WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Season 1 of Inside Job, now streaming on Netflix.
It's been decades since John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, and the seemingly endless array of conspiracy theories just keep on coming. But the new Netflix series Inside Job has offered its own truth about the JFK assassination, as well as a few other conspiracies. And in the case of the JFK assassination, it all comes down to someone named Grassy Noel Atkinson.
Inside Job hinges on the work being done by a company that calls itself the Shadow Government. In this world, pretty much every possible conspiracy theory that has ever been dreamt up is real, even the ones that contradict each other. And a large percentage of them were created by this organization, then maintained by them for years. Then again, that's what one would expect from an organization that refers to itself as the Shadow Government.
Not surprisingly, they had a hand in the JFK assassination. Possibly the most famous assassination of the 20th Century, it all went down on Friday, November 22, 1963. Then-President of the United States John F. Kennedy was participating in a motorcade through Dallas, Texas. When the motorcade passed through Dealey Plaza, Lee Harvey Oswald shot and killed JFK from a nearby building.

Since then, conspiracy theorists have posed any number of possibilities surrounding the event, some more far-fetched than others. It all comes down to a massive conspiracy and coverup involving some combination of the CIA, the FBI, the KGB, Fidel Castro, the Mafia, and pretty much any other person or organization of power. The combination changes depending on who's posing the theory. But a big part of most conspiracy theories is a second shooter on a grassy knoll on the other side of the motorcade.
According to Inside Job, a sniper named Grassy Noel Atkinson was the man who actually pulled the trigger. He is the longest-serving member of the Shadow Government, which operates under the public name Cognito Inc. The crazy part about the situation was that revealing the identity of the true shooter wasn't the most interesting part of Season 1, Episode 2. It turned out that the truth was even more absurd than any conspiracy theorist could have thought.
While wistfully thinking back to the good old days of killing presidents, Atkinson revealed the true reason for killing JFK. Apparently, JFK had sex with the Roswell alien and became impregnated with its offspring. Atkinson was assigned the task of killing JFK before the eggs hatched and all of the little alien spawn were unleashed on the world, which could have had untold consequences for humanity. It turned out that the whole thing was somewhat of a mercy mission.
In the same episode, Atkinson actually got one more chance at glory when a bunch of JFK clones got loose in the building and became a Tetsuo-like monster. Grassy Noel got another shot to kill JFK, possibly even with a bit of a look at what might have happened if the original had given birth to the aliens inside of him. Ultimately, Noel proved that he is still the legend that everyone at the Shadow Government believes him to be.