Marvel: 10 Times Ultron Actually Won | CBR

As a super-villain and arch-enemy of The Avengers, victory is rarely on Ultron's resume. Ultron's very nature as an artificial intelligence also makes him exceptionally hard to kill – even by comic book standards – but it's still rare to see him outright win. Since Ultron's goals include global genocide, that's definitely a good thing.

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However, rules are made to be broken and Ultron has prevailed & inflicted enough devastation on the Marvel Universe that the heroes have walked away with pyrrhic victories more than once.

10 In Avengers #66, Ultron Brainwashes Vision Into Building Him A New Body

Ultron's third appearance, The Avengers #57, introduced his creation — The Vision. The android turned on his master (known as "Ultron-5") and seemingly destroyed him; Ultron-5's deactivated head was found, then discarded, by a nameless child. However, in Avengers #66, the Avengers are invited by SHIELD to observe experiments conducted on Adamantium. Vision, responding to programming, steals the metal and uses it to recreate Ultron. The debut of this "Ultron-6" is the final splash page of the issue, and it takes two more issues for the Avengers to defeat Ultron-6.

9 In Avengers #161, Ultron Defeats The Avengers Single-Handedly

Ultron-8 debuts in Avengers #161 (written by Jim Shooter & George Pérez). While he'd already been established as one of the Avengers' deadliest foes, this issue's third act solidified him as their arch-enemy. First brainwashing his own creator, Hank Pym/Ant-Man, to attack the other Avengers, Ultron abducts Janet Van Dyne/The Wasp then attacks the team once they're caught off guard. Fighting the entire team, one to seven, he first dispatches Vision and then Black Panther before draining Iron Man's armor of its energy. From there, he downs Wonder Man, Beast, Captain America, and the Scarlet Witch with his Encephalo Ray. The issue ends with Edwin Jarvis walking in to the Avengers' Mansion to find the team beaten and unconscious.

8 In West Coast Avengers #7, Ultron Destroys A Version Of Him Who Had Turned Good

Ultron may hate all humanity, but the one he loathes most of all is his creator, Hank Pym. Most iterations of Ultron, that is. Ultron-12 came to regret his past actions, deciding he'd been an "immature fool," and during the early issues of Avengers West Coast (written by Steve Englehart, drawn by Al Milgrom) reached out to Hank to reconcile. He even began addressing Hank as "father" and even "dad" in earnest, while renaming himself "Mark" (as in, Ultron Mark 12).

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While Hank was naturally hesitant, he came to see "Mark" as his son. Unfortunately, the father-son bonding was brief, for an earlier Ultron iteration — Ultron-11 — survived and retained his misanthropy. Ultron-11 proceeded to mortally wound "Mark" before being destroyed by Wonder Man — the sole bit of solace was that father and son got to share some last words.

7 In Ultron Unlimited, Ultron Wipes Out Slorenia

Kurt Busiek and Géorge Pérez's Ultron Unlimited is the most classic comic story featuring the villain. Unlimited is, fittingly, a story about escalation — Ultron recreates all his past iterations en masse, who together form a near-unstoppable army. The story also sees Ultron plow far past the line of redeem-ability when he annihilates the Eastern-European nation of Slorenia. Part 1 of UnlimitedThe Avengers Vol. 3 #19, ends with Ultron standing atop the ruins of Slorenia and promising the world, the Avengers in particular, that this carnage is just the beginning.

6 Ultron Killed The Original Avengers In Heroes Of Tomorrow

During the late 2000s, there was a brief period where it seemed Marvel was following suit with DC and producing regular, direct-to-video animated features. This didn't last, but it did result in eight animated Marvel films. One was 2008's Next Avengers: Heroes Of Tomorrow. The set-up for the film is that the heyday of the original Avengers came to an end when Ultron killed most of the team. Iron Man, one of the only survivors, took his fallen teammates' children into hiding and raised them while in the outside world, Ultron led a campaign of conquest.

5 Ultron Subjugated The Kree Empire In Annihilation: Conquest

The scope of Ultron's machinations are usually limited to Earth. However, after being sent into space at the end of The Ultron Imperative (Brian Michael Bendis & Frank Cho), the AI enjoyed a brief reign as a galactic conqueror. Encountering the robotic race known as the Phalanx, Ultron seized control of their hive-mind and launched a galaxy-wide invasion.

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With major galactic powers still reeling from the onslaught of Annihilus and his Annihilation Wave, Ultron's invasion faced little opposition. The Kree suffered the brunt of his attack — Ultron's forces destroyed the Supreme Intelligence and the Kree home-world Hala became the hub for the Phalanx.

4 Age Of Ultron Shows A World Where Ultron Won

Brian Michael Bendis and Bryan Hitch's Age Of Ultron shares the title which inspired the name of Joss Whedon's Avengers sequel. Age Of Ultron depicts a timeline where Ultron won, and so to avert the extinction of humanity, the last surviving heroes — Wolverine and Sue Storm — use time travel to assassinate Hank Pym before he can create Ultron. Of course, time travel is rarely a simple solution for things.

3 Ultron Forever Shows Another World Where He Won

The idea of an alternate timeline where Ultron won, Skynet-style, was revisited by Al Ewing and Alan Davis in Ultron Forever. In this story, the villain's immortality has paid off — 500 years after his creation, Ultron finally stands supreme atop a dead Earth. While Age Of Ultron used the idea of a victorious Ultron as a backdrop to tell a time travel story, Forever dives into Ultron himself more — now that he's finally seen his goal through, he's left with uncertainty of his very being.

2 In Avengers Assemble, Ultron Debuts By Stealing The Power Of The Infinity Gauntlet

Avengers Assemble opened with the idea that the Avengers had been active in the past, but dissolved for a time. Thus, when the series decided to bring in Ultron, it forewent a proper origin story. Instead, he shows up at the end of the Season 2 midpoint, "Thanos Triumphant." Once the Avengers defeat the Mad Titan thanks to help from a robot named Arsenal, Ultron appears, hijacking Arsenal's body, swatting aside the Avengers and absorbing the power of Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet.

1 "What If... Ultron Won?" Speaks For Itself

What If...? expanded on the MCU Multiverse, exploring how one small change can cause permutations on the Sacred Timeline to develop. The penultimate episode, "What If... Ultron Won?," shows what would have happened if Ultron successfully uploaded himself into Vision's body during Age Of Ultron.

Unencumbered by any resistance the Avengers or humanity writ large could throw at him, Ultron decimated Earth in a nuclear fire. From there, Ultron killed Thanos, took the Infinity Stones, and spread death across the galaxy in the name of "peace."

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