Succession VS It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia: Who Would Win?

TV shows about families are a dime a dozen, but there are some families that stand out from the crowd. Take, for example, the Roys on HBO's Succession; a family of ultra wealthy jerks who are constantly working against one another in a never-ending journey to gain power. The way the Roy family members are so ready to turn against one another or switch sides at the drop of a hat is a lot like another TV family, the gang at Paddy's Pub from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

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In truth, the Roys and the gang from Paddy's have a lot in common. They're two families filled with people who think they're smarter than they are, they are both constantly coming up with pretty bad ideas that somehow never really cause them any problems, and they both have little concern for the lives of others. If the two families faced off, it would be a battle for the ages.

10 The Roys Have The Money

Thanks to Frank Reynolds, the gang at Paddy's Pub aren't hurting for money, but they aren't anywhere near as wealthy as the Roy family. The Roys, due to the hard work of paterfamilias Logan Roy, have billions of dollars at their disposal, not to mention the wealth of Waystar Royco, the company they control. The Roys can buy and sell just about anyone, and it isn't hard to see a situation where they just pay off a few members of Paddy's Pub to walk away or throw the fight.

9 The Gang Have The Experience

Of course, the Paddy's Pub gang have big egos and sometimes they get offended by people pompous rich people like the Roys. When it comes down to it, the Roys have no experience when it comes to a good old slobber knocker. There is little doubt that Roman Roy has never been in a fight, let alone used his hands for anything strenuous.

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But the gang from Paddy's Pub get into fistfights quite often. They may not always win, but they all know how to take a punch, and more importantly how to throw one. The Roys just don't have the fighting skills to handle the gang.

8 The Roys Have The Schooling

The easiest way to win a fight is to not get into a fight in the first place and to do that you need to outthink your enemy. While the Paddy's Pub crew like to think they're smart, they really aren't, while the Roy family is. Shiv and Kendall would talk circles around Mac and Charlie, and although Frank has a background in business, he doesn't bring the intensity like Logan Roy can. The only dangers for the Roys is Roman, whose snark would surely rile up the gang, and Cameron, who never says the right thing. But if they can keep those two in check, the Roys can end the fight without a single punch being thrown.

7 The Gang Has The Liquor

Of course, if there's one thing a solid and logical argument can't overcome, it's drunkenness, and if the gang from Paddy's is anything, it's drunk. No amount of smooth talk or calm tones from the Roys will be enough to keep Frank from going off the handle, with Charlie to follow close behind. Before long, Dee would have Shiv in a headlock and Dennis would be trying to prove his cheekbones are sharper than Kendall's. Once the first person is shoved, the Roy family will be looking at a rough night.

6 The Roys Have Celebrity Status On Their Side

While the Paddy's Pub crew hate feeling inferior, one thing they love is the idea of being famous, especially Dee. And the Roys are famous, which means the gang would want to pal around with them. It isn't hard to imagine Dennis and Kendall hitting the bars looking to pick up some women while Dee and Shiv head off to get massages. Frank and Logan would sit for hours telling their businessman war stories while waving guns in the air and Charlie would be hypnotized by cousin Greg's height. Mac would find himself in an endless but friendly wrestling match with Tom. Before long, the gang would love the Roys.

5 The Gang's Got Fight Milk

It wouldn't take much for the gang to go too far and mess it all up; after all, that's what they do. With their past issues with crack, Dennis and Dee would almost surely get Kendall to join them in partaking in illegal narcotics. Meanwhile, Charlie and Mac would get hopped up on Fight Milk and start pushing terrible business ideas on the Roys, leading to some sarcastic tones being thrown out by Roman. One too many witty remarks from Roman and before you can say "kitten mittens," Charlie would tackle the youngest member of the Roy family, leading to a big old brawl.

4 The Roys Have Connections

The gang at Paddy's Pub is nothing without their headquarters. Take away Paddy's Pub, and the crew would soon fall apart as they all search for new employment. The Roys are just the kind of family that would use their government ties to get a hole-in-the-wall bar shut down without a second thought.

It would be diabolical and amazingly mean, but for the Roys, there wouldn't be a second of guilt. They wouldn't care that they just destroyed the livelihoods of the gang because they would never see the gang as humans in the first place.

3 The Gang Have A Potential Serial Killer On Their Side

While the Roys are despicable people, as far as Succession has shown, they aren't killers. It's Always Sunny, on the other hand, has highly suggested that Dennis Reynolds may well be one of TV's most successful but unknown serial killers. On a number of occasions, Dennis has hinted at a darkness inside him that has led to his kidnapping and killing women.

While nothing has been definitively proven, there is no doubting that Dennis has at least worked out how he would go about murdering people, and if he was pushed far enough by the Roys, that killer side could very well come out.

2 The Roys Have Lots Of Security Guards

Of course, the chances that any member of the Roy family would have to raise their fist is absurd. At the first sign of danger, the family's security team would jump in and handle the situation.

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While Mac may like to think that he's a badass, the truth is that his limited bouncer skills would be nothing compared to the well-trained – and well-armed – security team that is always around the Roy family. Before Frank could get one of his many guns out, the Roy's security crew would have the gang from Paddy's on the ground and hogtied.

1 The Gang Live By Street Rules

The Roys talk tough and like to think they can handle themselves, but the reality of it is that if you took away their expense accounts, not a single one of Logan's kids could find their way out of a paper bag. But the gang from Paddy's Pub is well versed on street life. While Dee and Denis grew up with money, Charlie and Mac were essentially street rats who spent their childhoods and teen years on the streets of Philly. You don't live the life of Charlie Kelly and don't know how to handle yourself. The gang would stop at nothing to take the Roys down, and that's why they would win in the end.

NEXT: It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia: 10 Most Memorable Episodes, Ranked

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