Dr. Stone: 5 Arrogant Characters (& 5 Humble Ones) | CBR

Dr. Stone is an isekai anime series with an unusual twist early on: the entire human race turned to stone when a green energy wave swept the Earth, leaving only six astronauts aboard the ISS. After 3,700 years in the stone, protagonist Senku Ishigami broke free and launched his plan to rebuild the entire human race. He made many allies and enemies along the way.

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This new stone age is a place where people can make their own rules, and some Dr. Stone characters are rather conceited and arrogant, while others are humble and defer to others for guidance. Not all arrogant characters are villainous or unlikable, and indeed, their arrogance might actually be an asset. But they are definitely anything but humble and meek.

10 ARROGANT CHARACTER: Senku Ishigami Has Huge Ambitions

Protagonist Senku Ishigami is a brilliant kid, and he won't miss any chance to prove it to his friends and enemies alike. Senku may rub some people the wrong way, but he is an example of constructive and somewhat sympathetic arrogance. He thinks very highly of himself, but then again, he can back up his big words each time.

More importantly, Senku is on a mission to save humanity, and this is no time for self-doubt or hesitation. Senku may get carried away at times, but overall, it's for the best that he's a bit conceited and arrogant. Seven billion people are counting on him.

9 HUMBLE CHARACTER: Taiju Oki Is A Hard Worker

Senku's old classmate Taiju Oki is a brawn-over-brains sort of character, and Taiju will freely admit that science isn't his strong suit, nor was he a straight-A student in school. Taiju is humble enough to support Senku as a menial worker, and he won't ever complain. There's so much to do, and so little time.

Taiju is highly loyal to Senku and his other friends, and he's doing his best to adapt to this new stone age and its pragmatic rules. Taiju has done a fine job so far, and his incredible endurance has been a serious boon for Senku.

8 ARROGANT CHARACTER: Chrome Is A Self-Styled Sorcerer

Although Chrome felt humbled when he met Senku Ishigami, he is still a somewhat conceited and boastful person who took great pride in being Ishigami village's #1 sorcerer, or amateur scientist. Most villagers sneered at his little experiments, but Chrome persisted, and he gathered many raw materials that Senku later found good uses for.

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Like Senku, Chrome is constructively arrogant, a proactive boy who uses his gifted mind to benefit others and craft items to help anyone who needs his aid. He finds Senku inspiring, and he boldly created a few inventions of his own, confident that he can surpass Senku someday. It's a good thing he's so motivated.

7 HUMBLE CHARACTER: Princess Ruri Serves The Entire Village

Princess Ruri is an important figure in Ishigami village, but she isn't valued for her ability to fight wild animals or hunt. She is a storyteller and sage of sorts, and like her predecessors, Ruri has memorized the Hundred Tales. These tales originate from Byakuya Ishigami himself.

Ruri is a patient, kind and selfless young woman who simply wants what's best for the village, and she asks for very little in return. She was deeply grateful when Senku created the medicine to cure her illness, and she has been a loyal member of the Kingdom of Science ever since.

6 ARROGANT CHARACTER: Magma Is A Bullying Jock

Magma is a stereotypical brute in Ishigami village, a tough and unkind warrior who puts himself first. He loves the stone age and its "might makes right" rules, and he would be very uncomfortable if he somehow ended up in Senku's time. He didn't like the changes that Senku made to stone age society, but he learned to accept the reality of it.

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Magma will take any chance to boast of his incredible prowess and show off, and he wants more than anything to be Ishigami village's chief so he can make the rules and build his own harem. At the last minute, though, Chrome and Senku humbled him with the power of science.

5 HUMBLE CHARACTER: Byakuya Ishigami Laid The Groundwork For Senku's Success

Byakuya Ishigami was proud of himself when he became an astronaut and joined the crew of the ISS, but overall, he was a fairly humble person, and he was much more proud of his foster son, Senku. Byakuya was a single parent who worked hard to nurture Senku's potential, and it paid off.

When the petrification wave hit, Byakuya led the other astronauts back to Earth, and he spent the rest of his pragmatic life gathering and storing resources for Senku to use sometime in the future to rebuild humanity. Byakuya died not for his own sake, but Senku's, and he trusted Senku to someday finish what he started.

4 ARROGANT CHARACTER: Tsukasa Shishio Thought He Could Weed Out Undesirable Humans

Tsukasa Shishio is a fierce melee fighter who can defeat practically anyone in single combat, and he was an early ally of Senku's. Soon enough, though, Tsukasa and Senku had a clash of ideologies, and Tsukasa refused to revive all of the statues. He had an agenda in mind.

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Tsukasa thought he had the right to pick and choose who would be allowed to awaken from the stone, to form a new human civilization based on what he thought was correct. Tsukasa sought to remove the corruption of the old humanity, but he became hopelessly arrogant and somewhat cruel in the process. Thus, he became a villain.

3 HUMBLE CHARACTER: Nikki Looked Up To Lillian Weinberg

Nikki had a tough childhood in the old human civilization, and her only real source of comfort was the soothing, inspiring voice of Lillian Weinberg, Nikki's favorite musical artist. Now, in the new stone age, Lillian is gone, but a single recording of her music remains on a glass disk.

Nikki is a tough girl who can defend herself, but she doesn't claim to be the queen of the new stone age. She followed Tsukasa for a time, but she's not the type to dominate others. Nikki really just wants everyone to be happy and safe, and she soon joined Senku to help reconcile the two feuding sides of the stone wars. She didn't do anything for her own sake -- there was no need.

2 ARROGANT CHARACTER: Hyoga Boasted Of His Great Prowess

Hyoga is a fierce warrior who fought for the Empire of Might, and in single combat, he could defeat practically anyone with his superior skills with a wooden spear. Hyoga designed his spear to work in unusual ways and take his enemies by surprise, and he even took on Kohaku and Kinro this way.

Hyoga doesn't plan to rule the world, but he's still somewhat conceited about his prowess and his role in the world, and this makes him immune to intimidation during battle. He smugly took on Tsukasa and Senku near the end of the stone wars, and he nearly won, until Senku finally zapped him into submission.

1 HUMBLE CHARACTER: Yuzuriha Ogawa Helps However She Can

Yuzuriha Ogawa, like her friend Taiju, serves as a humble supporting member of the Kingdom of Science. She asks for little in return except for protection, and in this dangerous stone world, it's perfectly fair to ask for protection in exchange for services. Yuzuriha doesn't exactly have any grand ambitions of her own.

Instead, Yuzuriha is happy to support Senku by putting her arts and crafts skills to good use, and she also served as a double agent in the Empire of Might with Taiju for an entire year. Later in the manga, Yuzuriha worked tirelessly to make new clothes and the fabric for a hot hair balloon. She never boasted -- she wished only to help, and let her products speak for themselves.

Next: Dr. Stone: 10 Best Senku Quotes, Ranked

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