One Piece: 5 Naruto Characters Who Could Escape Impel Down (& 5 Who Couldn't)

Impel Down was a prison used to hold some of the worst criminals in the One Piece universe. With several layers depending on the severity of the crime and potential of the pirate, it is a prison almost impossible to escape from.

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However, Luffy, Ivankov, and their unlikely coalition proved that it was indeed feasible to escape Impel Down with the right conditions. By identifying the Naruto characters who could make it out, we can better appreciate how impregnable the prison really is. Each character will start at the bottom floor of the dungeon and outside of their cells.

10 DIE: Zabuza's Terrain Would Limit Him Significantly

Zabuza's ability to manipulate the water was formidable, as demonstrated in the battle against Team Seven. However, it's virtually worthless on the lowest floor of Impel Down, and the subsequent levels are hardly more favorable to him.

Even if Zabuza could make it past the prison wardens without any of his iconic jutsu or Executioner Blade, he'd still have to sift through magma and sweltering heat before even having a possibility of finding water he could use. By that time, he would be too exhausted to fight Magellan or any of Sadi's monsters.

9 ESCAPE: Kisame Could Turn Impel Down Into His Own Personal Pool

Although Kisame works well in aquatic environments, he can also create his own pool when necessary. His water dome technique was sufficient for draining Killer Bee's chakra, and he was especially deadly in his shark form.

Considering that Kisame could flood an entire forest with his ability, drowning every last person in Impel Down would be a trifle for him to pull off. This would also take care of Magellan, given that Devil Fruit users can't swim.

8 DIE: Gaara Is Ill-Equipped To Survive An Encounter With Magellan

Much of Gaara's skills would be limited in Impel Down. A low ceiling means he wouldn't be able to fly as safely, and he'd have to create his own sand since his gourd would be confiscated.

If Gaara reached level three, he'd have a reasonable chance of escape due to the vast quantity of sand he could manipulate. However, Magellan would likely have intercepted him by that point and used his venom to dampen the Jinchuriki's shields. Considering that the Warden's fluid could eat through solid metal, it would have no problem disintegrating a weakened sand barrier.

7 ESCAPE: Orochimaru's Versatile Jutsu Would Guarantee His Safety

Orochimaru's versatile arsenal of jutsu would be a massive advantage when escaping Impel Down. For example, he could fool adversaries with a substitution of himself or even assume a false identity, like what he used to infiltrate the Chunin Exam.

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Additionally, Orochimaru could summon the Manda in order to raise havoc in the dungeon and create a diversion for his escape. He'd also be likely to recruit prisoners for his cause and use them as expendable pawns, similarly to Buggy's strategy.

6 DIE: Ibiki's Genjutsu Is Too Specific To Be Effective

Ibiki's "torture chamber" genjutsu proved effective for individual combat, as seen through his fight against Pain. However, it can only subdue one target at a time, meaning that he would struggle against a large number of guards.

Even if Ibiki manages to subdue Magellan using his trump card, he has still never demonstrated a mastery of taijutsu. As a result, he would be swarmed and overwhelmed by the many lesser wardens and beasts devoted to keeping Impel Down's prisoners where they are supposed to belong.

5 ESCAPE: Might Guy Wouldn't Need Weapons To Break His Way Out Of Prison

Might Guy's reliance on taijutsu would be a superb asset when escaping Impel Down. Capable of fighting without looking at his opponents and able to create huge shockwaves with a single punch, he'd scatter Magellan's venomous body and drench his many cohorts in the process.

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Might Guy's "Daytime Tiger" technique would be useful for scattering the naval armadas assembled around the prison, and he'd scale the final gates easily by running directly up them, just as he did in the mountains of Konoha. The taijutsu master depends so little on his weapons that he might even forget to collect them on his way out.

4 DIE: Zaku's Sound Pipes Will Only Take Him So Far

Zaku's sound tubes were powerful enough to deter all members of the Konoha 11 simultaneously during his attack in the Forest of Death. Despite this, they are extremely straightforward and cannot strike in multiple directions at once, a factor that Shino exploits later in the exam.

While Zaku would be able to defeat the first few waves of wardens, he would soon be surrounded, dogpiled, and wrestled back to his cell.

3 ESCAPE: Itachi's Genjutsu Would Make Him Almost Impossible To Contain

As a master of genjutsu, Itachi is one of the best-equipped characters to go against Magellan without armament haki. He could make the man believe he was being tortured for an eternity, driving him to the brink of insanity.

Although using this skill against Kakashi moderately drained him, Itachi still had the strength to escape from Konoha's finest warriors afterward. If he uses the Susanoo to its fullest potential, not even Sadi's strongest beasts could come close to scratching him while he calmly makes his escape from the prison.

2 DIE: Kiba's Options Are Limited Without Akamaru

With Akamaru at his side, Kiba was strong enough to drill through the Gedo Statue's creations and even crushed Sakon's gate. This suggests that he could plow through the wardens with similar ease and might even burrow upward through the bedrock of the dungeon's floors.

However, it's clear that the World Government would never let Kiba and his faithful hound share a cell if they were ever imprisoned. Given that the shinobi has almost never displayed a profound amount of talent without Akamaru to back him up, he would be detained shortly after his initial escape from level five.

1 ESCAPE: Onoki Could Use His Particle Style To Create A New Exit

Onoki's particle style was renowned for disintegrating everything in his path. As a result, he would only need to fire upward in order to create a clear route out of Impel Down. His flight would do the rest.

Even if the armada surrounding the prison becomes problematic, Onoki would only need to touch one ship in order to lighten it. By throwing one vessel at another, he could cause significant enough chaos to make his escape back to the Stone Village.

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