Bungie has confirmed an armor transmog feature is on its way for Season 14 and went into a little detail about what it will look like. Called Armor Synthesis, it'll bring back a character from previous expansions and open a world of new cosmetic options for Guardians.
Destiny 2 players have long awaited a transmog process in-game that'll let them change armor appearances without the need to equip different items altogether. Alongside a limited bank and the previous issue of sunsetting, players were restrained in armor choices that were functional and looked great.

Transmog is an important part of any game that puts a heavy focus on cosmetic appearance or armor. Popular in titles like Word of Warcraft and Ghost of Tsushima, it gives players the freedom to look how they want without limiting themselves to wearing the actual set that has that appearance. Destiny 2's take on transmog is called Armor Synthesis, and it'll be introduced during next season. In Bungie's "2021 Update: The Road To The Witch Queen," the development team shed some light on what players can expect when Armor Synthesis releases.
Contrary to previous rumors and speculation, the system will not utilize Bright Dust (one of Destiny 2's in-game currencies). Instead, players will spend a new currency referred to by Bungie as "Synthesis Materials" at Ada's Loom to convert a piece of armor from Collections into a Universal Ornament. Universal Ornaments can be applied to any piece of gear of the same type (i.e., Universal Ornaments for helmets can only be applied to helmets) to change their appearance. Bungie also stated that players would receive some of these materials for free after completing the seasonal onboarding quest to thank players for their patience.

The Synthesis Materials can be spent at Ada's Loom, which a returning Destiny character, Ada-1, will operate. Players haven't seen Ada-1 since the eve of Beyond Light when activities, vendors and planets from previous expansions were removed from the game. She first appeared in the Black Armory content that was added to the game during the Forsaken expansion.
Alongside the new option to transmog armor with Armor Synthesis, players will be delighted to know there is a new Appearance Customization menu. It seems to ensure the whole process is as streamlined as possible when managing an appearance using pieces from multiple different sets. In addition to this, Bungie also confirmed that color shaders for armor would no longer be consumable items. They'll transition to an unlock system, allowing players to reuse the same shader without worrying about hoarding favored colors.
Season 14 will introduce some features players have sought for quite some time. Guardians will finally be able to customize their gear's appearance without the limitations present up to this point, and some nice quality of life changes are inbound with updates to shaders and the Customization menu. If ever there was a time to show off your fashion sense in Destiny 2, it'll be when Armor Synthesis becomes available in the title's upcoming season.