Introduced to the world of Pokémon in Generation II, the Dark type brought an interesting new dynamic to the franchise, as it joined Poison in being a type most commonly used by villains across both the games and the anime series.
Dark-type Pokémon are often appropriately dark in color, or if they aren't, then their personality or move-set will represent a certain level of evil. These personality traits are expressed and explored more in the anime, and some Dark types are given more room to impress than others.
10 Houndoom Is Literally Known As The Dark Pokémon

Known as the Dark Pokémon, Houndoom has devil-like horns and a generally angry demeanor, all obvious traits for a Dark-type. Ash faced one under the ownership of Harrison when they faced off at the Silver Conference.
Harrison's Houndoom was able to defeat Ash's Snorlax, which is no small feat in itself, before it bizarrely fell to Ash's Bayleef, despite the type advantage. It was then seen during Harrison's next-round bout, although it lost to a Rhyhorn. Rather surprisingly, Houndoom wasn't given any other particularly glowing performances in the anime.
9 Umbreon Was A Loyal Pokémon To Two Of Ash's Fiercest Rivals

Umbreon is widely regarded as one of the more popular Eeveelutions out of the whole group, as it's generally more interesting and likable than its other counterparts. In the anime, Umbreon is shown to be a loyal companion to its respective trainers, and two of Ash's biggest rivals, Gary and Gladion, battle with one.
Considering that Gary had taken his Eevee to Johto, it's somewhat surprising that he didn't use it as Umbreon when he faced and lost to Ash at the Silver Conference. Gladion also didn't use his Umbreon in his Manalo Conference loss to Ash. Both crucial battles could have been vastly different with Umbreon's involvement.
8 Zoroark's Signature Ability Of Illusion Adds To Its Mysterious Visage

Being a titular character of its own movie, Zoroark: Master Of Illusions, Zoroark is as powerful as it is mysterious. Its ability of Illusion adds another layer to this mysticism, as it can disguise itself as another Pokémon.
This ability is on full display during Ash's final bout with Gladion at the Manalo Conference in Sun & Moon. With Silvally and Melmetal both eliminated, the battle is tight when Pikachu is ready to face Gladion's Lycanroc. However, after unleashing a huge attack on Lycanroc, it's revealed to in fact be Zoroark that used Illusion, and the two end up fighting to an intense double-knockout.
7 Sneasel And Weavile Both Caused Ash Some Problems

Sneasel and its evolved form Weavile have knocked off a couple of Ash's Pokémon over the years. During the Silver Conference in Johto, Harrison's Sneasel defeated Ash's Pikachu before it eventually lost to his Totodile.
Ash's rival from his Sinnoh adventures, Paul, used a Weavile in their Lake Acuity bout, although it didn't defeat anyone before falling to Ash's Staraptor. However, during the Lumiose Conference final in Kalos between Ash and Alain, the latter's Weavile took out Ash's Noivern in an intense battle before falling to Hawlucha, who was fueled by the desire to avenge its friend.
6 The Intimidation Pokémon Krookodile Certainly Fits The Dark-Type Criteria

Ash's Krookodile started as a wild sunglasses-wearing Sandile that liked to follow Ash and friends around Unova, determined to defeat Pikachu in battle. After eventually joining Ash's team after evolving into a Krokorok, it was arguably Ash's strongest Unova Pokémon, especially after it evolved into a Krookodile, which made his decision to not use it in his 6-on-6 defeat to Cameron all the more confusing.
The Ground/Dark dulal-type is the perfect physically-offensive Pokémon with ruthless attacks, as shown by when Nanu's Krookodile defeated Ash's resilient Lycanroc on Ula'ula Island in Sun & Moon.
5 Alain's Bisharp Brutally Cut Through A Third Of Ash's Team

Bisharp is a Dark/Steel dual-type Pokémon, known for its combative prowess and frightening overall power. In the anime, Ash loses his Hawlucha and Goodra to Alain's Bisharp during their final battle in the Lumiose Conference.
Bisharp's brutal strikes put down the spirited Hawlucha and the valiant Goodra, and it took Ash's Kalos ace, Greninja, to defeat it. If not for Alain's prized Charizard and its Mega Evolution capabilities, Bisharp would be considered the MVP of this championship winning team.
4 Drapion Is The Perfect Villain's Pokémon

Drapion is the perfect Pokémon to be associated with villainous organizations according to what's considered as the norm in the Pokémon universe, with it being a Dark/Poison dual-type. Drapion's vicious look and general nature make it a formidable opponent for anyone to face.
A perfect example of this is how dominant Paul's Drapion was in his battle with Ash at the Lily of the Valley Conference in Sinnoh. Not only did it add an interesting handicap to Ash's team with the move Toxic Spikes, but it also defeated Ash's Torterra, Staraptor, and Buizel, half of Ash's entire team.
3 Incineroar's Dark Side Is On Full Display In Battle

As a Pokémon used to fighting in wrestling-style matches in the Sun & Moon anime, mainly in the form of the Battle Royal, Incineroar could easily be considered to be a dual Fire/Fighting type instead of being part Dark-type.
However, given the ferocity of its strikes, chops, and punches, there's a distinct sense of malice in there with every attack. Professor Kukui's Incineroar defeated Ash's Melmetal with overwhelming fiery power during their exhibition match before eventually falling to Ash's Torracat, which would subsequently evolve into an Incineroar itself.
2 Ash And Greninja Shared A Special Bond

In Pokémon X & Y, Ash won countless battles thanks to his Water-type starter line: Froakie, Frogadier, and finally Greninja. Greninja, the Water/Dark dual-type, was arguably the ace of Ash's formidable Kalos team. It had the ability of Battle Bond, which essentially allowed for it to become an entirely different version of itself, merging pain and emotions with Ash.
While this combination came in clutch several times during their Kalos adventures, it was ultimately still not enough to overcome Alain and his Mega Charizard at the Lumiose Conference.
1 Tobias And Darkrai Made For A Terrifying Combination

Darkrai, the pure Dark-type Mythical Pitch-Black Pokémon, is arguably one of the most formidable and intimidating Pokémon in the entire franchise. Darkrai are shown to be good and evil, so not all Darkrai necessarily represent their typing as maliciously as others. The Darkrai protagonist of The Rise of Darkrai is a perfect example of one such Pokémon with good intentions.
A Darkrai is even seen fighting in an official battle capacity under the ownership of the Tobias. Tobias faces Ash during the Lily of the Valley Conference tournament and sweeps him away using just two Pokémon, Darkrai and Latios, with Darkrai taking out half of Ash's team by itself.