Mass Effect: 15 Best Romances In The Original Trilogy, Ranked

When Mass Effect was first released in 2007, one of the game's defining aspects was the ability to kindle a romantic relationship with certain squadmates. As the other two entries in the trilogy were released, players were able to continue their relationships from the first game, spark new romances, cheat on their lovers, dump them, or choose not to engage in any romantic entanglement whatsoever.

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Nearly every romance option offered something different to Shepard. Some romances were awkward but charming, others were deep with passion, and some were more casual yet ended with the sting of betrayal. Regardless of which character Shepard chose to romance, doing so gave insight into the character's personality and, if the player romanced an alien, provided a fascinating insight into foreign cultures.

Updated September 8th, 2021 by Louis Kemner: The remastered edition of the original Mass Effect trilogy helped put this groundbreaking sci-fi game series back in the spotlight, with new and veteran players alike once again creating their own unique Commander Shepard and blasting off into the stars. Many romance options abound in this trilogy, and while most of them are mainstream and highly appealing, a few quirky or niche romances are worth exploring once or twice.

15 Shepard Can Romance Morinth Out Of Morbid Curiosity

Samara's Ardat-Yakshi daughter Morinth is a true monster, and while some aspects of her character are tragic, there is no forgiving her for what she has done. Despite that, renegade Commander Shepard can betray Samara for Morinth's sake, and welcome her aboard the Normandy SR-2.

Morinth will take Samara's place and continue her budding friendship with Shepard, and her pseudo-romance option involves mating, the ultimate hookup where the price for pleasure is death. The Illusive Man must have been furious when he got the news.

14 Diana Allers Will Follow Shepard Home

In Mass Effect 3, Commander Shepard will gather many war assets, ranging from battlefleets to ration stockpiles to the media itself— including the reporter Diana Allers. Diana is eager to report on Earth and Shepard, and she can be welcomed aboard the Normandy as an integrated reporter.

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Diana is personally fond of Shepard, and she will offer a one-night stand with the Commander and ask to keep it a secret. If the player so chooses, they can give Diana what she wants, but notably, it won't unlock the Paramour achievement.

13 Samara Almost Falls In Love With Shepard

The "romance" option with Samara the Justicar is an incomplete, but intriguing, one. Samara once had a partner, with whom she had three daughters, but Samara was single as of 2185 and she was comfortable with that fact. But then Commander Shepard came along.

Shepard may show a romantic interest in Samara, and at the very least, Samara is flattered. If Shepard keeps it up, Samara will take time alone to think this over, but not much comes of it. The age gap between her and Shepard is much larger than that of Shepard and Liara, after all.

12 Kelly Chambers' Romance Is Modest But Sweet

Kelly Chambers worked aboard the Normandy as Shepard's yeoman and psychiatric expert, and this charming, friendly lady quickly befriended the Commander. Her character doesn't have much depth, but what players see is easy to like, and they can take things a step further with yeoman Chambers.

Kelly may be invited up to the Commander's cabin for a private dinner, and in Mass Effect 3, she will meet the Commander at the Citadel dock for another friendly exchange. She wishes that the war were gone, so she and Shepard could spend a little more quality time together.

11 Jacob Taylor Is Only Temporarily Committed To FemShep

Jacob Taylor is an ex-Alliance soldier, just like Shepard, and he joined Cerberus when Miranda talked him into it. In Mass Effect 2, he is a romance option for FemShep, even though Jacob showed no interest at first. FemShep does the talking, and Jacob will soon take a keen interest in her. He feels brave enough to make a move.

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This romance starts off well, but it is soured in Mass Effect 3 when Jacob becomes involved with a certain Dr. Brynn Cole, and they are expecting a child as of 2186. Jacob has clearly moved on, and FemShep can't talk him out of it. Their romance is dead and buried.

10 It Takes Work To Like Ashley Williams

When speaking to Ashley Williams in the first Mass Effect game, what is most noticeable is that she is blatantly racist towards aliens. This aspect of her character is quite difficult to ignore when romancing her and some players feel a bit dirty having chosen to form a relationship with a xenophobe over Liara.

In the brief encounter with Ashley in Mass Effect 2, it is hard to not hate her even more after she refuses to join Shepard and goes into a full rant after refusing to acknowledge the obvious truth. Luckily, by Mass Effect 3, Ashley has cast off her bigoted ways and is a rather sweet (if a little boring) romance option.

9 Samantha Traynor Comes With Casual Passion

Samantha Traynor is the Normandy's Comm Specialist in Mass Effect 3 and a romance option for female Shepard only. Things can move pretty quickly if players choose to romance Traynor. What begins as some exciting flirting can swiftly culminate in a steamy shower scene. Traynor's romance is more on the causal side but is expanded on in Mass Effect 3: Citadel DLC.

Shepard gets to spend a bit more time with her lover by cheering her on during a match of an Kepesh-Yakshi, an Asari strategy game similar to chess. and enjoying some quality time together in Shepard's hot tub.

