5 Classic Movies That Should Never Be Remade, From Jaws to The Matrix

Every year, more and more remakes of classic and beloved movies are released. Sometimes these remakes are able to live up to the original, such as Disney's 2016 live-action remake of The Jungle Book, which managed to reach the high bar set from the 1967 animation. But it seems, more often than not, fans are displeased with movie remakes as they fail to capture what made the original movie special. With many classics left open to a remake, here are five movies that are simply too good to ever be remade.

Director Robert Zemeckis has voiced his opinion about Back to the Future remakes, reboots and sequels many times. He's always been adamant that a remake should never happen and that the trilogy should be left untouched, which most fans tend to agree with. On the surface, Back to the Future seems like a simple time travel movie with characters correcting their mistakes as they alter time, which may sound easy enough to remake for producers. However, there's a little more to it than that. The trilogy is ultimately a story about a family relationship, with time travel elements sprinkled on, rather than time travel being the main plot focus.

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Actor Tom Holland has previously confirmed that there were once talks about him and Robert Downey Jr. starring as Doc Brown and Marty in a remake, although it never led to anything, as Tom himself agrees Back to the Future can't be remade.

Many would argue that 1975's Jaws is the best example of Steven Spielberg's filmmaking. Much like Back to the Future, Jaws has a simple premise on the surface that sounds easy to replicate: three men work together to deal with a shark terrorizing the inhabitants of an island. But there's so much more to Jaws than that, as the movie is really about the characters. A police chief, a fisherman and a marine scientist, each with different personalities, are forced together on a boat to deal with the shark. Their dynamic, paired with the expert suspense building of the music and reluctance to show the creature, makes Jaws much more than the average monster movie.

The Jaws sequels are prime examples of why Jaws shouldn't be remade, as both of them put focus on the shark above all else, making them lackluster horrors with no depth.

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The fact 1972's The Godfather is often ranked among the best movies ever made says a lot already. The movie created a huge change in cinema and showed that gangster movies could be so much more than guys in suits doing shady deals and backstabbing. The deep and complex story, mixed with the expert performances from actors Al Pacino and Marlon Brando, is a prime example of what cinema is capable of. Almost every gangster movie since has taken inspiration from The Godfather, so to remake it would be simply creating a version that lacks innovation.

While there have been no signs of The Godfather being remade, a movie by the name of Francis and the Godfather is in production, telling the story of The Godfather's production.

It's not uncommon for book fans to criticize movie adaptions. However, The Lord of the Rings trilogy is as close to a perfect adaptation as one can get. The movies are huge in scale yet manage to feel personal, with each character getting the appropriate amount of development. Easily among the best adventures put to screen, the behind-the-scenes of The Lord of the Rings shows what can be made when every level of the production is incredibly passionate about the project. From the casting, music, pacing and locations, the trilogy gets so much right that it's hard to believe that any remake could top it.

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While Peter Jackson's Middle Earth saga seemingly came to an end with The Hobbit, an Amazon prequel show also named The Lord of the Rings is set to release in late 2022.

Despite the upcoming The Matrix Resurrections being somewhat of a reboot after the 2003 The Matrix Revolutions ending, the original film still remains untouched. The Wachowski sisters have not hidden the fact that there's a lot of social commentary in the film, which is a big part of its charm. A remake will always run the risk of losing the deeper meaning of the film and instead focus on the literal story of machines trapping humans in a virtual world. And, of course, what would The Matrix be without Keanu Reeves.

The Matrix Resurrections is set to release in December 2021, and it's possible that the franchise is continuing on with multiple sequels.

KEEP READING: The Matrix Resurrections Get a Not-So-Surprising MPAA Rating

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