Simply saying that the Man of Steel is the most powerful League member is too general of a statement. The obscene level of power granted to the last son of Krypton both pre and post-crisis is rarely demonstrated in most modern comics as not to have Supes be too much of a deus ex machina. However, throughout both his own comics and various Justice League titles there are certain moments that demonstrate the immense power gap between Superman and his super friends.
Whether they are hilariously over the top, or more serious, it’s clear to see that Clark is the most powerful member of the League.
10 He Held A Black Hole In His Hand

When fighting the intergalactic threat Mnemon, the League encountered his power source, a miniature black hole. Supes decided the best course of action was to hold it in his hand. Though it tried to tear his body apart and it wasn’t long before Hal encased it in a containment unit, a miniature black hole is still a black hole, and Supes managed to physically contain this deep-space phenomenon that is known specifically for being able to destroy all matter without immediately collapsing in on himself.
9 He Defeated Batman's Justice-Buster Armour

The Dark Knight is known for his files upon files that detail how to specifically defeat the members of the Justice League should they ever become villains. In fact, he built a mech suit that was designed to defeat each member of the League. Despite having a loadout of red sun energy, Supes was more than capable of dismantling the suit and temporarily subduing Batman while not in his right mind. It seems that no amount of planning can account for Supes’ sheer power and speed even with all his weaknesses accounted for.
8 He Pushed The Sun

In the Silver age of comics, Supes was known for performing mind-blowing feats with minimal effort. One of those feats was when he pushed the Sun like it was nothing. This was part of a plan to scare off Jack Frost from creating another Ice Age. Despite the Sun not being a solid object, Supes was capable of pushing it like a car with a dead battery and push it closer to the Earth without instantly killing anyone.
This is one of those Silver Age moments that feels like a joke, but it is very real.
7 He's Moved A Planet More Than Once

Supes did a lot of planet moving through the comics, whether it be pushing the Earth around, carrying Mongol’s Warworld, or dragging an entire Solar System on a comically large chain, disrupting planetary orbits seemed to be a pastime for the Big Blue Boyscout. It is quite surprising how many Superman stories involve pushing planets around to solve a problem, even in the post-crisis era where Supes had been depowered significantly. Moving around celestial bodies with ease is a feat few Justice League members have accomplished.
6 He Tore Doomsday In Half

Doomsday is a fan-favorite character who gained fame by being the villain that killed Superman. Whilst fighting Doomsday to a standstill alone would have been a good topic to put on the list, in the New 52 reboot of Superman, Supes actually beat Doomsday and physically tore him in half, a feat that even post-crisis Superman couldn’t accomplish. And this wasn’t even a weaker Doomsday, as we saw that Wonder Woman had both of her arms broken while fighting him.
5 He Sat Inside The Sun For 15,000 Years

In DC One Million, after the death of everyone he knew, Supes made the decision to leave Earth. He returns to Earth in the 853rd century as Superman One Million, an infinitely more powerful version of himself. He gained this power by staying within the heart of the Sun for 15,000 years. There are very few characters in the DC universe that could even be in (relatively) close proximity to the Sun, and even fewer that could enter it. But sitting within its heart for 15,000 years and come out only stronger is a feat no other character could even come close to accomplishing.
4 He Lifted A Book Of Infinite Pages

During the Final Crisis event, both Supes and Shazam (then named Captain Marvel) had to lift a book of infinite pages. Despite splitting the workload, half of infinity is still infinity, meaning both parties were capable of lifting an infinite amount of weight. Matched with all his other incredible feats of strength, lifting the concept of infinity makes sense since his power comes from yellow sun radiation, meaning that an infinite amount of yellow sun energy can grant him infinite power such as lifting the concept of infinity.
3 He Survived A Nuclear Bomb

At the climax of the Kingdom Come miniseries, the war between superhumans becomes so intense that the leaders of the world resort to launching a nuclear strike to end the conflict. Despite the efforts of Shazam to stop the bomb, the battlefield is still nuked, and dozens of heroes are killed in an instant, except for Superman, who remained on the battlefield, completely unfazed by both the explosion and the radiation.
He was even capable of flying at super speed to the United Nations headquarters and lifting the building’s roof with ease.
2 He Can Perform The Infinite Mass Punch

As one reaches the speed of light, their mass would increase up to infinity. At least that’s comic book logic. Superman is not only one of the few characters capable of performing the Infinite Mass Punch, but he is also capable of surviving the aftermath. By increasing his mass to infinity and punching someone, he can inflict an unbelievable amount of force in one strike, capable of even one-shotting a multiversal being such as the Forger. In fact, Superman was such a big threat to the Forger, that he had to be trapped in another dimension where there was no sun to power him.
1 More Powerful Than The Source Itself

The Source is a form of energy left behind by the big bang that sits at the center of the physical universe (While Earth sits at the center of the DC multiverse). This is considered one of the greatest powers in the universe and is sought after by characters such as Darkseid. The Source Wall is a barrier that sits at the edge of the universe. Supes not only survived the explosion of the Source Wall but was even able to pull Darkseid from Source itself using only his physical strength. When Darkseid had gained all the power of the New Gods, he was resistant to attacks from the Source itself, yet Supes was still able to harm him.