Thanos is one of Marvel's toughest villains. Considered one of the universe's most dangerous villains since his time wielding the Infinity Gauntlet, Thanos has more than proven how deadly he is even without an object of ultimate power beefing him up. His plethora of powers, years of experience, and the breadth of his skill has made him someone that no one wants to fight.
However, while Thanos is undoubtedly a tough cookie, there are some villains out there who are actually tougher and can take an even greater beating than him. This is pretty hard to imagine but it's not out of the realm of possibility.
10 Morg Was Galactus's Most Powerful Herald

Galactus has had a lot of heralds. Imbued with the Power Cosmic, they've all proven to be pretty tough. Silver Surfer has been able to beat Thanos on occasion but he's not even close to the most powerful herald; that would be Morg. A former executioner chosen by Galactus, he went on a quest to gain even more power, ostensibly to help his master but mostly for his own purposes.
However, Morg would prove to be one of Galactus's most destructive heralds and a group of other former heralds, led by Surfer, teamed up against him. They were barely able to defeat him. Anyone who can fight multiple Power Cosmic users at once is next level and beyond Thanos.
9 Apocalypse's Celestial Armor And Amazing Powers Make Him Able To Withstand Hellacious Beatings

Apocalypse was long one of the X-Men's greatest foes and one of the most powerful mutants on Earth. Of his myriad powers, the one that helped him survive a lot of fights is his complete control over his molecular, allowing him to become malleable. This has let take a lot of shots that would have hurt him otherwise.
On top of that, Apocalypse's Celestial armor is nigh impregnable. Adding that to his powers, Apocalypse is one of the toughest beings in the entire universe and can take an unimaginable amount of punishment, much more than Thanos could.
8 Ego The Living Planet Is Invulnerable To Conventional Attack

Ego The Living Planet is honestly one of the toughest beings in the cosmos. While destroying a planet isn't an impossibility, Ego can take a beating that would destroy just about anything else and its powers have allowed it to survive everything thrown at it. Sure, Thanos is tough but is he planet-scale tough? Can he take more punishment than an entire world?
Simply put, no, he can't. Conventional attacks that could hurt Thanos would have no effect on Ego and the attacks it would take to phase the living planet would be more than enough to decimate Thanos.
7 The Destroyer Armor Is Made From The Same Uru Metal As Mjolnir

The Destroyer isn't technically a villain; it's a suit of armor that allows its wearer to dish out and take extreme amounts of punishment. The weird thing is it always seems to be worn by villains and acts as one of Thor's biggest challenges. The Destroyer has proven to be just about indestructible and that's better than Thanos can boast.
The Destroyer is made of the same uru metal as Mjolnir and is thicker; it can easily shrug off blows from that mighty weapon. Thanos can take a lot of punishment but he's still flesh and blood; the Destroyer isn't and that makes all the difference.
6 It Took Every Hero On Earth To Defeat Onslaught

Onslaught was one of the most dangerous threats the heroes of the Earth ever faced. A combination of Xavier and Magneto, Onslaught's power only grew over time. While the Hulk was eventually able to break through its armor, using up all of his considerable power, that wasn't enough to end Onslaught, as he just became energy.
The punch that broke through Onslaught's armor would pulverize Thanos and yet all it did to Onslaught was take him to his next form. Onslaught is way tougher than Thanos could hope to be.
5 Dormammu Is The Most Powerful Being In His Dimension

Dormammu is unimaginably powerful. The ruler of the Dark Dimension, he controls legions of demons and soldiers and has proven to be one of the greatest threats that Doctor Strange ever faced. Dormammu is the type of being who can't be defeated by conventional means; he's basically a god and that means defeating him takes more than brute force.
Dormammu could take any attack that Thanos could on the chin and it would barely phase him. Attacks that would knock Thanos into next week would be taps to him. Thanos has been killed; Dormammu, so far, can't be killed. That says it all.
4 Korvac's Nigh Omnipotence Make Defeating Him Nearly Impossible

Korvac is one of the Avengers' most dangerous villains. He was able to gain nigh-omnipotent power and put it to work, killing the team in battle before resurrecting them. Defeating him took a lot of work - the power he wields makes him into the type of being that even Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet would have a hard time dealing with. His immeasurable power means that hurting him isn't really an option.
Korvac can be defeated but not through any type of physical means. There's no actual way to physically hurt if he doesn't want to be hurt. Thanos can take a lot of punishment but nothing compared to Korvac.
3 Celestials Are Among The Toughest Beings In The Universe

The Celestials are one of the oldest and most powerful races in the universe. They've had a hand in creating multiple species and their bodies are little more than just about impenetrable shells holding their essence. Their power is unreal- they can move planets with a gesture. The only time Celestial armor was penetrated was because of a spell made to do so; other than that, it's never been pierced.
Celestials pretty much can't be hurt. Even Thanos knows better than to mess with them. Their massive forms and amazing armor means that trying to damage them is usually a fool's errand - any force that could hurt a Celestial would be enough to completely destroy Thanos.
2 The Beyonder Is Pretty Much Unkillable

The Beyonder is one of the most powerful beings to ever exist in the Marvel Universe. Hailing from, in his own words, Beyond, the Beyonder is all-powerful and physical harm isn't something that phases him whatsoever. The few times he's taken physical form, the only thing to even rattle is power like the Molecule Man's - anything else is like water off a duck's back.
Beyonder can wade through a sea of attacks, surrounded on all sides by the most powerful beings in the universe going at him with full strength, and not even bat an eye. There's just about no way to defeat him in a fight.
1 Galactus Has Only Been Beaten By Physical Force Once

Galactus, when he's suitably fed, is one of the most powerful and dangerous beings in the cosmos. While he's been defeated through physical means once, this was only when he was more famished than he'd ever been. On average, Galactus is pretty much unable to be hurt in any meaningful way and the type of weapons that could damage Galactus can cause incomprehensible destruction.
At his regular levels, no attack has ever proved able to hurt Galactus. Thanos can take a lot of damage but Galactus is next level in that regard. Thanos worries about the Hulk in a fight; Galactus barely even knows he exists.