What If? 10 Ways Killmonger Changed The Course Of Marvel History

Erik Killmonger has been recognized as one of the best villains in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Motivated by his desire to avenge his father's death but also the need to free his oppressed people, Erik makes some fair points, his struggle echoing issues of racism that are prevalent in today's society.

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Nonetheless, Killmonger's drastic approach does quite a lot of damage in Black Panther, and under different circumstances, he could have done worse. One such scenario is presented in Marvel's animated show, What if...?. The premise of episode six starts from the idea of Erik Killmonger saving Tony Stark in Afghanistan, and countless changes spiral from that point of divergence.

10 Erik's Intervention Means Tony Stark Never Becomes Iron Man

Tony is never injured by his own missile, nor does he get captured by the Ten Rings in Episode 6 of What If...? As the Watcher points out, this completely changes the course of history since Tony no longer creates Iron Man. Without Iron Man, countless other things go differently. Obadiah Stane's involvement with the kidnapping is immediately revealed, as Erik learned the truth while undercover with the Ten Rings. Obadiah is arrested but his absence paves the way for a far more dangerous villain.

9 Tony Discards The Idea Of Creating The Arc Reactor

After Erik saves Tony, he begins to befriend him and earn his trust. As per his usual habit, Tony wishes to share his inventions and considerable resources with his friend. Erik mentions having designed a project for unmanned drones – with a design similar to Gundams – and Tony jumps at the chance to help. No longer being pushed into a corner by his captivity, Tony decides the idea of a miniaturized arc reactor isn't feasible and they settle to use vibranium instead.

The absence of the arc reactor could have unexpected side effects on MCU history. Assuming the events of Thor remain identical – and they should – Loki would likely still launch an invasion. This time, there would be no arc reactor for him to use as an additional power source for the portal. This may mean that he would set his gaze on Wakanda instead. It seems unlikely that the World Security Council would launch a nuclear missile there, but simply the change in locations could, once again, lead to a hundred things going differently.

8 The Avengers May Not Assemble Against Loki Or Hydra

Without Iron Man in the picture and with the invasion happening elsewhere, it seems very likely that the Avengers wouldn't assemble against Loki. The Wakandans have a fair shot at defeating the Chitauri on their own, but without the Hulk around, there would be no one present to smash Loki. Even if he did lose in Wakanda, Loki would probably escape.

The fight against Hydra wouldn't go any better. Captain America would likely still be around, but he wouldn't have his team to back him up. The increasing worldwide tensions would make it easier and easier for Hydra to take over, and they wouldn't have a lot of opposition.

7 Erik Kills His Cousin T'Challa

Wakanda doesn't have to wait for Loki to find its first war and misfortune. As Tony and Erik settle on procuring vibranium through Ulysses Klaue, T'Challa interferes, wishing to reclaim the stolen metal. Erik appears, using the same sonic weapon Stane used against Tony in Iron Man.

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The incapacitated T'Challa is helpless against Erik and dies at his cousin's hands. This leaves Wakanda vulnerable, as the only remaining heir to the throne – Shuri – is very young.

6 James Rhodes' Death Triggers An Even More Unfortunate Course Of Events

In an effort to keep his dealings with Klaue above-board, Tony Stark involves his friend James Rhodes in the mission to procure the vibranium. While there, Rhodey witnesses Erik's actions and questions him. Erik retaliates by asking Rhodey how he can work for a system that has oppressed him for so long, to which Rhodey answers that this is the way he will make a change. Erik isn't happy with the idea and kills Rhodey. This triggers an even more unfortunate course of events, as Tony's AI, JARVIS, alerts him to the incident.

5 Tony Stark Is Killed Which Leaves Humanity Out Of Luck Against Thanos

Once Erik returns, Tony confronts him about Rhodey's death, using his own drone against him. For a few minutes, fans get a glimpse of the potential of a darker Iron Man, as this Tony has nothing but vengeance in mind. Unfortunately, he isn't as prepared for Erik as he thinks. Erik incapacitates the drone and kills Tony.

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This has devastating effects on the timeline, some more immediate, others more distant. Even without Iron Man in the picture, Tony has always been instrumental to the safety of the world. If Doctor Strange is to be believed, the only way for humanity to achieve victory against Thanos would be through the time travel Tony invents. Tony is so important that Doctor Strange breaks his vow and gives the Titan the Time Stone. Without Tony, humanity is out of luck.

4 With The Government Using Stark Industries, Things Worsen For Sokovia

The government uses Rhodey and Tony's deaths as a rallying point for a war against Wakanda. To make matters worse, Tony's assets are seized. This can't possibly end well for anyone. In the MCU, Sokovia is bombed using Stark missiles. This is something that forever haunts Wanda Maximoff. Tony stops making weapons, but without Iron Man there, the conflict in Wakanda increasing, and Hydra fanning the flames, Sokovia could be in even more trouble than they were before.

Without the Avengers to direct their anger at, Wanda and Pietro would focus on the U.S. government. Assuming Hydra's experiments continue as before – that Loki loses the scepter in the invasion – they would probably cause a lot of damage, as few enhanced are capable of handling them. There would be no Ultron, but their country would still be torn apart.

3 Erik Manipulates The Wakandan Royals And Becomes The Next Black Panther

Like in MCU canon, Erik kills Klaue and takes his body to Wakanda to prove his loyalty to his country. With T'challa dead and war on Wakanda's doorstep, he manages to manipulate the royal family. He convinces King T'chaka to allow the drones inside the shields of Wakanda and restarts them after Wakandan tech cuts them off from their satellite connection. The ensuing battle earns him the trust of the Wakandans, and he becomes the next Black Panther. Erik's brief conversation with T'Challa's spirit suggests that even in the MCU, he may have never been redeemable.

2 Shuri Recruits Pepper Into Revealing The Truth About Erik

At the end of the episode, Shuri comes to Stark Industries and reveals the truth about Erik. She recruits Pepper Potts in saving their respective countries and getting revenge for the loved ones they have lost. This will obviously not end well for Erik, as he is likely underestimating the threat Pepper and Shuri can pose. It will also place Shuri on the path of becoming the next Black Panther. Without Tony around, Pepper wouldn't be able to become Rescue, but it would be a mistake to count her out. She would fight tooth and nail for Tony's legacy.

1 A.I.M.'s Rise Could Lead To The Dweller-In-Darkness Being Released

Aldrich Killian's path to villainy was at least in part motivated by Tony Stark's rejection. But even without Tony around, Killian is still just as dangerous. The progress of the Extremis project is unclear, but by 2008, he would definitely be working with Maya Hansen and their work would be in testing stages. In the main MCU, A.I.M. received secret government funding. The Mandarin was made necessary by the Extremis test subjects becoming unstable and exploding.

The war in Wakanda would gain them far more support and would remove the necessity for the Mandarin. The Wakandan royal family would be easy to villainize and turned into a scapegoat. Trevor Slattery would never be recruited to become the Mandarin. Without him, there would be no one in the dungeons of the real Mandarin to help Shang-Chi get to his mother's home realm of Ta Lo. This may indirectly lead to the Dweller-In-Darkness being unleashed upon the world, as Shang-Chi may not arrive in time to stop his father's plan.

NEXT: 10 What If Storylines Too Dark For The MCU

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