JoJo: 5 Kanto Pokémon DIO Would Want On His Team (& 5 He'd Pass Up)

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure features some of anime's best heroes and villains alike, from the noble Jonathan Joestar and the antihero Jotaro Kujo to the vampire overlord DIO, who has fought them both. DIO was born as Dio Brando, a frustrated youth who wanted to seize the world for himself. He nearly succeeded, but now he's in an entirely new world: the Kanto region.

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By a twist of fate, DIO found himself in the world of Pokémon, and he must build a Kanto-region Pokémon team from scratch to defeat all the gym leaders and make a name for himself as the ultimate Pokémon trainer. He needs Pokémon from Generation I to represent his personality and ambition, and plenty of Pokémon are suitable for him.

10 DIO Would Want: Kabutops Drains Blood Without Mercy

Some Pokémon went extinct before recorded history, but their fossils still remain, and some ancient Pokémon can be brought back to life with modern technology, including Kabuto and its fearsome evolution, Kabutops. DIO wouldn't hesitate to revive this primordial critter.

Kabutops is vicious and fearsome, as its appearance would suggest, and it can also slice up its foes and drain their blood, almost like a vampire. Such a Pokémon would be the first one to join DIO's team, and it would become one of his few friends in this new world.

9 DIO Wouldn't Want: Lapras Isn't Known For Fighting

Practically every Pokémon is capable of combat, but some Pokémon love fighting while others are best known for their peaceful pursuits, such as the gentle Water-type Pokémon, Lapras. It can be found in the Kanto region, and it tends to act like a living ferry.

Many people love to ride around on a Lapras to explore the coastline, and the Lapras are happy to help. In combat, it can use ice and water techniques, but DIO won't be impressed. He isn't here as a tourist -- he wants fighters.

8 DIO Would Want: Machamp Delivers Countless Punches, Like The World

DIO's Stand is called The World, and while it's best known for its time-freezing ability, it is also an incredibly powerful melee Stand as well, easily matching Star Platinum in close combat. The World can deliver rapid and devastating punches in between time-freezes, and the Pokémon called Machamp reflects that.

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Machamp is a remarkable Fighting-type Pokémon, and with its four arms and mighty muscles, it can demolish any foe up close, and DIO wants that power for himself. He'll capture a Machamp and train it to become an unbeatable fighter to terrorize gym leaders throughout Kanto.

7 DIO Wouldn't Want: Venusaur Flourishes In The Sun

DIO might like the idea of torturing an enemy by poisoning them with pollen or gases from a Grass-type Pokémon, but Venusaur isn't going to be his first choice. Although Venusaur is a powerful Pokémon in Generation I, this lumbering beast relies heavily upon the sun for power.

The sun is DIO's worst enemy, given his vampire status, and it would be awkward for him and his Pokémon to argue over how much sunlight the team needs. DIO would rather fight at night or in gyms, and that's no good for Venusaur. It can soak up the sun on someone else's team.

6 DIO Would Want: Poliwrath Is A Water Warrior

DIO knows that he needs a variety of elements on his team, including water, but he doesn't want a gentle Lapras on the team. Instead, he will review all the Water-type Pokémon living in Kanto and settle upon Poliwrath, the final evolution of Poliwag.

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Poliwrath is a fearsome battler in the water, a heavily-muscled swimmer that can use both ranged attacks and bone-splintering melee attacks to defeat any rival Pokémon underwater. Poliwrath's aggression and melee attacks make it an aquatic version of The World or Machamp.

5 DIO Wouldn't Want: Rapidash Is Too Preoccupied With Racing

DIO wouldn't mind having a Fire-type Pokémon on his team, but the flaming horse Rapidash is a poor fit for his team. Rapidash may be powerful and quick in battle, but this Pokémon is also highly competitive, and it needs to have wide, open areas where it can run for hours on end.

Rapidash will chase anything that looks like a rival, and outrun it. DIO would quickly get frustrated with a Rapidash that kept running off to chase a competitor, and worse yet, Rapidash wouldn't like DIO's adventuring style. DIO would patiently stalk trainers in cities and ambush them, rather than run free. Vampires and racehorses don't mix.

4 DIO Would Want: Gengar Is A Tricky Ghost Pokémon

Gengar is one of the few Ghost-type Pokémon from Generation I, and it is bigger and heavier than its previous evolutions, Gastly and Haunter. Gengar isn't a cruel Pokémon, but it is distinctly noted for its habit of playing pranks on people and messing with their heads. Some of them might put hexes on people, in fact.

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It takes a strong-willed Pokémon trainer with a dark side of their own to train a Gengar, and DIO fits the bill. His Gengar will be quite loyal to him, and the two of them could haunt the night and defeat countless trainers under the full moon. They're the perfect duo.

3 DIO Wouldn't Want: Hitmonlee Isn't Quite His Style

DIO would definitely want some combat-oriented Pokémon for his team, but not too many. He would capture a Machamp and use it as the new The World, but that leaves little room for competitors such as Hitmonlee. This is the "kicking fiend," a Pokémon with extendable legs.

Hitmonlee's kick-based style is impressive, but it's totally different from The World's rapid punches, so DIO would decide against adding a Hitmonlee to his team. Though a wild Hitmonlee would definitely help DIO's Machamp practice its own style in a real fight.

2 DIO Would Want: Persian Matches DIO's Personality

Persian is a feline Normal-type Pokémon from Kanto, and not just anyone has what it takes to earn a Persian's loyalty and train it to its maximum potential. Persian is a proud and stubborn Pokémon with fickle tastes, and unsurprisingly, it's usually snobbish and elite Kanto citizens who own and train Persians, such as Don Giovanni himself.

DIO and Persian think alike, and a Persian would recognize DIO as someone who would understand and respect its worldview and needs. Once DIO catches a Persian, he can train it to become an agile and arrogant melee fighter, and slash DIO's rivals apart in the gym.

1 DIO Wouldn't Want: Rhyhorn Is Too Blunt

Rhyhorn is a Rock/Ground-type Pokémon found in Generation I, and it is known for being un ultra-tough but straightforward Pokémon with no subtlety. Even a powerhouse like Machamp is more flexible and creative in battle than Rhyhorn.

In a fight, Rhyhorn will charge straight at the opponent and either gore them with its horn or smash them with its heavy, rock-like body. DIO wouldn't like how predictable and simplistic this fighting style is. He's more used to his speed and agility as a vampire.

Next: MCU: 5 Kanto Pokémon Captain America Would Want on His Team (& 5 He'd Pass Up)

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