Mr. Corman's Most Toxic Problem Child Isn't Josh | CBR

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for the first four episodes of Mr. Corman, now available on Apple TV+.

In Mr. Corman, it feels like the show's most toxic problem child is the star, Josh (Joseph Gordon-Levitt). Despite his job as a teacher, Josh acts as anything but a grown-up, especially as his anger over the fact that his ex, Megan, dumped him, has turned him disillusioned, spoiled and entitled. He's continuously lashing out at friends and family, manipulating them selfishly to get his way. However, in "Mr. Morales," we discover he's not the whiniest brat around, not by a long shot.

This title goes to Victor's daughter, Gabby, who visits them for a weekend. The show's hinted Victor's been through hell, but we discover it has nothing to do with Vanessa -- it's Gabby who tortures him. It's first seen when he picks her up and she's rude to both him and Vanessa, seemingly angry she got left out of a sleepover.

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Victor tries to curry favor, offering to do some of the things they used to do together, but whether it be lunch or a walk in the park, Gabby's disrespectful. She's mad at Victor for wanting to spend quality time with her, when she only wants to be on social media. Victor is, of course, worried that his daughter is obsessed with cosmetic channels, which explains her superficial attitude and her desire for frivolous things he can barely afford. She won't surrender her phone, much less go to bed early, which is why he literally has to wrestle it out her hand.

A part of Victor is stunned, as he didn't think she could be this bad. He actually asked Josh to be around less for the weekend, thinking the combo of two of them would raise his anxiety levels, but Gabby alone is a handful. And Victor can tell it's all on her, as she's cognizant at the tyrant she's becoming, proud even. It gets worse when she insults him for being a UPS driver. This absolutely breaks Victor, as his job and rooming with Josh are both things he does to have money for what she needs.

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It all comes to a head when he finds her with a stolen pair of Air Jordans, which truly makes him wonder where their trust went. This is the reason girls have cut her off in school, with Gabby admitting she took it from a previous sleepover so she can post cool Instagram pics and get her crush to like her.

At one point, Victor thinks the reason Gabby is acting the way she is can be traced back to getting her period, with one of Josh's flings helping her out. However, when Victor drops her home, Gabby once more lashes out, as she gets grounded for the theft. She has to work it off and repay her friend, plus she won't have TV or phone access for the week. This only incenses her more.

It all culminates with a profanity-laced rant about how her parents were incompetent and shouldn't have had kids, which leaves them worried about what her future holds. Ultimately, Victor seems relieved he doesn't have to live with Gabby, which explains why he still clings to Josh. Gabby was always a problem, so Josh was an outlet from all this stress. Little did Victor know that when his buddy got bad, his daughter would get much worse.

New episodes of Mr. Corman are available each Friday on Apple TV+.

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