The Dragon Prince: 10 Strongest Spells In The Series, Ranked

Unlike bending in the Avatar series, which has many hard limitations on what a bender can do with their powers, the magic in The Dragon Prince takes the opposite route. It focuses on a soft magic system that only seems to be limited by the mage's knowledge of Draconic symbols and their language, which results in some very powerful spells being thrown around.

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While there are some very specific spells being used, as is the case with the majority of Dark Magic spells, even magic born from Primal Sources can be incredibly powerful, sometimes even more so than some bending skills— and can be capable of massive destruction if given the right circumstances.

10 Lujanne's Illusions

They may not be real, but Lujanne's Moon magic is some of the more powerful shown in the series, largely due to how easily it can fool people into believing that the Cursed Caldera is protected by monstrous insects and spiders.

Even Claudia, a veteran Dark Mage, was fooled by Lujanne's magic and thought it was good enough to use herself in the final battle to trick the armies into thinking Viren was on the front lines— when he was, in fact, on his way up the Storm Spire to kill Zym.

9 Fulminus

On the surface, Fulminis seems like a relatively weak version of lightning bending from Avatar, as it isn't as flashy and was even used by Callum to prove a point with Ibis.

That being said, it's hard to ignore the fact that it was also powerful enough to kill a giant sea monster in one blow, as well as kill an entire river full of fish in the process. With this in mind, it is likely that Callum can control the intensity of the spell now that he knows the incantation and has connected to the Sky Arcanum.

8 Fertility Spell

Viren's fertility spell, while having a very high cost and requiring several difficult to obtain magical artifacts— including the heart of a Magma Titan found only in Xadia— was also well worth the trouble to cast it. Before this spell was activated, many of the people living in the human kingdoms suffered and starved. But once the spell had been cast, this turned around nearly overnight.

This fertility spell also seems to have one of the biggest impacts on the world compared to any other Dark Magic spell. It's one thing to be able to resurrect someone from the dead or summon creatures made entirely of smoke, but it's another thing entirely to fundamentally change the environment in a large area.

7 Viren's Shades

Speaking of monsters made of smoke, Claudia's smoke hounds may have been a nuisance to deal with, but Viren's shades— an upgraded version of these hounds— are even more deadly.

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Aside from the fact that they took on a humanoid form and were able to wield whatever weapons Viren was able to get his hands on, they also have the distinct quality of not dissipating until their mission is completed.

6 Viren's Silencing Spell

For a mage to cast a spell, they require either a magical artifact (in the case of Dark Magic) or a link to a Primal Source alongside an incantation. Removing either of these will result in the mage being unable to cast spells at all, though Viren has only used this to stop Callum from crying out to his father early in the series, then later against Rayla's parents.

Considering Aaravos is the only mage so far shown who can cast spells without saying a single word, this is one of the more powerful spells in The Dragon Prince.

5 Aaravos' Fire Spell

While helping Viren defend himself against Katolis' guards who sought to arrest him, as he had illegally used the king's seal to request a summit of the pentarchy, Aaravos used a handful of powerful spells through Viren.

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However, easily the most powerful of these was in a blink-and-you'd-miss-it moment where Viren uses a fairly innocuous fire-based spell that reduced one of the guards to ash in only a matter of seconds.

4 Aspiro Frigis

Viren is shown using this spell twice in the series so far, with varying degrees of power. On the one hand, he used it to encase Rayla's parents in ice and stop them from interfering in Viren's plan to destroy Zym's egg. On the other hand, it was also powerful enough to encase a full-grown dragon in ice.

Even though Avizandum was able to break through the ice, the fact that it stopped him at all is an enormous feat considering that Ziard's fire spell that blinded Sol Regum required him to absorb the magical power from several creatures.

3 Claudia's Resurrection Spell

When Claudia healed Soren's paralysis, it seemed as though she was on her way to becoming an ally to Team Zym, as she ignored her father's orders to put capturing the baby dragon above the wellbeing of her brother.

In the final scene of season three, however, it became apparent that she just wanted her family to be whole once again, as she had no issue killing one of her father's soldiers in order to bring him back to life, something that is sure to get Aaravos' attention in the future.

2 Hearts of Cinder

The Hearts of Cinder spell is incredibly situational, requiring a Sunfire elf staff that has been corrupted by Dark Magic, though it is also one of the most powerful spells shown in the series.

While it does turn humans into monstrous creatures, it also grants them the same powers as other Sunfire elves as well as the same burning skin that comes with it. It may have reduced the majority of Viren's army to mindless beasts, but if it's used again, this spell could mean the end of Xadia.

1 The Ultimate Weapon of Vengeance

Easily the most powerful spell in The Dragon Prince so far is the Ultimate Weapon of Vengeance used to turn Avizandum to stone. Requiring even more difficult to obtain materials, including the hair of a unicorn and Sarai's dying breath, this spell was the only thing powerful enough to outright kill a full-grown dragon, as most other spells in the series have only wounded dragons.

Although dragons are still susceptible to mortal weapons, the majority of dragons have also walked away relatively unscathed from those attacks as well.

Next: The Dragon Prince: 10 Hidden Details You Missed In The First Three Seasons

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