Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 8 Times Amy Proved She Loved Jake | CBR

Jake and Amy's relationship is one of many points of focus over the course of Brooklyn Nine-Nine, with them going from competitive and occasionally flirty colleagues, to dating, to marriage, to parenthood. It has been a long journey through the eight seasons, and the relationship has mostly been seen through the eyes of Jake, and how he has to change certain aspects of his life while pursuing the girl of his dreams.

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Although it may not be as frequent in the show as Jake actively proving his love for Amy, Amy has accommodated Jake's humor, and very different way of living, on numerous occasions,  reciprocating that love.

8 When Jake Compromised And Bought A Mattress, Amy Promised To Tell Her Mother About Their Relationship

The episode 'The Mattress' not only sees Jake eventually agree to change his mattress for Amy, but the journey to them making that decision consisted of a long argument that tested their relationship. Jake accuses Amy of not being serious enough about the relationship, as he knows she is putting off telling her mother about Jake, and him being her boyfriend.

They eventually resolve the issue with Jake agreeing to buy a new mattress and Amy promises to explain everything to her mother, validating them further as a couple.

7 Amy Instigated Them Both Saying 'I Love You' To One Another

Near the beginning of their relationship, Jake and Amy go on a couples cruise as their first proper holiday away together. Events unfold involving Doug Judy and they even learn more about how they are both very different people, with an example of this being that Jake wants to relax and do very little, while Amy wants to participate in everything and stick to a rigid schedule.

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At the end of it all, Amy is the first to say 'I love you' to Jake and after he initially deflects in the classic Jake way with "noice" and "smort," he says it back. This moment had been a long time coming and Amy instigating it made it that much more special and obvious that this relationship was going to reach new heights.

6 Amy Freaked Out When She Wondered If She Would Ever Be Able To Say 'I Love You So Much' To Jake Again

In the final episode of the third season, when Amy and Charles are on their flight back home, Amy confesses that she is missing Jake and is worried that she may not get to say 'I love you so much' to Jake ever again. Charles encourages her to express these feelings and reassures her that they will get to see each other again.

Although they are reunited at the end of the episode, the events that follow see Jake and Holt being moved to witness protection, so Amy at least getting to see Jake briefly before that, would have saved her from certain extra distress.

5 Amy Did Her Trademark 'Double Tuck' Before They Started Dating, Signifying She Liked Him

There was a lot of will they won't they with Jake and Amy over the course of the first two seasons, and they could never quite get the timing right. One of the turning points was in 'Det. Dave Majors', when Rosa reveals about Amy's tell when she likes a guy, the 'double tuck', with her brushing her hair back behind her ears with both hands. Jake sees Amy do this when on a date with Dave Majors and he fears the worst.

However, after Amy turns down Majors and has a conversation with Jake, once Jake has left the room, she does the 'double tuck', suggesting that she still has feelings for him and foreshadowing their potential relationship being revisited once again in the future.

4 Amy Quoted Jake During Her Wedding Vows

In the build-up to their wedding, Amy is horrified when Jake suggests that he will say 'your butt is da bomb' in his vows, and she gets angry at the mere suggestion of it.

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After the whole ordeal of there actually being a bomb, the wedding being canceled and eventually being re-arranged at the precinct itself, Amy ends up incorporating the very line that she forbade Jake from using, in her own vows. Every time she humors Jake by either quoting something that he has said or anything that he remotely likes, he becomes all emotional and acknowledges that she is his dream girl.

3 Amy Accommodated Jake's Die Hard Fantasies On Their Honeymoon

Jake and Amy's honeymoon does not quite go as they planned, when they find a depressed Captain Holt at their resort, after he found out that he would not be the new commissioner and had therefore taken some time off. Jake and Amy then incorporate him into their plans which is weird at first but soon seems to cheer Holt up.

With them under the impression that Holt was in a good mood and would soon be leaving the resort, Amy dresses up as Holly Gennaro McClane from Die Hard in the hopes that they would be alone, only to find that Jake had brought Holt to their room due to him wanting to quit the force. Despite facing the prospect of having Holt leave the squad, Jake was still distracted by not just the outfit, but also by the fact that his wife indulged his Die Hard obsession.

2 Amy Tried To Help Jake Become Healthier

Not limited to one specific episode, after Jake and Amy get together, Amy makes it her mission to help Jake be more responsible and generally healthier in life. These changes to Jake's lifestyle are often brought up in random episodes, with Jake having to stop the car frequently when with Rosa due to drinking a lot of water, being one of several examples.

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She doesn't quite force-feed him with carrots like Terry did back in the second season, but she does try to encourage him to live a more grown-up and responsible lifestyle, the likes of which they can both enjoy together.

1 Amy Agreed To Call Their Child Mac, After John McClane From Die Hard

Jake has grown up immeasurably over the years while at the same time still having small consistencies when it comes to showing immaturity. Moving in with, marrying, and having a baby with Amy are all very grown-up and mature points in his life, but Amy has also had to sink to his level on occasion.

The fact that Amy agreed to calling their baby boy Mac, after John McClane from Die Hard, does not seem to stay true to her character at all, as she would often dismiss all of Jake's outlandish baby name ideas, with the exception of her jokingly warming to Atlas. Amy agreeing to indulge Jake's Die Hard obsession in a decision this important, is a huge symbol of her love for him.

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