Over its first seven seasons, the Arrow's spinoff has established itself as one of the top superhero shows on tv. From romantic gestures to tearful goodbyes, The Flash is no stranger to endearing moments. The many emotional moments within The Flash have provided the perfect balance between uplifting scenes and action.
While some fans may feel that The Flash has declined in quality in recent seasons, it has been consistent with having lovable characters. With the eighth season airing later in 2021, The Flash is bound to have even more heartwarming moments.
10 Oliver Encourages Barry To Become A Hero

In the pilot episode of The Flash, Barry runs to Starling City to talk to Oliver Queen about his newfound powers. The two heroes meet on a rooftop, and Oliver helps encourage Barry to be a hero. Barry had first been introduced on Arrow a year before the premiere of The Flash, in which Barry and Oliver had formed a friendship.
The beginning of the mentor-mentee relationship was quite heartwarming for fans to watch unfold, and their friendship only grew stronger from there.
9 Barry Meets His Children From The Future

The end of season seven saw the children of Barry and Iris time travel from the future to visit their parents. While Nora was first introduced in season four of The Flash, this was the first time fans got to see Barry and Iris's other child, Bart.
With Bart and Nora having their father's powers and Iris having temporary speed powers, the family of four had the opportunity to run at super-speed together. Barry and Iris witnessing the grown-up versions of their children gave them hope and happiness for the future.
8 Henry Allen Believes His Son Is The Flash

Even though Henry Allen was in prison during season one of The Flash, Barry and his father had a good relationship. In episode 12 of season one, Henry suspects that his son, Barry, is the Flash.
Barry denies the accusation, but Henry tells Barry that if his son were the Flash, he would be proud of him. His father's words brought tears to the eyes of both Barry and the viewers. Barry revealed his identity to his father a few episodes later, confirming Henry's suspicions.
7 The Team Says Their Farewells To Cisco

Cisco Ramon first appeared in the Arrowverse during season two of Arrow and then continued to play the character for the first seven seasons of The Flash. However, during the seventh season, Cisco decided to leave Team Flash.
The team held a farewell party in his honor and reminisced about old times. Though he may show up as a guest appearance in later seasons, Cisco will no longer be a series regular on The Flash.
6 Wally West Shows Up For The First Time

Francine West, Joe West's wife, left her family when Iris was a child. It was later revealed that Francine gave birth to a son, Wally, a few months after leaving Joe and Iris. Francine eventually returned to Central City when she found out that she had a deadly disease.
At the end of the Christmas episode in season 2, Wally showed up at the West house and met his father and sister for the first time, introducing a new member of the family into their lives.
5 Barry Calls Joe His Father

After Henry Allen was wrongly convicted of the murder of Nora Allen, Barry went to live with Joe and Iris. Joe cared for Barry and treated him like his own son, but Barry didn't think of Joe as a father figure during his younger years.
However, in episode two of season one, Barry lets Joe know how much he meant to him and that he does think of Joe as his father. Throughout The Flash, Joe has consistently influenced Barry and has been a father to him in Henry's absence.
4 Barry And Iris Renew Their Vows

In the season seven finale, Team Flash celebrates at the West House as Barry and Iris renew their wedding vows. Their son, Bart, even performs a special song in honor of the occasion.
Even though Barry and Iris got married in a double wedding alongside Oliver and Felicity at the end of "Crisis on Earth-X," the rededication of their love was truly inspirational. Fans got to witness how very much in love Barry and Iris are through their emotional words to each other.
3 Henry Allen Is Released From Prison

Henry Allen spent over a decade in prison for the murder of his wife, Nora Allen. During the season 2 premiere, Barry was given a video of Eobard Thawne confessing to the murder, leading to Henry being released from prison.
Barry and his friends celebrate his release with a party at the West house, showing Barry can freely interact with his father for the first time in years.
2 The Death Of The Flash From Earth-90

The Flash episode of "Crisis on Infinite Earths" saw the return of John Wesley Shipp's Barry Allen of Earth-90. Most recently seen in the previous crossover, "Elseworlds," Shipp began playing the character in 1990 in his own series. Grant Gustin's Barry Allen attempted to sacrifice himself to stop the anti-matter from destroying Earth-1, but The Flash of Earth-90 stepped in and took his place.
While his death was incredibly emotional for the fans, the willingness to sacrifice himself to save not only his doppelgƤnger, but the entire Earth proved just how heroic he truly was.
1 Barry's Musical Proposal To Iris

Many sweet and emotional events occurred during the musical crossover between The Flash and Supergirl. However, the most heartwarming moment took place at the end of the episode. Barry and Iris go home to their apartment, and Barry sings a song to Iris.
At the end of the song, Barry gets down on one knee and proposes to Iris. The moment the fans had been waiting years for was extremely special. The popular Arrowverse couple got married the next season and has been going strong ever since.