The Hundred Year War is the major conflict that concludes in the timeline of Avatar Aang. It originated over a century ago, when the Fire Lord blatantly went against the wishes of his erstwhile best friend, Roku, and launched an invasion of the entire world. Of course, to do this, the Avatar had to be eliminated, so Sozin allows him to asphyxiate to death atop a volcano.
The main storyline depicts the culmination of the War, but what were its initial effects? More importantly, how much did its ending alter the balance between the Four Nations? Both its factors and its outcomes are innumerable, but there are a few that stand out from the others, in terms of the political ripples generated.
10 It Was Triggered By Divisive Politics
Before the actual onset of the War, the Fire Nation had always been interested in enforcing its ideals on the surrounding cultures, even as far back as four centuries before the birth of Aang.
At the same time, the royal family was splintered into various factions, which all sought the throne until the succession of Fire Lord Zoryu. This ruler is basically the reason behind the conversion of the Fire Nation into little more than a dictatorship.
9 The Industrial Revolution Played A Major Role
The Fire Nation quickly adapted to the concept of the modern world through an industrial revolution — an era of extremely rapid development in the fields of vehicles, energy, weaponry, factory production, and so on.
Since the other nations continued to rely on bygone means of transportation and combat, they were quickly overwhelmed when the Fire Lords began their incursions into the continent. In other words: don't bring a stick to a gunfight.
8 Roku Permits The Partial Colonization Of Yu Dao
Roku gently requested Sozin not to "unite" the Four Nations together, as he strongly believed that they were always meant to be separate entities, in line with the four elements. His friend, on the other hand, did not share his values: instead, the Fire Lord sneakily entered the Earth Kingdom and takes over some of the region, especially the tiny hamlet known as Yu Dao.
This village was subsequently populated by Fire Nation citizens. However, when the Avatar later learns of Sozin's deeds, he furiously threatens him not to go further, on pain of death. Since he presumably didn't want to evict the new inhabitants of Yu Dao, Roku allows them to remain.
7 The First Critical Battles
The Air Nomads were the first to be decimated, as Sozin did not want the next Avatar to hamper his plans. Following this, he goes after the Earth Kingdom, where his soldiers are able to conquer large fragments of territory.
In addition, the Fire Lord's plan was to destroy the occupied nation's economy, which was more or less successful after the battles of Taku, Garsai, and Han Tui. At the same time, he also mounts an invasion against the Southern Water Tribe.
6 The Victory Of The Northern Water Tribe
Things didn't go as planned for Fire Lord Sozin, at least not all of them, anyway. The attempt to take over the Northern Water Tribe resulted in a humiliating loss for the Fire Nation, largely because of the impossibility of navigation across the tundra region.
The Waterbenders, though, were fully capable of dealing with invaders on their own turf, having practiced their arts in conjunction with their glacial environment. Unfortunately, history did not repeat itself a hundred years in the future; Avatar Aang and the Ocean Spirit turn out to be the liberators.
5 It Takes Nearly Two Years To Breach A Single Wall Of Ba Sing Se
General Iroh, and the countless forces that answered to him directly, are given the task of bringing down Ba Sing Se, by his father, Fire Lord Azulon. The siege continues for 600 days straight, after which the aggressors only breach the first Outer Wall of the city.
This is not impressive at all, given that the Inner Wall is a lot more difficult to breach, mainly because the Fire Nation army would have to trek several miles, across arduous terrain, most likely attacked by Earthbenders at every turn. The way Azula does it is the only way.
4 The Birth Of The Southern Raiders
Along with their military, the Fire Nation installed and paid for independent "contractors" to take care of their dirty business, such as harassing innocent people and/or killing them.
The most famous of these were the Southern Raiders, who were directly responsible for the miseries of the Southern Water Tribe village. In fact, one of their leaders, Yon Rha, murders Katara's mother, Kya, in cold blood after she tells him that she's the Waterbender he's after.
3 Princess Azula, Institutionalized
Azula's breakdown began days before her father's defeat, and can be seen in the way she randomly banishes people from the city for displeasing her even slightly (or, for no reason whatsoever).
Zuko realized this during their Agni Kai battle, and used this to his advantage, but his little sister was far too devious for him. Luckily, Katara managed to save the day, by trapping Azula in a brilliantly crafted water-ice masterpiece. She was consequently placed in a "mental health facility" by her brother.
2 The Installation Of A New Government
As all the nations had greatly suffered during the Hundred Year War, the methods of reconstruction were not necessarily agreed upon by all people.
For instance, Zuko demands that Fire Nation citizens return from Yu Dao, but they in turn refuse, stating that the Earth Kingdom village has been their home for a long time. With Aang's help, the Fire Lord began the Harmony Restoration Movement, which ultimately led to the rise of the United Republic of Nations, headquartered at Republic City.
1 The Real World Parallels
The Hundred Year War is ostensibly a reflection of the First World War — which took place between 1914 and 1918 and included the latest militaristic tech — as well as the Hundred Years' War, fought between the major European powers in the 14th and 15th centuries.
Another indirect reference could be attributed to Japan's role in the Second World War, in which the East Asian archipelago successfully ravages China (much like the Fire Nation archipelago and the considerably larger Earth Kingdom).