Captain America: 10 Most Dangerous Enemies He's Ever Fought | CBR

Captain America has long been one of the toughest superheroes in the Marvel Universe. Punching way above his weight class, Cap has been fighting the biggest evils around for a long time, both on his own and as one of the most important Avengers in the team's history. Few heroes out there can match Cap's skill and experience and he's one of the best heroes around.

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Cap has been operating at the highest levels of the superhero world for a long time and has found himself in battle against some of the most dangerous villains around, with the only thing between victory and death being his star-spangled shield.

10 Batroc The Leaper May Not Seem Like Much, But He's As Tough As They Come

Batroc the Leaper doesn't get a lot of respect in the supervillain community, but he's a lot better than he gets credit for. Proof of that is his many battles against Captain America. As a master of the French martial art savate, Batroc is formidable foe even against superpowered foes and his acrobatic fighting style makes his fights against Cap exciting affairs.

Cap knows to take Batroc seriously because any mistakes against the French fighter can lead to defeat. Batroc is smart and capable, a much bigger threat than anyone in a costume as ridiculous as his should be.

9 Baron Blood's Vampiric Powers Were Almost Too Much For Cap

Cap has been battling Baron Blood since WWII. A British vampire who fought on the side of the Axis forces, Blood was one of the biggest threats Cap faced. When he returned years later, he forced Cap to do something he hated – killing. In order to halt his rampage, Cap beheaded the vampire with his shield.

Blood would return and continue to be one of the most dangerous foes Cap faces, always testing him to his utmost. Blood even battled against Sam Wilson when he was Cap. Their rivalry isn't as well known as some others, but it's still one of Cap's most harrowing.

8 Baron Strucker Is One Of Hydra's Greatest Leaders

Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker has been alive since the late 19th century and started fighting Cap during WWII. Infected by the Deathspore virus, he would stop aging and gain increased durability & a healing factor. As one of the Hydra's most dangerous leaders, Strucker and Cap have clashed many times over the years.

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A formidable fighter and strategist, Strucker has challenged Cap in just about every way over the years, whether it be in a straight up fight between the two or with one of his mind bending schemes as a Hydra leader.

7 Baron Zemo's Grudge Is Personal

Baron Zemo's hatred for Cap is basically hereditary. Raised by the Nazi Heinrich Zemo, Helmut Zemo blamed Cap for his father's death and took up his father's purple mask. Zemo would attack Cap every chance he got, whether the Star-Spangled Avenger was on his own or with his teammates in the Avengers.

Zemo was always a multi-faceted threat to Cap – a skilled hand to hand combatant and a cunning strategist, he'd do anything for victory, committing all manner of terrible acts in his mission to destroy Cap.

6 Hydra Supreme Cap Almost Conquered The Earth

Hydra Supreme Cap was one of the gravest challenges the heroes of the Marvel Universe ever faced. When Kubik de-aged Cap (after one of the umpteenth failures of the super soldier serum), Red Skull's influence on her made her change Cap's history, making him into a Hydra agent since his early days.

Hydra Supreme would enact a slow burn plan that allowed Hydra to take over the US and had designs on the rest of the world. A good version of Cap would return and battled Hydra Supreme in one of his toughest fights, facing a foe with all of his skills and a Cosmic Cube. Cap was able to defeat his doppelganger, but it was a close call.

5 Kang Is One Of The Future's Greatest Warriors

As a member of the Avengers, Cap has faced down some deadly foes, but one of the most dangerous was Kang the Conqueror. From a future where he has conquered all he saw, Kang decided that he needed a challenge, one that could only come from battling the greatest heroes of them all – the Avengers.

Cap and the Avengers always found themselves sorely tested when facing down Kang. His weapons packed armor was only the beginning of the danger Kang posed – his mind was his real greatest weapon. Kang's schemes involved a lot more than brute strength and Cap & the Avengers often came close to being defeated every time they faced him.

4 Doctor Doom's A Multi-Faceted Threat

Doctor Doom is probably the greatest villain on the face of the Earth. Although he's primarily known as a nemesis of the Fantastic Four, he has found himself facing down the Avengers many times over the years. Cap and the Avengers have often been lucky in their battles against Doom – he doesn't go as hard against others as he does against the accursed Richards and his brood.

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That doesn't make Doom that much less of a threat, though, as Cap and the Avengers always find it quite hard to defeat the Latverian monarch and for good reason – between his brain, his armor, and magical skills, Doom's one of the most dangerous villains around.

3 Red Skull Is A Genocidal Monster

Red Skull is Cap's arch-nemesis. The two men have been locked in a death spiral since WWII, battling each other with a fierceness that is legendary. They are the exact opposite of each of other – Red Skull is the culmination of Nazi ideals of racism and genocide while Cap represents the triumph of freedom.

Red Skull will commit any atrocity and kill anyone he needs to in order to defeat Cap. Cap knows just how terrible Red Skull is and will stop at nothing to defeat the Nazi. There are few rivalries as intense as this one and their battle will endure for as long as they're both living.

2 Ultron Is An Extinction Level Event

Probably the Avengers' greatest foe, Ultron has been responsible for the death of millions, slaughtering everyone in the country of Slovenia in a matter of hours. While the main source of Ultron's enmity is Hank Pym, Cap has led the team against the murderous android many times and the fights are always a close thing.

Ultron is never not dangerous – fantastically strong and well armed, fiendishly smart, and extremely difficult to hurt because of his adamantium shell. Without his great skill and the help of his teammates, Ultron could have ended Cap's legend easily.

1 Thanos Is One Of The Most Deadly Villains In The Cosmos

Cap was one of the heroes who faced the Mad Titan when he had the Infinity Gauntlet. Surrounded by his dead comrades, Cap walked up to Thanos, who was basically God, and locked eyes with him.

This moment is one of the most intense ever, as they stared each other down. Their battle was short but fierce; there was no way Cap could stand up to Thanos and the Mad Titan killed Cap with a backhanded blow. As far as moments go, it was one of the best of the battle, as Cap proved just how brave he was and that no matter what the odds, he never flinches.

NEXT: 10 Classic Captain America Storylines The MCU Never Got To Adapt

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