In The Witcher 3, quality armor can be hard to come by, and most sold by merchants or armorers can be generic and low level. However, in the base game, each of the Witcher schools has a Scavenger Hunt, which allows the player to create extremely powerful Witcher Gear. Despite being from the School of the Wolf, Geralt can craft Feline Witcher's Armor from the School of Cat, which offers high protection levels and combat bonuses, along with unique bonuses for wearing a full set. Wearing at least three of the pieces will increase Fast Attack damage for 5 seconds by 10% for each piece of the set. If six pieces are worn, attacks from the rear deal 50% more damage and stun the opponent at the cost of 1 Adrenaline Point.
To complete the Feline Witcher's Armor, the player will need to unlock the services of Yoana, the Master Armorer located in Crow's Perch, then find the diagrams for the armor and their upgrades. From there, players will have to find and complete the Cat School Armor, from initial base gear to Mastercrafted level. Along the way, though, they'll find upgrades for the silver and steel swords.

Like all of the Witcher's armor, you need to find the base diagrams first to upgrade the Feline Armor to a powerful Mastercrafted level. To start the quest, buy any of the upgrade diagrams from the shopkeepers in Blackbough, or find Julia Keynon's diary located in one of the houses in Farcorners, west of the Portside Gate.
To collect all the Feline Armor diagrams, head to the most western houses on Temple Isle. A rock ledge will drop to a grassy path; following it to the end, Geralt will find a hidden cave that only reveals itself using The Eye of Nehaleni. In the main chamber, there will be a golem that needs to be killed. After doing so, follow the tunnel opposite the main entrance. There will be a puzzle involving several statues; to solve it, pull the levers until all the statues face the center of the room. The floor will then open up and Geralt will drop into a pool with some drowners. After killing them, find the key at the bottom of the pool, then head back up to the main chamber and open the door to find Mad Kiyan. Kill him and you'll find all the diagrams can be looted from his corpse.
The crossbow base diagram is located southwest of the Lighthouse and northwest of Widows' Grotto and is only accessible by swimming or sailing. Find the diagram on the sunken Flying Stag by heading down the stairs; there will be a chest with the diagram and mage's notes.
The Feline silver sword diagram is located at Est Tayiar, west of Heddel. Dropping down a hole here will reveal an area with a weakened wall and using Aard will shatter it. A small area will unveil a lootable skeleton for the diagram and Professor Sigismund Gloger's notes.
The steel sword diagram is located at Drahim Castle, South of the Glory Gate at Novigrad. Blast away the wooden door with Aard, then climb down the ladder to the lowest floor. The diagram will be located here, along with Prince Adrien's journal.

For crafting and upgrading the Feline Armor, the components are obtainable but somewhat expensive. The main component in the clothing is ingots ranging from Dark Steel Ingots to Dimeritium Ingots and various Plates. Buying a single Dimeritium Ingot cost around 1400 crowns, so consider crafting them instead if you don't want to break the bank.
As expected with Witcher's armor, there are monster components needed to craft. Most of these are generic such as Monster Tongue, Monster Hide and Monster Claws, which can be dismantled from sources such as Drowners, Trolls and Nekkers. There are a few instances where the player will need to source specific monsters for the component, such as the Cured Draconid Leather, as it requires Chitinous Shells.

The Cat School Gear Part 1 focuses on upgrading the boots, armor and silver sword from the base version to enhanced, all located in Novigrad. To get the location markers, buy Adalbert Kermith's first map from Blackbough's Gwent merchant.
The silver sword upgrade is found by the Oxenfurt Gate on a grassy ledge just inside Novigrad. Climbing the ledge there is a ladder behind some trees that leads to someone's home. Making your way to the next floor, the diagram will be in a chest here.
The armor upgrade is found at Aeramas' Abandoned Manor, northeast of the Crossroads, which is the location of the quest Of Dairy and Darkness. On the first level of the ruined manor, there will be a chest with the diagram.
The boots upgrade is north of Benek in a cave which is the location for the quest Contract: Phantom of the Trade Route. Heading into the cave and following the tunnel, just before the main chamber, there will be a chest to the right, which is slightly hidden coming from the northern entrance.

The Cat School Gear Part 2 focuses on upgrading the gauntlets, trousers and steel sword from the base version to enhanced, all located in Velen/Oxenfurt. To get the location markers, buy Adalbert Kermith's second map from Blackbough's blacksmith.
The steel sword upgrade is in a cave just northeast of Reardon Manor, the same cave used in the Fool's Gold downloadable quest. Depending on if the quest is downloaded, there will be bandits or a bear outside the cave; the chest is located at the end of the cave on the left.
The gauntlets upgrade is located at Codgers' Quarry. There will be a group of Looters to deal with either by attacking or engaging in conversation with them. After they are dealt with, the chest with the diagram can be looted in a small cave.
The trousers upgrade is in Oxenfurt, located in a house east of the blacksmith. Enter the main floor and climb down a ladder to a room with 2 gates. Use Witcher Senses to find a brick that needs to be pushed, opening a hidden room with the chest inside. However, if you go to the location after raiding one of Whoreson Junior's business locations, the room will be sealed until the quest A Favor for Radovid starts.

The Cat School Gear Part 3 focuses on upgrading all the diagrams from enhanced to superior, all located in Novigrad. To get the location markers, buy Adalbert Kermith's third map from Crow Perch's quartermaster.
The steel sword upgrade is found at the Cavern, in a cave north of Novigrad, where a golem guards a cave. After killing it, the chest can be found on a wooden platform.
The silver sword upgrade is southwest of Drahim Castle, beside Ursten, at a Nekker den. Heading inside, there will be a rabid rock troll and more nekkers that need to be killed. Heading up the small ledge where the entrance is, the chest is located behind stalagmites.
The armor diagrams are located in an unmarked ruin near Dragonslayer's Grotto. An Earth Elemental guards the chest; after killing it, head to the largest part of the remains. The chest is here between 3 walls and contains the rest of the diagrams.

The Cat School Gear Part 4 focuses on upgrading all the diagrams from superior to mastercrafted, all located in Skellige. To get the location markers, buy Adalbert Kermith's fourth map from Lindenvale's blacksmith.
The steel sword upgrade is the easiest to find on Skellige as it's located at Kaer Gelen on Ard Skellig. There is a gated entrance, but heading around, Geralt can go through another entrance on the eastern side. Several wraiths will spawn here and after fighting them off, head up the stairs to the right. There will be a small opening before the next landing and the chest will be located here with the diagram.
The silver sword diagram is located on Faroe Isle in a cave east of Harviken. Head inside the cave and use Aard on the farthest wall. Following the short tunnel, the chest with the diagram will be at the end.