Eternals: Samuel L. Jackson Sleuthed Out Salma Hayek's Involvement

Actor Samuel L. Jackson, known for -- among many other roles -- his performance as Nick Fury throughout the Marvel Cinematic Universe, managed to figure out that Salma Hayek was involved in Eternals before it was revealed to the world.

In an interview with, Hayek was asked about whether or not Jackson or Ryan Reynolds gave her advice on her superhero role. She said, "Oh, no, no, it was terrible, because when I was doing that movie I had still sworn secrecy, and nobody knew. And they were all talking about their Marvel stuff, and Deadpool, Ryan, was asking him because now Deadpool is [going to be in the MCU]." She went on to explain, "I was dying to brag. I wanted them to know so badly, I was not like smiling."

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"I was like, 'Oh, I wonder if I get fired if I just say it to these two,'" she continued. "And also because they were asking questions to each other because Deadpool wasn't, but now it is, and Ryan was entering, and Sam is the expert. And I was just like trying to listen, and asking little questions, and trying to learn. And then, so one day I'm sitting with Sam right after they were talking about it a lot and he goes, 'So how much are they going to pay you?' or something like this, or 'Oh, so which one are you?'"

She emphasized the fact that she had not told Jackson anything. She said, "No, I didn't say anything, I go, 'What are you talking about?' He goes, 'Come on, I've been watching you when we're, you're in the Marvel movie, but you don't want to say it, because they told you not to say it. It's okay, I'm part of the family... He picked up my nervousness to brag. Sorry, I talk too much."

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Hayek is set to play Ajak, the leader of the Eternals. This was very much to her surprise as, in a previous interview, Hayek revealed that she was expecting to play an elderly character when she was approached by Marvel Studios. "I said, 'Forget it.' [laughs] I said, 'God knows what kind of grandmother they want me to play.' I'm used to being [told] I'm going to be the extra or the old prostitute. And then they said the director was ChloƩ Zhao, and I said, 'Okay! Let's have the meeting!'"

Eternals premieres in theaters Nov. 5.

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