Lost Judgment Chapter 5 Walkthrough, Tips & Tricks | CBR

Warning! The following contains spoilers for Lost Judgment, available now. 

After the shocking ending to Lost Judgment Chapter 4 in which footage of Akihiro Ehara murdering Hiro Mikoshiba surfaced despite the former's airtight alibi, Chapter 5, "Double Jeopardy," sees protagonist Takayuki Yagami further investigating just what's going on. In the process, he finds himself in a showdown with RK and figuring out the connection between a number of key players.

Here's a guide to getting through Lost Judgment Chapter 5, "Double Jeopardy."

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After the conversation with Masaharu Kaito and Makoto Tsukumo ends, head to the Genda Law Office to talk to Saori Shirosaki. Outside, Yagami and Kaito meet up with Mafuyu Fuji, the former's ex and a prosecutor for Tokyo. Inside, everyone goes over the details of the case. Afterward, head over to Saori's desk and talk to her again. When presented with an option, choose "The groping incident was a setup."

Yagami then goes over the various pieces of evidence with the rest of the group. As compared to the original Judgment, there's really no right answer here. Just keep going through pieces of evidence to get more information on Ehara's case. The most important piece of evidence, though, that moves the scene along is the "Overhead View of Station Platform." This yields the revelation someone must have been impersonating Ehara.

After the conversation, Yagami and Kaito realize members of RK are following them. Follow the streets the only direction Yagami can go and eventually a fight ensues. As usual, disarm any enemies with weapons and then use Crane or Snake to thin out the weaker fighters before changing to Tiger. Yagami and Kaito then decide to deal with RK directly.

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Head to the RK base at Theater Square. Once inside, the doorman rejects Yagami and doesn't allow him to enter, so he knocks him out. This starts a stealth segment. Go through the door and then enter the door on Yagami's right. There's a safe inside this room, and the code is 1811, which as a conversation elsewhere reveals, are the letters R and K changed into numbers. Opening the safe, which Yagami can do after leaving search mode, nets him the Guard Pants SS equipment. It's a good idea to get these, as they give Yagami a pretty significant defense bonus.

In search mode, look at the vent near the wall by the door. Then, move over and examine the plastic crates near the safe. Walk towards the crates and climb into the vent. After overhearing a conversation between two RK members, continue along the path and ambush the bartender in the bathroom. Yagami puts on his clothes automatically.

Exit the bathroom and head to the left. The two men sitting at the booth give the hint to figure out the code to the RK safe mentioned earlier. There are also a few items to pick up, so grab those if possible. Otherwise, continue on down the hallway and descend the stairs.

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An RK goon confronts Yagami while he's trying to eavesdrop on the conversation between Kaito and Daimu Akutsu, forcing him to mix a drink. Head to the bar and talk to the man, who goes down from whatever Yagami gives him. This starts another stealth segment.

Head to the first cover point and throw a coin or smoke bomb. Sneak behind the guard and use takedown. Continue on to the second cover point and repeat with the next guard. This leaves the man on the stairs. Don't immediately head for the cover point. Instead, wait for the guard to look up the stairs. Then, throw a coin or smoke bomb and take him down from behind. This launches a cutscene with Akutsu, Kaito and Yagami in which Kaito rejects an offer to join RK.

Once the cutscene ends, Yagami and Kaito have to fight the RK goons. There are three waves of combat, but the strategy is the same for pretty much all of them. Use Snake to disarm anyone with a weapon and focus on the weaker guys first. Yagami can also use a wall strike to do some damage or grab one of the seats and wreak havoc. For Kaneda and the tougher members, switch to Tiger and unleash some charged attacks. Don't be shy about using healing items here, as the RK members can do some serious damage to Yagami. After defeating three waves of RK members, Kazuki Soma appears and makes clear his gang will leave the two alone. He'll also reveal the man RK was looking for in an earlier chapter died.

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After leaving, Yagami gets a call from Saori, saying they can now go and interrogate Yui Mamiya, the supposed victim of Ehara's groping. Head to the Genda Law Office. Talk to Shirosaki and then take a taxi to "Mamiya's Apartment."

Saori and Yagami ring Mamiya's doorbell, but she tries to rebuff them. Choose "Empathize With Her" when prompted to get inside. Inside the apartment, enter search mode and look at the child's drawing, family photo and bike in the main area. Head into the living room and look at the laptop, the child's drawing by the door, the pans in the kitchen, the cutting board, the playset, the TV, Mamiya's son in the doorway and Mamiya herself.

Talking with Saori and Yagami, Mamiya goes over her case again. When prompted to give Mamiya a piece of evidence, show her the "Hiro Mikoshiba's Murder Footage" piece of evidence. Yagami explains just why this piece of evidence is so confusing and then he and Saori leave. He then ends up outside the Genda Law Office.

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Enter the Genda Law Office and talk to Saori. Choose "Yeah, let's start there." Yagami then goes over the evidence with the Genda Law Office staff. When prompted, choose "Ehara's accomplices posted it." In response to Issei Hoshino's assertion there was no opportunity for Ehara to swap with a double, choose the "Overhead View of Station Platform" piece of evidence. Then, select the dotted line indicating the blind spot of the cameras.

Next, choose "Yui Mamiya was colluding with Ehara" when prompted to explain what can be deduced from Mikoshiba's murder being a set up. Finally, when Hoshino brings up Kurokawa Academy, select "Someone spying on me went there." Yagami then recalls catching Akaike spying on him earlier and that Sawa-sensei also went to Kurokawa Academy. And with the revelation three seemingly random people are actually related, Chapter 5 ends.

In early access now, Lost Judgment releases Sept. 24 for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S.

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