WARNING: The following contains major spoilers for Mighty Morphin #9 Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Katia Ranalli, Sara Antonellini, Madison Goyette, and Ed Dukeshire, on sale now.
The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers have been living through a period of unprecedented change lately. The forces of Lord Zedd have become more powerful than ever, their closest allies have become interstellar fugitives, and the heroes themselves are suffering from a devastating lack of trust. In the face of such imposing odds, it doesn't seem like any of the Rangers are on the same page in terms of how to deal with things. In the case of Tommy Oliver, his frustrations have been almost solely directed at Matthew Cook, and it has gotten to the point that his personal problems with the new Green Ranger just nearly got them both killed.
What would otherwise be a normal day in the park for the citizens of Angel Grove becomes more interesting than anyone had hoped for when the Power Rangers arrive without warning. The heroes have come to investigate energy readings in the area that are likely due to leftover Chaos Putties, but the Mighty Morphin team aren't the only ones on the scene. Promethea has picked up the same energy signature and sent their own Ranger to check things out. The others aren't particularly excited to see the Green Ranger in the field with them, though it hardly hurts that he is there once Billy has drawn out their target. Tommy and Matthew both leap into action against the Chaos Putty that had been hiding among the public, but even with a punching bag between them, the two are incapable of keeping their focus on the enemy when they could be lashing out at each other.

Matthew has undoubtedly been one of the Mighty Morphin team's greatest allies in recent months, but his mid-battle banter is just another thing that Tommy cannot stand about Promethea's homegrown Power Ranger. Tommy doesn't hesitate to accuse Matthew of being a hero to "Show off or impress girls," clearly referencing the new Green Ranger's previous romantic relationship with Kimberly.
In kind, Matthew has no problem reminding Tommy just who has been saving the other's life on multiple occasions lately, as well as the fact that they are both on the same side. The White Ranger doesn't seem to think that's the case, though, and as the two turn their attention towards each other their foe moves in for a killing blow. Thankfully, the rest of the Power Rangers are at the ready to deal with the threat that their allies had seemingly forgotten about. Unfortunately, there isn't anything the others can do about their fearless leader's lack of focus.

For as great of a Power Ranger as Tommy Oliver has been, his issues with Matthew Cook are turning out to be more than just a grudge he can't let go of. Now that he has endangered himself in the field over whatever perceived slights the Green Ranger has lobbed his way, there is no doubt that things can only get worse from here.
Matthew has never done anything other than try to protect his home and his friends, even if he has had to make some uncomfortable choices to do so. For how much Tommy is willing to defend Billy for many of the same sins it is clear that his problems are far more personal than professional. The chances of Tommy going full Lord Drakkon over this are basically none, but that doesn't mean he can't do irreparable harm to his team without actually becoming a villain in the process.