10 Strongest Pixar Characters, Ranked | CBR

Pixar movies have captured hearts and minds over the years with their powerful and unique storytelling and character building, but these emotions and feelings are often stirred up through adventures and journeys rather than conflict-driven narratives. However, despite the lack of fight scenes due to the family nature of most Pixar movies, there are still enough moments across multiple movies that showcase the strength and power of particular characters.

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With franchises like The Incredibles being obvious catalysts to show off physically strong characters, there are several other Pixar characters that display signs of strength, in a multitude of different ways.

10 Buzz Lightyear's Backstory & Application Of Skills As A Toy Make Him A Natural Fighter (Lightyear)

Buzz Lightyear is set to have his own standalone movie in 2022, showing his rise from test-pilot to space ranger, seemingly away from the confines of being a toy. The Toy Story universe puts limits on characters showcasing their full potential and power, especially in terms of establishing what is legitimate and what is make-believe.

With Buzz struggling to grasp his reality and lack of action-packed powers as a toy, away from his fictional universe and backstory, he still jumps headfirst into things and tries to act fearlessly. His gliding capabilities help give him confidence that he does still have all the powers that once helped him against Emperor Zurg. The Lightyear movie will undoubtedly add more substance to Buzz, his mental strength and his resolve.

9 For A Vegetation Evaluator, EVE Is Handy & Capable In Combat (WALL-E)

EVE, which stands for Extra-terrestrial Vegetation Evaluator, is robot WALL-E's companion in the movie WALL-E. Despite her duties involving scanning and searching for signs of self-sustaining plant life on earth, EVE possesses some impressive firepower just in case a desperate situation should arise.

Her Plasma Cannon, along with her speed and reflexes make her a formidable foe for any robot that crosses her, and considering she was sent off on such a long and dangerous mission, such precautions make sense.

8 Merida's Headstrong Attitude Was A Breath Of Fresh Air To The Pixar Collection (Brave)

In 2012, Brave not only introduced the first female protagonist to the Pixar ranks in Merida, but it also portrayed her as an intriguing and complex character, which has not always been the case with Disney heroes and heroines.

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Merida is ultimately self-reliant, learning to use a bow from a young age, and possessing the ability to humiliate countless men and potential suitors with her superior archery skills. Her headstrong character and refusal to give her life to someone else, leads her to beg a witch to change her fate, inadvertently cursing her mother and turning her into a bear. Even though this is not what she wanted, this was still Merida exerting her power ultimately at the cost of others. Brave not only explores Merida's mental strength and fortitude, but she generally shows herself off as one of Pixar's best and strongest protagonists.

7 Jerries' Mysterious Nature & Intriguing Origins Suggest They Are An All-Powerful Collective (Soul)

Jerry or Jerries, considering they are more of a collective in Soul, are a bizarre manifestation of dynamic energies, waiting to pass their wisdom and advice onto newly arrived souls, while they try to find them mentors.

They often appear as translucent forms, being able to change shape whenever they want. Despite not being conventionally powerful, their shapeshifting, portal opening, and authoritative roles suggest that they are more powerful and capable than their roles require or permit.

6 Pepita Is A Huge Amalgamation Of Several Animals (coco)

Coco took the world by storm upon its release in 2017 as an addition to the Pixar family brimming with color and vibrancy, while also tactfully tackling topics of culture, family, and death.

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Pepita is an example of an Alebrije, a being that can transform from a real-life animal to an afterlife spirit guide, upon death. Despite being a small cat belonging to Mamá Imelda while she was alive, her Alebrije form is essentially a huge cat with eagle wings, an iguana-like tail, and ram-like horns. Pepita is able to fly long distances while carrying people, making her a transport, spirit guide and bodyguard in the Land of the Dead.

5 The Bird From A Bug's Life Was The Real Threat (A Bug's Life)

For all of the heart-warming stories of character growth, community and working together to get the job done, the most powerful character in the entirety of A Bug's Life is arguably the bird.

While the bird isn't necessarily viewed as either a bad guy or a good guy, it is merely a bird that will eat any bugs it can find, which makes it a threat that can only be distracted, not defeated. It isn't just the good guys that have difficulties getting past or escaping the bird, as Hopper, the movie's main antagonist, meets his demise as the bird finally gets its meal.

4 Bruce's Awkwardly Friendly Persona Masks An Overwhelming Desire To Attack (Finding Nemo)

It goes without saying, but when the likes of Finding Nemo and Finding Dory focus on small fish and their adventures throughout vast oceans and the enormous world out there, the introduction of characters such as the whale and the sharks have an immediate impact with their towering demeanors.

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Although Bruce the Shark is introduced as friendly with his "fish are friends, not food" motto, blood instantly reverts him to his chaotic and predatorial state. The chase in Finding Nemo with the fish swimming for their lives, showcases sharks' terrifying power, especially those that haven't eaten properly for a long time.

3 Sulley Is Built To Do More Than Just Scare (Monsters, Inc.)

James P. Sullivan was created in the image of a bear and a prehistoric giant ground sloth, in an effort to make him both large and fearsome for his job of terrorizing children, while also giving him a soft and lovable personality.

Sulley's size and stature meant that naturally, he possessed considerable strength and power, although physical conflict was rarely called upon in the Monsters, Inc. universe.

2 Corey The Manticore Eventually Unleashes Her Full Power (Onward)

Onward was a charming addition to the Pixar family, with a world full of mythical creatures and no humans, trying to rediscover and establish the wonders of magic back into society.

Corey the Manticore appeared as a restaurant owner integrated into society but eventually reveals herself to be a Manticore. Corey is of a strong stature, has powerful wings, can breathe fire and can make use of the paralyzing stinger on the end of her tail. With all this, the addition of her legendary sword, the Curse Crusher, and her reinvigorated motivation towards life and adventure, Corey is certainly one of the more formidable and powerful characters within the realms of Pixar.

1 Mr. Incredible Leads An Incredibly Strong Group Of Characters (The Incredibles)

Robert "Bob" Parr, more commonly known as Mr. Incredible, is the titular family's head, and a superhero. His abilities center around superhuman strength, with enhanced muscular power transferring well to allow him to superhuman jump and move at unprecedented speeds for his size.

His strength is so considerable that everyday life is made harder due to the constant risk of him breaking anything and everything, from his car to any other ordinary object. While the rest of his family members have their own unique quirks and abilities, the only one that can compare to him in terms of strength is Jack-Jack. Other characters such as Frozone and Syndrome also showcase their strength and power in different ways, undoubtedly establishing The Incredibles' roster as the strongest of all the collectives in Pixar movies.

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