What Powers Does Nicky Fury Have? & 9 Other Questions About The Director, Answered

Nick Fury has been a big part of the Marvel Universe since the beginning but most fans are more familiar with the MCU version of the character than the original. While this version does have some comic precedence, he's not the Nick Fury most fans grew up with. One of SHIELD's greatest directors, Nick Fury has been fighting the good fight for a long time, sometimes in shady ways.

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There are vast differences between the MCU version of Nick and the comic version. The original Nick Fury is a mystery to newer fans but that doesn't mean he has to stay that way.

10 What Powers Does Nick Fury Have? None

Nick Fury has been around since WWII, which would lead people to think he has some kind of superpowers, but this is not the case at all. Nick Fury is a highly trained spy and soldier, a man who has honed his skills for decades. Now, the fact that he's been alive for so long may make it seem like he has powers but that's just the Infinity Formula.

The Infinity Formula kept Fury young and spry for years but it didn't give him any other superpowers. It did eventually give out on him, forcing him to use Life Model Decoys he remote-controlled to keep up appearances.

9 Did Nick Fury Take The Watcher's Place? Not Exactly

Original Sin saw the heroes of the Marvel Universe investigating the Watcher's death, which led them to a shocking discovery: Nick Fury did it. Responding to an attack at Uatu's citadel, Fury ended up killing Uatu so he could take the Watcher's eye and figure out who had attacked the Watcher. This led to a battle with the heroes and Nick Fury becoming the Unseen.

As the Unseen, Nick Fury was supposed to watch the Earth but he was not considered a Watcher. It was more of a punishment than anything else, as Fury had always been a man of action, and also a way for Marvel to get rid of the Nick Fury that new fans wouldn't recognize.

8 What Fury's Role As The Man On The Wall? He Stopped All Manners Of Threats Before They Reached The Earth

One of the reasons Nick Fury had bugs in Uatu's citadel was because of his role as the Man On The Wall. Fury took over the role in the past and his job was to basically do everything and anything to protect the Earth from extraterrestrial and interdimensional threats. These duties led to Fury doing some terrible things, which he kept secret from everyone.

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Fury saved the planet secretly many times over, although the methods he used weren't exactly the most above the board. It was a role that he was uniquely suited for and not one he could trust to anyone else.

7 What's Up With Nick Fury Jr.? He's Nick's Long Lost Son But Also An MCU Cash-In

On the one hand, Nick Fury Jr.'s character makes complete sense. A man like Nick Fury is going to have had children he knew nothing about and Jr.'s skills as a soldier made him perfect to become a top agent of SHIELD. The strange thing is why Marvel even went with this version of the character.

MCU Nick Fury was based on the Ultimate Universe version of the character, so making an entirely new Nick Fury that looked like the MCU one, instead of bringing the original Ultimate version over to the 616 universe, didn't make a lot of sense. Nick Fury Jr. was a roundabout MCU cash-in that's kind of mystifying.

6 Were Cap And Nick Fury Friends In WWII? Yes, They Were

Nick Fury's status as someone who fought in WWII means that he would have almost certainly served with Captain America at some point; the Marvel Universe runs on coincidence. This means that of course Cap and Nick fought in close proximity to each other, even though Nick Fury was just a sergeant at the time and not the big deal he'd become later.

Cap and Nick are very different people; Captain America is one of the most inspiring humans on the planet and Nick is a hard-bitten soldier. The only reason Cap holds Fury in any esteem is because of their time fighting together in WWII and their shared experiences.

5 Have Wolverine And Nick Fury Worked Together? Yes, They Have Often Worked Together

Wolverine is another Marvel character that has been around for a long time and has been a black ops operator. Wolverine is one of the most dangerous people on the planet and his skills are exactly the kind that Nick Fury would want at his disposal. While Wolverine has rarely been an agent of SHIELD, he's worked with Nick Fury many times over the years.

Even before he was a hero, Wolverine had worked for Nick Fury in a black ops capacity. Over the years, Nick has gone to Wolverine with missions that were tailor-made for the nigh-indestructible mutant and Wolverine obliged, in the spirit of their long and abiding friendship.

4 Was Nick Responsible For Bringing The Avengers Together Like In The MCU? Not In The 616 Universe

For MCU fans coming over to the comics, there's always the question of how different things are. Take how important Nick Fury was in bringing the Avengers together in the MCU. In The Ultimates, Nick was integral in bringing the team together but that's an alternate universe. In the 616 universe, Nick Fury had no hand in bringing together the Avengers.

The Avengers were actually brought together by Marvel's teenage sidekick extraordinaire Rick Jones in order to fight Loki. Fury actually debuted in the same year in the comics as the Avengers, 1963, so it was impossible for him to play a role in the team's conception. It was later retconned that he led his own version of the Avengers in the'50s but had nothing to do with the main team.

3 Did Nick Fury Have Any Arch-Enemies? Yes, He Was Actually Hydra's Main Enemy For Years

For years, Nick Fury and SHIELD have had one major foe, one that they fought more than any other: Hydra. While Cap also fought Hydra, Fury and SHIELD battled Baron Strucker, Hydra's de facto leader and another recipient of the Infinity Formula, for years. Fury and his fellow SHIELD agents stood between the free world and Hydra domination.

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The MCU re-cast Hydra as Red Skull's organization but he was just one of many leaders of the group and often didn't even work with them. For years, Strucker and Hydra were Nick Fury's sole responsibility and he did a great job fighting them.

2 Was Nick Fury The Best Director Of SHIELD? Yes And There's Little Competition

Nick Fury was director of SHIELD longer than anyone else and he proved quite adroit at it. He knew the best SHIELD agents to send on missions and kept the world safe. He'd end up leaving the organization after an abortive coup attempt in Latveria and SHIELD would go through a succession of bad directors.

Maria Hill was needlessly antagonistic towards the heroes, Tony Stark too occupied with cementing his own power and crushing the dissident heroes instead of watching what was happening in SHIELD, and Norman Osborn was a monster. Cap did a good job in his first stint but his second was during the Hydra Cap years. Fury was better than all of them.

1 Did The Heroes Trust Nick Fury? Most Of The Time But They Probably Shouldn't Have

Nick Fury's role as director of SHIELD and Man On The Wall means that he's had to do some shady things over the years. Even before his time in SHIELD, Fury worked for the CIA and was involved in black ops all over the world with people like Wolverine and Black Widow. Fury has done some pretty bad things in the name of freedom.

Most of the heroes know that Nick is mostly trustworthy but they also know that if it comes down to it, Fury will always choose to accomplish the mission in the most efficient way, regardless of who gets hurt in the process. The smart ones don't trust him very much, for good reason.

NEXT: 10 Worst Things Nick Fury Has Ever Done In The MCU

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