6 Classic Avengers Comics That Still Haven't Been Adapted Yet

The MCU has brought to life a vast world of characters that comic fans old and new have fallen in love with on the screen. While they have already built so much, the source material has so many more ideas to offer.

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It is a wellspring of creativity and Marvel has so much more in it that they could pull from. There are still some huge Avengers stories that haven't even been touched, or at least only hinted at by the studio. Fans are eager to see what Kevin Feige and the rest of the amazing team can come up with next.

6 Avengers Vs. X-Men Would Be A Perfect Follow Up To Endgame

Avengers Vs X-Men was a huge comic book and would be a huge spectacle that would be amazing to see on the big screen. The story is all about the two groups battling for control over the Phoenix Force, one of the most powerful cosmic powers. The clash has long reaching repercussions throughout the comics, creating a long lasting feeling of distrust between the two factions.

While it would take a while to build up to this considering mutants have yet to officially be introduced into the MCU, it would be well worth the wait. The size and scope of a movie like this could rival (or even surpass) Avengers: Endgame if all the characters were given their due.

5 Avengers: The Kree-Skrull War Ties Into Already Existing Themes

The Kree and Skrull races have all been introduced into the Marvel Cinematic Universe which leads the way perfectly into the classic Avengers story, The Kree-Skrull War. This tale shows the Avengers facing overwhelming odds as the Kree and Skrull races take their age old conflict to Earth, in a battle to see who gets to rule the planet.

The groundwork has been somewhat laid in the MCU thanks to Captain Marvel. Its story showed the tensions between the two cultures, leaving space for the Avengers movies to expand on this concept and really make something special out of it.

4 The Young Avengers Are A New & Different Take On The Old Classic

While this story does not focus on the Avengers most people now recognize, it is still an excellent path for the MCU to take. The Young Avengers are a team of young heroes that were assembled by Kang in order to stop a tragedy. It was made up of Billy and Tommy, the sons of Wanda Maxmioff/the Scarlet Witch.

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Other members include a Kree-Skrull hybrid whose name is Hulkling, as well as Kate Bishop/Hawkeye and Eli Bradley/Patriot. The MCU has already introduced a lot of these characters and plans to introduce two more young heroes with America Chavez and Ms Marvel. Together all these characters could make for a very compelling team that could take over from the main MCU Avengers, a team that is fractured at this point to say the least.

3 Avengers Red Zone Puts The Team Up Against Diseases & The Red Skull

Avengers Red Zone has the heroes trying to stop a vicious disease that is ripping through America. The virus leaves people stripped bare and just crimson bones are left behind. The Avengers have to desperately fight in order to contain the spread of this virus, it makes for a different type of movie when there is no bad guy to punch but just a disease to fight against.

In the end it is the Red Skull that is behind it all and the Avengers must take him down. It would be the perfect storyline to bring the Red Skull back into the MCU, which is something fans have always wanted— especially considering there is a lot more to discover about that character than the movies have shown thus far.

2 Secret Wars Is A Natural Direction For The MCU

More than any other story, the MCU is in prime position to do a Secret Wars adaptation. While there have been a few different versions of Secret Wars, the one the MCU should focus on is the original Marvel Superheroes Secret Wars. Rumors abound that a Secret Wars movie is already in the works or at least being planned, but it thus far remains unconfirmed.

The story features the heroes and villains of the Marvel Universe being brought to a battle world to fight each other for the amusement of a cosmic entity known as the Beyonder. With the Eternals releasing soon, it is possible to see more large scale cosmic beings like the Celestials shown in the trailer. It would cinematic gold to pull all the characters together for an epic large scale assault on each other.

1 Kang Dynasty Would Give The Avengers A Worthy Foe

Kang The Conqueror is the latest thing in the MCU. With his variants appearance in Disney+'s Loki fans are all excited to see what the MCU will do with Kang next. The perfect choice is Kang Dynasty, as this story has Kang at his most powerful and the Avengers at one of their lowest points (the latter of which is arguably where the team is currently at in the MCU).

Kang conquers the planet, destroying all in his path, even wiping out all of Washington, DC. All the Avengers attacks against him are foiled. Kang even managed to get the Avengers to surrender to him, something not many villains manage. Kang would be a great follow up to Thanos because he poses just as big a threat, if not bigger.

NEXT: Iron Lad: 9 Things You Didn't Know About Kang The Conqueror 

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