One of the most mysterious characters in Goblin Slayer is the resident archbishop, Sword Maiden. Not much is known about her from the few episodes she appears in besides the fact that she hates goblins because they abused her. It instantly paints her in a positive light as someone the fans are meant to root for.
However, there is a lot to her history that goes beyond her hatred and fear of goblins. Much of it gets unraveled in later issues of the manga, and surely the same will happen in the anime.
10 She Was One Of The Heroes Who Defeated The Demon Lord

Throughout the anime, Sword Maiden is only known as the archbishop of the Temple of Law. Her past with goblins is described briefly, but nothing beyond that point. Given that she's one of the strongest priestesses alive, it should come as no surprise that she was once a great adventurer.
Not only that, she was part of the party they ended up slaying the demon lord, putting her firmly in the annals of history. It makes her fear of goblins all the more unique and interesting.
9 She's A Famed Cartographer Who Was Invaluable To Her Party

As an adventurer, her biggest talent wasn't even her capability to heal. Instead, the party used her more as a cartographer, which brought her a level of fame.
She's extremely skilled at diagraming the interworkings of a dungeon, making it, so her party knew every nook in cranny and never ran the risk of getting lost inside. It's a job that is often glossed over but important for any adventuring group.
8 She Know's The King Of Goblin Slayer's World

The anime hasn't gotten the chance to delve too deep into the lore of the world, focusing more so on Goblin Slayer and his party. However, as the manga goes on, more of this gets expounded on as a King is revealed, and he just so happens to be someone that the Sword Maiden has known for years.
They go as far back as their adventuring days, two of them often lamenting that they wish they could go back to simpler times rather than the positions of power they both now hold.
7 She Became An Appraiser In Fortress City After The Goblin Assault

After her encounter with the goblins, it's understandable that she'd want to get out of the business of adventuring, taking up a job as an appraiser in Fortress City. What they did to her was awful, something that would scar a person for life.
The fact she was able to overcome it is proof of how strong her character is, showing that she won't allow anything to ruin her life. She managed to make something of herself and managed to go from fledgling adventurer to an archbishop.
6 Her Traumatic Past With The Goblins Spread Around The City And World

The assault at the hands of a goblin den is the defining trait of Sword Maiden's character, as is her ability to rise above it. It's an event she can never run from, even if she ever wanted to. Even if the nightmares of that day faded, adventurers all began to hear tales of what happened to her.
On one occasion, an adventure even taunted her over it, making unwanted advances against her while she was merely trying to appraise their gear for them.
5 She Helped Push Her Party To Confront The Demon Lord

After her party confronted and overcame the ninth level of the Dungeon of the Dead, they were all unsure of if they should continue or not, worried they weren't going to be enough to finish the job.
It was Sword Maiden's words that helped push them forward, giving them the added vigor they needed to finish the job. She truly believed they were destined to save the day, to put an end to the Demon Lord once and for all, saving the world.
4 Her Abilities Go Beyond Healing And Protections

Unlike her younger counterpart, which is often seen traveling with Goblin Slayer, Sword Maiden possesses offensive spells in her arsenal along with healing spells. She once set fire to a slime that was suffocating a Female Warrior to death in the Dungeon of the Dead and has used Holy Light before against foes.
She can even silence foes who utilize magic, making her a far more well-rounded fighter than Priestess is, not needing to rely on protection spells alone.
3 She Is One Of The Strongest Humans In The World Because She Is A Former Gold Rank Adventurer

One look at her wouldn't give the impression of power, given that she's blind, but her lack of sight is far from a weakness. Her spells capabilities, combined with her standing in the church, makes her second to only the King in terms of raw power at her disposal.
What she and her party pulled off in the past is proof enough of what she can do, something the rest of the world recognizes. No one challenges her capabilities any longer, not like they did in the past.
2 She Had A Crush On The Leader Of Her Party

Sword Maiden never hid the fact that she's attracted to a certain type of man, which is made abundantly clear with her feelings towards Goblin Slayer in the anime. However, he's not the first person she's had an interest in.
That title belongs to Captain, the swordsman who led her party against the Demon Lord. He always made sure that everyone was heard, making Sword Maiden feel part of a family. She even blushed when he complimented her appearance.
1 Her Black Blindfold Was Picked Out For Her By Female Wizard

The black blindfold that Sword Maiden wears was actually picked out for her by one of her former party members, Female Wizard. It was such a stylish choice that even Female Wizard's cousin couldn't help but compliment Sword Maiden's appearance.
Knowing this gives the blindfold a certain level of sentimental value to the Sword Maiden, explaining why she so rarely ever takes it off. It's one of the few reminders of her party.