8 Kaidan Alenko Gets Better With Time

While Kaidan Alenko's character suffers from some of the same boring and generic aspects as Ashley does in the first Mass Effect game, he is not nearly as infuriating to speak with. Initially, Kaidan has an endearing personality but is a little too serious and needs to lighten up a bit.

By the time Mass Effect 3 comes around, the second human Spectre has indeed become more personable and is also available as a romance option for both male and female Shepard. Many fans like to attribute this addition to Kaidan and male Shepard becoming confident with their sexuality by Mass Effect 3, and at last feeling comfortable expressing their affection for one another.

7 Miranda Lawson Grows From Shepard's Love

Miranda Lawson certainly does not lack confidence. Shepard can even call her out on it and Miranda justifies her confidence by arguing that she was designed to be perfect by her father. While her genetic engineering does provide Miranda with many positive attributes, deep down she feels inadequate because she has never had to really work for her accomplishments.

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One of the best parts of romancing Miranda is bringing her to the realization that she is worthy of being loved not for what her father wanted her to be, but simply for who she is. Making Miranda realize she is special despite her father's designs feels good, but if players choose to break up with Miranda in Mass Effect 3, then it feels terrible as she accepts the Commander's decision while fighting back tears.

6 Jack Is A Challenge, But Is Worth It

Jack's traumatic past causes her to push away anyone who tries to get close. An understandable defense mechanism that she puts in place to protect herself from getting screwed over yet again. If Shepard talks with Jack, he will hear her recount some of the times people took advantage of her. Therefore, when romancing Jack, one must approach her with cautious sympathy.

By refusing Jack's initial hookup offers, Shepard can really get to know the biotic and the two will form a strong bond. Since Shepard is the first person to really try and get to know Jack without taking advantage of her, Jack's loyalty to Shepard becomes unbreakable.

5 Thane Krios Is A Green Hunk

Thane Krios is a bit of a heartthrob. The mysterious Drell assassin is a sensitive romantic who has lived a life of danger, clearly possessing qualities many people would find attractive in a partner. Thane is a deeply spiritual man who is the only romanceable character that has a child and lost their wife.

If Shepard romances Thane, then she will do so knowing it is a doomed love. Kerpral's Syndrome will ensure Thane does not live long. Perhaps it is Thane's illness and Shepard's love for him despite the brevity of their time together that makes this relationship one of the most beautiful in the entire franchise.

4 Liara T'Soni's Romance Is A Journey

Either male or female Shepard has the unique opportunity to romance Liara T'Soni in all three Mass Effect trilogy games. Such a long relationship means Liara and Shepard can form a strong and complex bond with one another throughout the epic space opera. Seeing Liara and Shepard share one final moment together near the end of Mass Effect 3 is arguably the most bitter-sweet moment of the franchise.

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Similar to Thane's romance, it is known from the start that one of the two will significantly outlive the other. Even if Shepard survived the war with the Reapers and lived happily ever after with Liara, due to the long lifespan of the Asari, Liara would have to spend the vast majority of her life seeing the Commander only in memories.

3 Steve Cortez Is Healing From Loss

Romancing Steve Cortez (the Normandy's shuttle pilot in Mass Effect 3) is just so satisfying. When Shepard first meets Cortez, the poor man is still clinging to the loss of his husband, who was killed by the Collectors. By befriending Cortez and eventually romancing him, Shepard helps Steve overcome the loss of his husband and the two become close, passionate lovers.

Seeing Cortez go through his healing journey is highly rewarding, and in fact, will prevent the character from being killed in Mass Effect 3's final mission on Earth.

2 Garrus Vakarian Is What We Wish Real Life Was

If someone is going to talk about the best romances in Mass Effect then they have to discuss Garrus Vakarian. The former C-Sec officer was a fan favorite in the first game, and so BioWare kindly made everyone's favorite Turian a romance option for female Shepard in the next two games. Garrus's awkwardness comes off as flattering and sweet.

When Shepard and Vakarian finally embrace, it feels like the beginning of something beautiful because players know Garrus will be her rock in addition to her best friend. Watching the first human Spectre tango with Archangel in the Citadel DLC helps add some spice to their already perfect relationship.

1 Tali'zorah Feels Like Young Love

Romancing Tali feels like a first love. The Quarian is comically awkward and she clearly cares deeply for Shepard. This sentiment is obviously true because Tali reveals to Shepard at one point that she has never shown her face to anyone but wants to reveal it to Shepard. For a Quarian to be in a romantic relationship with anyone is risky. Even when two Quarians are together they get sick due to their weak immune systems, and so Tali actually risks death by being with Shepard. Thanks to some suit upgrades and medicine though, Tali comes away with only mild sickness.

One of the best parts of romancing this cute Quarian comes in the Citadel DLC, where Tali will hilariously burst out in song while she and Shepard watch a vid together. One can easily imagine Shepard and Tali growing old together while exploring the galaxy.

NEXT: Mass Effect: 5 Reasons To Play Legendary Edition (& 5 To Stick With The Originals)

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