Arguments between Marvel and DC characters’ powers and effectiveness are far too common, with Hawkeye and Green Arrow constantly matched against each other to see who might be better. And yet there are a lot of things similar between the two that should be pointed out.
What’s interesting is that the characters aren’t completely alike, with core aspects unique to them just about enough for the superheroes to stand out in their own regard. In the end, it’s basically a split between the things that make them different and what’s similar. It’s interesting to look into this further to understand just what these aspects really are.
10 Different: Upbringing & Social Status

The upbringing of both characters is far from the same, with a huge contrast in their social standings. Oliver Queen was a rich kid who is one of the richest comic book characters and is a successful businessman who’s even been a mayor in some adaptations.
On the other end, Clint Barton comes from a poor background after the death of his parents, with him and his brother working at the Carson Carnival of Traveling Wonders. Green Arrow uses his wealth to push his superhero exploits, while Hawkeye relies on the resources of the Avengers or the teams he’s part of.
9 Same: Knack For Taking Up Proteges

The heroes have their fair share of sidekicks, with Green Arrow having the likes of his own son, Conor, as well Roy Harper, aka Speedy. Barton’s most famous protégé is Kate Bishop, who ended up becoming Hawkeye herself.
The characters have displayed an affinity to impart wisdom to younger ones, using their own experiences to advise the next generation not to repeat the same mistakes. They’ve shown the tendency to steer younger characters toward their superhero careers with not much consideration for older people who don’t need mentors.
8 Different: Hawkeye's Disability

Those who have only watched Hawkeye in the MCU will not be aware that he’s supposed to be a superhero with a disability. More recent depictions of the character have shown him suffering from deafness, using hearing aids to get by.
Green Arrow hasn’t been shown to suffer from such ailments, as his conflict comes from the issues of his past and his staunch political beliefs. Hawkeye has been presented as a leading figure for empowerment in the matter of health, while Green Arrow hasn’t shown much interest in such things.
7 Same: Poking Fun At Their Teammates

Most of Hawkeye’s best quotes from the comics have shown him making fun of his teammates, regardless of how powerful they might be. Green Arrow has been along the same lines, although his comments are darker in nature and enough to anger the other person.
The superheroes are known for acting like jerks quite a lot as well, as their negging is a source of annoyance for their teammates. Their intention to do this is to make others consider them as their equal since they don’t have super powers.
6 Different: Leadership Qualities

In the history of the Avengers, there have been multiple leaders of the different versions and factions of the team. Hawkeye has taken a leading role of the West Coast Avengers, along with leading the redemption of the Thunderbolts as well.
Green Arrow is hardly an ideal leader, being very much satisfied in being his own hero and butting heads with those he is forced to form partnerships with. Although TV's Arrowverse did portray him as a leader figure, most of Green Arrow’s interpretations are quite the opposite whereas Hawkeye remains someone who has taken an active role in leadership.
5 Same: Approach To Romance & Taste In Women

Green Arrow’s romantic history is more popular, as fans debate over who his best love interest is. However, the characters’ romances have been similar, in that their most famous relationships have been with fellow superhero characters with birdlike themes.
Green Arrow’s leading romance has been with Black Canary, while Hawkeye’s has been Mockingbird. Both these relationships have seen the pairs be action couples who work together, with their romance being on and off.
4 Different: Hawkeye Has Been A Villain

The idea behind Green Arrow has been to present a superhero who can also be considered an anti-hero, as he doesn’t have the cookie-cutter image that most others have. However, he’s remained a good guy from start to finish.
Hawkeye’s first appearance in Tales of Suspense #57 was as a villain, which lasted for several issues as he had been recruited by Black Widow in their attempt to steal Iron Man’s technology, only to become a hero after Black Widow abandoned him. Although he’s been a superhero for almost all his tenure, this still greatly differs from Green Arrow’s status as a longtime hero.
3 Same: Never-Say-Die Attitude

The admirable thing about both characters is how they keep going up against odds that hardly favor them, yet never display any fear. Despite lacking powers, Green Arrow and Hawkeye have a never-say-die attitude no matter the level of power the villain exhibits.
It’s this that allows them to have a respected position in their teams, as the superheroes play their role as marksmen while looking for any way to take down the baddies. This tenacity of spirit is shared between the two with little to set them apart.
2 Different: Ideologies

Green Arrow is very similar to Robin Hood, being a man who wants to bring power to the people and fights on their behalf rather than wanting to take his exploits on a larger scale. Hawkeye, being a member of the Avengers, has shown the more traditional universe-saving superheroes ideals.
Hawkeye doesn’t dive into the specifics of his job, such as political impacts or looking too deeply into the ethics involved. For Green Arrow, his integrity is a part of his job, as his attitude is socially conscious— even if he's done some bad things— and makes him a streetwise crusader.
1 Same: Archery Skill & Fighting Style

Of course, the fact remains that these characters are best known for being archers, which is what ties them together in the public’s perception of the characters. Their role has been to be marksmen of their group, with their skills almost unparalleled.
Although there have been many things intrinsic to them that are different, at its core the superheroes complete the same function. Their attacks and execution are also similar, with their method being to spray enemies with constant arrows and to employ the use of their archery skills in a number of creative ways, be it for spying or to launch sneak attacks.