10 Marvel Weapons More Powerful Than The Infinity Stones | CBR

Few items have altered the course of Marvel Comics the way the Infinity Stones have. More than one war has been fought over them throughout the years. Ultimately, these stones have been responsible for a lot of havoc since they made their debut in the comics. The same has been true of the MCU.

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But the MCU has depicted them as the most powerful objects around. And while that might be true in the MCU, there are more than a few contenders for that crown in Marvel Comics. In fact, some of them could be used to utterly annihilate the Infinity Stones.

10 Cosmic Cubes Have The Power And The Numbers

Long before Thanos started chasing the Infinity Stones, he was obsessed with the Cosmic Cube. This powerful object can seemingly accomplish anything, particularly when in the hands of someone who knows how to put it to good use.

What Magus and the Goddess eventually did was collect more of them from other realities and combine their power. In unison, the various Cosmic Cubes are more than a match for the Infinity Stones.

9 The Ultimate Nullifier Scares Galactus

Galactus is a fundamental universal constant. A survivor of the previous universe, he became a force of nature that feeds on the energies of planets to survive. He bestows the Power Cosmic on people to act as his heralds, in part to find him food and also to warn of his arrival.

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But even mighty Galactus is afraid. The Ultimate Nullifier in particular scares him as it has the power to wipe him from existence. And in the hands of a person with enough daring and the right timing, it could take out someone wielding the Infinity Gauntlet.

8 In The Negative Zone, The Cosmic Control Rod Cannot Be Beat

Annihilus is the insectoid leader of the armies of the Negative Zone. And he really doesn't like it when people wander into his kingdom unannounced. He's a persnickety fellow and tends to take those kinds of things personally even when they're not meant that way.

A big part of his dominance is owed to the Cosmic Control Rod, an item of almost unbelievable power. On its home turf in the Negative Zone, this object is almost unbeatable. It might even be able to beat the Infinity Stone. Well, as long as the fight is in the Negative Zone.

7 The Necrosword Can Seemingly Kill Anyone

It is known by many names. The Godslayer. All-Black. The Necrosword. No matter what name people are familiar with, that doesn't change the fact this weapon was essentially forged from the shadow of the God of the Symbiotes, Knull.

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Gorr the God-Butcher wielded the Necrosword incredibly effectively, using it to brutally slaughter gods and cosmic beings alike. Anyone holding this weapon has the potential to defeat any opponent, no matter what they're armed with.

6 The Wand Of Watoomb Could Overpower The Gauntlet

There is a seemingly endless array of mystical objects strewn about the Marvel Universe. While they all have their own unique powers and abilities, how effectively they're used quite honestly defines how devastating they can be. That's certainly true of the Wand of Watoomb.

When it comes to the Wand of Watoomb, it sometimes seems like this artifact is capable of anything. It can create portals, heal people, find anyone, and more. But most importantly, it can manipulate energy which gives it an edge against the Infinity Stones.

5 Norn Stones Have Mind Of Their Own

Some people write Loki off as the trickster of Marvel Comics. In reality, he is so much more malevolent than that. Even the "pranks" that seem the most innocuous often have a dark and sinister subtext that leads to something much, much worse.

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One of his favorite tools is the Norn Stones, mystical objects of Asgardian origins. What makes them dangerous is that these rocks are actually quite intelligent and change their abilities to fit the person using them. In the wrong hands, the Norn Stones have the potential to crush the Infinity Stones.

4 The Tactigon Is Incredibly Versatile

When in combat with an opponent, the best way to get an edge is to determine their weaknesses. But even with those weaknesses in mind, it can still be hard to take advantage of them in a meaningful way. The Tactigon can help with that.

Originally an alien weapon, the Tactigon can assess an enemy's weakness and then turn itself into the perfect weapon to exploit them. Even someone holding a weapon as powerful as the Infinity Gauntlet has a weakness. That makes them potentially vulnerable to the Tactigon.

3 The Darkhold Contains Incalculable Power

Few books chill the hearts of mystics in Marvel Comics the way the Darkhold does. Untold ages ago, the evil Elder God known as Chthon wrote down all of the dark magic he knew. Eventually, the spells were put on printed pages instead of flesh and bound into a book. This was the birth of the Darkhold.

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The power of the dark magic this book contains cannot be fully comprehended, even by the world's most powerful mystics. In the hands of a skilled mage, it's not hard to imagine that it could be used to defeat the Infinity Stones.

2 The Crimson Gem Of Cyttorak Power Heroes And Villains Alike

Sometimes he's known as a god. Sometimes he's known as a demon. The one constant when it comes to the being known as Cyttorak is that his power is overwhelming. And when he crossed the line eons ago, he was banished to the Crimson Cosmos inside his namesake gem.

The power of the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak has been used by Doctor Strange. But it also gave the Juggernaut his phenomenal powers. This artifact should never be overlooked as it has the potential to defeat anyone or anything.

1 The Heart Of The Universe Is Mysterious And Powerful

When it comes to the Heart of the Universe, the name of the game is mystery. No one knows who made it, where it came from, or why it exists, not even fundamental forces of the universe like the Living Tribunal or Galactus.

What is known is that its power levels are off the charts. It is considered to be omnipotent and omni-powerful. While it was believed to have been destroyed after Thanos used it, no one would be shocked to see it reappear. And the Infinity Stones wouldn't stand a chance.

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