, the Web-Slinger wasn't around to hear his old friend's quip. "These streets are deader than Gwen Stacy." Too soon, Deadpool. Too soon.

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