Like other classic shonen anime, Hunter X Hunter is known for its examination arc. The series began with the main protagonist, Gon, starting his journey to pass the Hunter Exam, a series of tests one must pass to become receive their Hunter's License and be recognized as a member of the elite Hunter Association.
Each year, hundreds of applications from all over the world enter the Hunter Exam in hopes to pass and become a Hunter. During the 287th annual exam, Gon and his friends bested many examinees, some of which fans agree had the potential to pass. Here are 10 characters who should've passed the Hunter Exam and why.
10 Goz (Examinee #371) Had Impressive Combat Skills, Endurance, & A Strategic Mind
Goz was an honorable man whose last request before being killed by ruthless Gittarackur, better known as Illumi Zoldyck, was to die while fighting. Due to his impressive combat skills, high level of endurance, and strategicness, he was able to make it to the Fourth Phase of the Hunter Exam on Zevil Island. Unfortunately, even with his sharp, battle spear, Goz was no match for the Nen users, Hisoka and Illumi, who were able to detect his presence before seeing him.
9 Agon (Examinee #281) Was Fearless Against Any Opponent
Hunter Exam examinee #281, Agon, was known for his fearless and unwavering attitude, even when facing the most intimidating of opponents. Equipt with a rapier, Agon was unafraid when he faced Hisoka during the Fourth Phase on Zevil Island. When confronted head-on, he taunted Hisoka, unknowingly creating a distraction for Gon to steal Hisoka's number plate using a fishing rod. Regardless of the temporary distraction, the fight ended swiftly as Agon fell and died from Hisoka's quick attack.
8 Imori (Examinee #198) Was Skilled In Planned Attacks & Had Great Stamina
While fearful of the assassin, Killua Zoldyck, the youngest of the Amori Brothers, Imori, shows strength and confidence when with his siblings. He has proven to be skilled in planned attacks and has excellent stamina as he finished among the top examinees during the Third Phase at Trick Tower. However, on Zevil Island during the Fourth Phase, Imori was bested by Killua who was able to take his badge. While Imori's kick was strong, it did not affect Killua and his attempt to fight was a failure.
7 Umori (Examinee #199) Failed In Order To Save His Brother
It's no secret that Umori has the most physical strength when compared to his younger brother, Imori, and his older brother, Amori. He is a strapping young man whose muscular build combined with his advanced running, fighting, and teamwork skills would be intimidating to most.
However, his love for his brothers superseded his desire to pass the Fourth Phase of the Hunter Exam. With Amori being threatened and held captive by Killua, Umori gave up his number plate to save his brother's life.
6 Amori (Examinee #197) Is Stronger With His Brothers
Although skilled when alongside his brother, Amori, the eldest of the Amori Brothers, was unable to hold his own against Killua. Despite his superior abilities used to pass the three phases before the Fourth Phase, Amori's reflexes weren't fast enough to prevent Killua from capturing him. He had no choice but to remain a hostage, as Killua had his razor-sharp nails pressed against his neck. Luckily, his brothers, Imori and Umori, offered up their number badges in hopes that Killua would spare his life.
5 Bourbon (Examinee #103) Set Up A Threatening Trap With His Snakes
Known as the veteran of the Hunter Exam, Bourbon, excelled during the first three phases and set an effective trap during the Fourth Phase. Using his abilities as a highly-skilled snake charmer, Bourbon commanded his snakes to attack anyone who entered the cave he hid in. His plan would cause his victims to either die or be forced to relinquish their number plates in exchange for snake venom antidote. Although Bourbon's plan worked on Ponzo, Leorio, and Gon, he had already been killed by Ponzu's swarm of bees.
4 Siper (Examinee #80) Was A Skilled Markswoman With Unbelievable Stamina
Siper, an apathetic, rifle-wielding young woman, was a highly skilled and capable examinee. Her ability as a markswoman was above average, and she proved to have unbelievable stamina as she easily passed the endurance test during the First Phase of the Hunter Exam.
Alas, she was unable to progress past the Forth Phase as her attempt to snipe Illumi, disguised as Gittarackur, was a failure. Using his Nen abilities, he was able to sense her location and intent, kill her, and confiscate her number plate to give to Hisoka.
3 Geretta (Examinee #384) Was A Talented Blowgun Expert
The astute and vigilant Geretta was an examinee worthy of progressing further to earn his Hunter's License. He was self-assertive towards the opponents he would defeat but also paid respects to those who impressed him. After passing the First Phase, nearly failing the cooking test in Second Phase, and using his skills as a blowgun expert to sail his way through the Third Phase, he reached the Fourth Phase with Gon as his target. He managed to paralyze Gon using a blow dart and take his number plates but was abruptly killed by Hisoka shortly after.
2 Bodoro (Examinee #191) Was An Experienced Fighter But Refused To Fight Children
Senior martial artist, Bodoro was an experienced fighter who had superb stamina, agility, and combat ability. He was also known to be proficient in weapon use as he wielded a spear and shield at times. However, he was also able to excel during hand-to-hand combat. Bodoro was an honorable and determined man who lived by code that prevented him from engaging in battle with children, and during his fight with Hisoka, he remained firm and preserved until he seceded after Hisoka whispered something unknown in his ear.
1 Ponzu (Examinee #246) Was Doing Fine Until She Fell Into The Snake Trap
Ponzu, one of the more well-known supporting characters in the series, was the 246th examinee in the Hunter Exam. She managed to progress to the Fourth Phase with Bourbon as her target. Subsequently, she fell into his trap and was injected with snake venom when his charmed snakes bit into her. Ponzu was later rescued by Leorio, but had fallen unconscious and was unable to prevent Gon from confiscating her number plate and giving it to Leorio.