Dragon Ball: Gohan's 10 Closest Friends, Ranked | CBR

A lot of anime have gone on to gain evergreen reputations, but the level of fandom that continues to consume Akira Toriyama’s Dragon Ball series is truly impressive. Dragon Ball has slowly introduced a strong roster of characters, and there are now multiple individuals who are more than capable of defending the planet from evil. Gohan is one of the most fascinating individuals to come out of the Dragon Ball series.

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He’s both the son of Goku and a half-Saiyan who was destined for greatness, only for his life to take a slightly unexpected direction. Gohan settles upon a well-balanced life where he has a healthy support staff, and there are plenty of people who he considers to be good friends.

10 Future Trunks Finds Ultimate Friendship In His Dark Timeline With Gohan

This friendship is a little unconventional and involves consideration from across two separate timelines, but it seems significant to single out the bond between Gohan and Future Trunks. Future Trunks explains that in his fractured timeline, it’s Gohan who trains him to become stronger, and they become so close that it’s Gohan’s death that triggers Future Trunks’ first Super Saiyan transformation. Future Trunks isn’t nearly as close with prime timeline Gohan, but Dragon Ball Super explores this schism. Gohan kindly opens himself up to Future Trunks and tries to find common ground between them.

9 Sharpener & Erasa Help Gohan Feel Normal Throughout High School

One of the biggest changes for Gohan in Dragon Ball Z is the time jump that occurs at the start of the Buu Saga where an older Gohan enters high school. This period in Gohan’s life where he attempts to balance normalcy and his Saiyan strength leads to some compelling material, which includes Gohan making some friends. Sharpener and Erasa are two regular teenagers who align with Gohan and Videl. Admittedly, Gohan doesn’t spend much time with them once his days at Orange Star High are over, but they’re still an important part of his adolescence.

8 Icarus Is The Closest Thing Gohan Has To A Pet & They Forge A Sweet Bond

The majority of Gohan’s friends are humans, but Dragon Ball is set in such an eclectic universe that it shouldn’t come as a surprise that Gohan is also close with some more animalistic creatures. Icarus, or Higher Dragon, is a mainstay during Gohan’s youth.

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Gohan and Icarus were often inseparable, and there’s true joy between the two of them. Icarus quietly disappears from the series, which is why he falls behind some of Gohan's other friends, but his utility during Gohan’s younger years is undeniable. Icarus keeps Gohan company when he has nobody else.

7 Gohan & Dende Grow Up Together & Overcome Similar Adversity

Dende is an innocent Namekian who Gohan and company first encounter during their voyage to Planet Namek. Dende turns into a crucial figure in the series, and he eventually goes on to replace Kami as the Earth’s Guardian and creator of the Dragon Balls. Gohan and Dende are both just children when they run into each other, and there’s an inherent level of juvenile playfulness between them. A delicate relationship forms between these two, and all of their scenes together really resonate. The events that they’ve been through together say more about their connection than either of them ever could.

6 Krillin Is Unofficial Family For Gohan & Someone He Can Always Rely On

Krillin is someone Goku meets and grows up alongside, which makes it even more touching that Krillin develops just as strong of a relationship with Goku’s son. Krillin feels like Gohan’s friendly uncle to some extent, and Dragon Ball Z creates such sweet moments between the two of them, whether they’re in battle or during moments of levity. Gohan and Krillin really get to come together on Planet Namek when they fight together in Goku’s absence. The two develop an even deeper appreciation for each other that’s never faded.

5 Android 16 Instills Fundamental Values In Gohan During Their Brief Time Together

The Cell Saga doesn’t just introduce cocky Ultimate Life Form, Cell, but also the addition of several Androids. A thoroughly fascinating development through all of this is that Android 16 begins to express pacifistic feelings and an interest in empathy over aggression.

RELATED: 5 Ways Gohan Has Grown Since Dragon Ball Z (& 5 He Hasn't)

Android 16 and his sweet philosophies inspire Goku to be a better person. Gohan and Android 16 don’t spend a ton of time together, but their connection is so special that it’s Android 16’s destruction that ultimately triggers Gohan's Super Saiyan 2 status. It’s a friendship that lives on within Gohan.

4 Goten Is More Than Just Gohan’s Younger Brother

Dragon Ball Z begins with Gohan as a toddler, but as the anime continues, Goku goes on to have another son, Goten. There’s a lot of interesting territory to explore here in a way where Dragon Ball Z doesn’t just repeat the same character development that Gohan experiences. Gohan takes pride in his younger brother and devotes time to not only help him train but also be there for him in a brotherly sense. Goten may prefer the company of Trunks over Gohan, but that doesn’t change that Goten knows that his brother will always be there for him.

3 Videl Is Gohan’s Ultimate Confidant Even Before They Get Married

Many may presume that any romantic relationship would also naturally be a strong friendship, but this isn’t always the case, and particular romances, like Goku and Chi-Chi, seem anything but intimate. Gohan falls hard for Videl when they first meet in high school, and he falls into the protector role. Gohan teaches Videl how to fly, and they can effectively spar against each other, but there’s also just a genuine connection between them. It’s endearing to see that Gohan and Videl are enough for each other and that they’re both prepared to give up martial arts for a family together.

2 Gohan’s Bond With Goku Transcends The Typical Father & Son Connection

There are a wide variety of relationships featured in Dragon Ball, but it’s quite sweet that some of the strongest friendships in the series are those experienced between fathers and sons. It’s clear that Gohan is Goku’s priority, and as the series continues, it becomes more obvious that Gohan is truly his father’s son. Gohan embodies some of Goku’s most endearing traits but is still enough of an individual that he can also impart wisdom to his father. Some of Dragon Ball’s best scenes are the muted moments during the Cell Saga when Goku and Gohan are training and hanging out.

1 Piccolo Has Sacrificed His Life For Gohan & They’ve Been Best Friends Ever Since

The friendship between Gohan and Piccolo isn’t just one of the strongest bonds in Dragon Ball, but it’s also initially one of the most unexpected. Piccolo first appears as a bitter rival to Goku, so it’s almost suspicious when he volunteers to train and take Gohan under his wing after Goku passes away. Piccolo’s gesture is sincere, and it changes both of their lives for the better. Piccolo softens, and Gohan becomes more self-sufficient. Gohan briefly adopts Piccolo’s look for battle, and their friendship extends all the way into Gohan’s adult years.

NEXT: Dragon Ball: 10 Ways Gohan Ruined His Likability

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