15 Guardians Of The Galaxy Quotes That Will Stick With Us Forever

Before 2014, the Guardians of the Galaxy were the least known property to get confirmation as being part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. However, with James Gunn's incredible introduction, the group burst on the scene and surprised fans, which propelled the team and stars to the forefront of the MCU.

The first movie will long be remembered as one of the greatest of the MCU, and one reason for that is how quotable it is. These unforgettable quotes will continue to stick with fans of the MCU team for years to come.

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Updated on September 8th, 2021 by Scoot Allan: Marvel's cosmic heroes found a new audience in the MCU after the release of Guardians of the Galaxy in 2014, which catapulted the team to stardom alongside the Avengers. They returned in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and other MCU movies like Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame to help close out the "Infinity Saga." Along the way the team dropped quite a few more unforgettable quotes. 

15 "I Am Groot."

There are few MCU quotes as used and as brilliant yet straightforward as "I am Groot," originating in the cinematic universe from Guardians Of The Galaxy.

It is three words that carry a lot of weight both in terms of the humor of the movie and in terms of the emotion, particularly in the ending and with Groot's relationship with Rocket.

14 "Dance Off, Bro."

The most obvious criticism of the movie is the one-dimensional villain who is instantly forgettable. However, Star-Lord's final face-off with Ronan the Accuser will get long remembered.

The jumping point of "Dance off, bro" is legendary, and encapsulates pretty much what the group is all about in the MCU. It is a brilliant scene.

13 "The Crabby Puppy Is So Cute He Makes Me Wanna Die!"

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 introduced a new member to the team named Mantis, played by Pom Klementieff. Mantis was an alien empath with a joyful personality who quickly bonded with Drax when they arrived on Ego's planet.

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Mantis said what almost everybody in the audience was thinking with a perfect description of Rocket as she watched the Guardian's resident engineering genius in action. He was as cute as a puppy but with the attitude of a crotchety old man, yet Mantis and the audience still loved him for it.

12 "I Know Who You Are Peter Quill, And I Am Not Some Starry-Eyed Waif Here To Succumb To Your... Your Pelvic Sorcery!"

There are few Marvel movie romances as good as Gamora and Star-Lord. The two are hilarious and excellent together and, like everyone else in this film, have electric chemistry to go alongside the great performances.

This quote is made by Zoe Saldana's delivery and the hilarity of "pelvic sorcery." Gamora and the other Guardians' lack of understanding of Earth culture is a frequent point of humor throughout, and this is no different.

11 “There Are Two Types Of Beings In The Universe: Those Who Dance, And Those Who Do Not.”

Drax quickly became known in the MCU for his unique observations and frequent attempts at giving advice. While he didn't always manage to get his point across, there are a few nuggets of wisdom spread across his various attempts.

He tried to help Star-Lord deal with his unrequited feelings for Gamora by calling out their differences using Quill's own love of dancing. While he thought he was helping by pointing out their differences, he clearly isn't aware of the old adage that opposites attract.

10 "You're. Making. Me. Beat. Up. Grass!"

Bradley Cooper is perhaps the MCU actor who gets nowhere near the amount of credit he deserves, probably because not many people know he is in it due to him being the voice actor for Rocket Raccoon.

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Cooper's delivery is pitch-perfect throughout, helping make Rocket the layered and humorous character that he is. That is why when he gets outraged and starts kicking at grass, this line becomes so well remembered.

9 "What If Someone Does Something Irksome, And I Decide To Remove His Spine?"

Another fantastic performer of the MCU and in Guardians Of The Galaxy is Dave Bautista, with his insanely funny portrayal of Drax the Destroyer.

He is the source of so many phenomenal one-liners and hilarious quotes to do with violence, misunderstanding of sarcasm, and taking things far too literally. This is one of the best examples.

8 "Nothing Goes Over My Head! My Reflexes Are Too Fast, I Would Catch It!"

Just better than that, though, is another phenomenally delivered line that is very difficult to imagine anybody not laughing at when watching it for the first time.

It terrifically highlights Drax's taking of things too literally, with Dave Bautista's offended delivery when Rocket says metaphors will just go over his head. It's explained as an inability to understand higher language by his species, though it resonated with a number of viewers on the spectrum who felt the same way sometimes.

7 "It's An Unspoken Thing."

While Star-Lord was eventually able to win Gamora over, she wasn't able to return his feelings or even comment on them. This led to the team's understanding that there was an "unspoken thing" between them which Star-Lord had to further explain.

RELATED: Guardians Of The Galaxy: 5 Reasons Star-Lord Will Win Gamora Back Over (& 5 He Might Fail)

After the events of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Gamora had a new understanding of her feelings for Star-Lord, though she chose to reference them slyly using their earlier conversation about their "unspoken thing" that was becoming spoken.

6 "Well, Now I'm Standing. Happy? We're All Standing Now. Bunch Of Jackasses Standing In A Circle."

Guardians Of The Galaxy is far from a typical, cut and dry superhero movie, and, in fact, denies a few of the tropes often used within said movies—that including the triumphant circle of heroes. The Guardians gathered before thier final battle to discuss the plan, though they only had about 12% of a plan.

Going back to the phenomenal cast once again, Cooper's line here is both written perfectly and delivered equally as such, and now whenever heroes stand in a circle, one cannot help but think about Rocket and this line.

5 "I Have Lived Most Of My Life Surrounded By Enemies. I Will Be Grateful To Die Among My Friends."

Each of the Guardians of the Galaxy has led a tragic life in one aspect or another, and right at the top of the list in that respect is Gamora, who has been a fighter with an edge and a good heart all her life even with Thanos as her father.

That helps add considerable weight to her character, making this quote truly tear-jerking to hear. It plays brilliantly on the idea of the found family presented in Guardians making it incredibly memorable even if they did not die.

4 "He May Have Been Your Father, Boy, But He Wasn't Your Daddy."

Most fans' favorite quote from Michael Rooker's Yondu might be his hilarious entrance in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 when he shouted out "I'm Marry Poppins, y'all!" as he drifted down thank to his powerful Yaka Arrow.

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However, it was really his heartfelt revelation to Star-Lord as he rocketed off Ego's dying planet that hit harder. With only one space suit between the two of them, Yondo gave it to Quill. When Quill questioned his actions, Yondu made his motives clear by revealing he had always considered Quill his son.

3 “Sometimes, The Thing You've Been Looking For Your Whole Life Is Right There By Your Side All Along.”

Star-Lord had his own moment of realization in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, following his meeting and eventual battle with his father Ego. He had been curious about his origins and decided to look for his father after learning that his genetic parentage was unknown in the first movie.

Unfortunately, Star-Lord realized that the father he had been searching for his entire life was really Yondu, though it was tragically too late as Yondu had already sacrificed himself for Quill in the final battle against Ego.

2 "You Said It Yourself, B****. We're The Guardians Of The Galaxy."

Going back to Peter Quill and, despite his slew of fantastic quotes, going back again to the final scene, the moment when the Guardians come together and feel the brunt of the power stone's impact is incredible.

When Ronan the Accuser looks on bewildered only for Peter to hit out with this quote, it is a truly fist pump moment, helping the movie stick the landing, something so many others - especially with flat villains - fail to do.

1 "We Are Groot."

Of course, there is no quote in this film that will ever be as touching and as memorable as the only other two words spoken by Vin Diesel and Groot in the movie, "we are."

Groot sacrificing himself - albeit temporarily - to save his friends is enough to make anybody cry, even with the knowledge that he comes back as the adorable Baby Groot soon after.

NEXT: Guardians Of The Galaxy Vs. Avengers: Who Would Win?

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