10 Injuries Anime Characters Should've Never Survived | CBR

In anime, characters are constantly getting torn to shreds with little repercussions after the fact. They will get torn in half, have a giant hole appear in their chest, or impaled through the back, yet somehow manage to make it out of the situation alive and recover quickly enough to fight in the next battle.

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Anime injury logic is pretty silly and there is rarely any consistency. Sometimes, characters can fall from the sky and be totally okay, while other times they die from a gunshot wound. Sometimes these things can even happen within the same anime, breaking the logic even further.

10 Sven Gets Impaled By A Brainwashed Eve (Black Cat)

When Sven first meets Eve, the two instantly hit it off. He buys her ice cream and they have a nice chat on a park bench. Sven feels immediately protective over her and wants to save her from the guys who are holding her hostage to keep her as a weapon. But at this point, Eve has already been a bit brainwashed by her owners and so she stabs Sven through the back in a truly horrifying manner, impaling him.

Yet somehow, Sven continues walking after she leaves. The next time he is shown, which has to be only a few hours later, he is totally fine and just resting with the wound.

9 Yuji Takes A Death Blow But Recovers And Returns To Training (Jujutsu Kaisen)

Within just the first few episodes of Jujutsu Kaisen, Yuji and his team fight against a super high leveled Cursed Spirit, a spirit they definitely weren't prepared for. In order to save his friends, Yuji tells them to run away and he will handle the rest, hoping that Sukuna will come out and help him. But the King of Cursed Spirits doesn't feel like doing so, so Yuji gets brutally mutilated.

Both of his hands are cut off, he gets stabbed through a number of times and just utterly takes more than one death blow. Sukuna eventually did come and flicked the other spirit away, healing Yuji in the process. All of his friends thought he actually died in that mission, but he was very alive, recovering, and training with Gojou.

8 Neji's Flesh Wound Should Have Impacted His Arc Much More Than It Did (Naruto)

In Naruto, after Sasuke leaves the village and Naruto creates a sort of search party for him, the Hidden Leaf Village ninja encounter Sound Village ninjas working under Orochimaru. Each of the boys spread out to fit against the different sound ninja, and Neji went after Kidomaru, a man with six arms who was exceptional in taijutsu.

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Kidomaru and Neji went head to head and though Neji was victorious, he was left with a massive hole in his shoulder that definitely should have done more damage than the series presented.

7 Edward Elrich Loses Arm & Leg While Home Alone And Somehow Survives (Fullmetal Alchemist)

While losing a leg and arm aren't a deadly situation in of themself, what can cause someone to die from this would be the amount of blood lost from losing two limbs. Ed loses his leg, bleeds all over the place, and then offers his arm to get Al back. The fact that he lost two, while totally alone, was absolutely crazy and he probably would have died in minutes.

Especially considering their house was far out in the country, where everything is far. Al carried the bleeding Ed to the Rockbell house where Pinako and Winry performed surgery on the young boy.

6 Iruka Takes The Shuriken In The Back And Walks Away Afterwards (Naruto)

Within the very first episode of Naruto, Iruka takes a giant shuriken in the back in order to save Naruto's life. This was an extreme moment for Naruto, one that made him well aware of the dangers of being a ninja, but also how desperately he wanted to protect those he cared for.

The shuriken looked like it went pretty deep and was directly in the middle of his upper back. This should have affected his spine and could have even punctured his heart, but he was totally fine. He also took a bunch of kunai being thrown at him just before.

5 Ichigo Gets Impaled And The Only Major Consequence Is That It Awakens His Next Form (Bleach)

Ichigo gets hurt a lot throughout the Bleach storyline. Oftentimes, the wounds he receives are more like death blows that definitely should kill him, but don't, in typical shonen fashion. In his fight against the Espada, Ulquiorra, Ichigo gets impaled directly through the chest. Ulquiorra punctures a hole right where Ichigo's heart should be all the way through, coming out of his back.

With this massive hole, he is then thrown off a super large spire and falls on the ground. If the hole didn't kill him, the fall definitely should, but instead, he survives and awakens his next form, Vasto Lorde.

4 Tohru Takes A Concerningly Long Fall And Is Practically Unscathed By The Event  (Fruits Basket)

Most anime where characters survive incredibly hard-hitting blows fall under the shonen genre. So it is a little surprising when this same thing happens in a shojo. In Fruits Basket, Kyo transforms into a giant beast that he is deeply ashamed of. So much so, that he embodies the characteristics in order to shoo Tohru away.

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But Tohru doesn't let him do that. At one point, he backhands Tohru with a massive fist, sending her flying down a rocky hill and into a bed of water. The force with which he hit her probably would have killed a normal person, but somehow she immediately gets back up again and seems almost unphased, like that of a shonen protagonist.

3 Inuyasha Gets Slashed But He Made It To Sunrise And Survived (Inuyasha)

Inuyasha takes a ton of damage throughout the series and is constantly wounded all over the place. Since he is a half-demon, it often makes his wounds not that much of a big deal, he heals quickly and is able to withstand the pain and blood loss. But once a month, Inuyasha becomes human. In the first episode in which this occurred, Inuyasha took some serious damage and was gruesomely slashed from his shoulder to his waist.

He was injured and afraid not being able to make it till morning when he would become a half-demon again. Though the wound was bad enough that it should have killed him instantly, he somehow made it to sunrise with Kagome and then was totally fine.

2 Eren Gets Bitten By A Titan But Emerges Fully Healed (Attack On Titan)

In an iconic scene during season one of Attack on Titan, Eren gets chomped on by a titan. The titan catches him while he is jumping between buildings and manages to bite his leg off and puncture his chest. But Eren doesn't let the loss of limb stop him. He gets right back up and desperately jumps to save Armin's life, holding another Titan's mouth open to let the other escape, just before the Titan bites down on him.

Eren's arm goes flying off, past Armin, and it is assumed that Eren has died. Not only by being eaten but also due to all the blood loss. As it turns out, Eren becomes a titan after this, emerging fully healed with all of his limbs. He sacrificed himself without knowing this would happen and definitely should have died, but anime plot armor strikes again.

1 Naruto Dies But Sakura Brings Him Back By Manually Pumping His Heart (Naruto Shippuden)

After Naruto gets torn apart from Kurama by Madara, it is revealed that Naruto will die as all Jinchuriki do when the beast is removed from them. Naruto gets thrown to where Gaara and Sakura are who quickly travel to where the Fourth Hokage is since he has a bit of Kurama in him as well. While on the way, Naruto stops breathing completely and momentarily dies until Sakura uses her medical abilities and opens him up.

She grabs onto his heart, manually pumping it so that he can survive. This idea is just so wild, and Naruto should have definitely died but was saved by his friends.

NEXT: Naruto: 10 Characters That Should Have Died But Didn't

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