10 Ways The Justice League Have Made The World A Better Place

The Justice League is the greatest team in the DC Universe. Composed of the most powerful and skilled heroes around, the League exists to protect the Multiverse from the most dangerous villains of them all. They are the shining example that every team looks to for inspiration and their adventures have enthralled fans for decades. There are few teams that can match the grandeur and majesty of the Justice League.

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Over the years, the Justice League has done a multitude of things to make the world a better place. They've saved all of creation many times, ensuring that the sun rises again.

10 They're Responsible For The Marvel Universe

Everyone asks which team is better - the Justice League or the Avengers, but what really matters isn't which is better. The thing that matters is that the Avengers- and the Marvel Universe in general- never would have existed if it wasn't for the Justice League. DC's success with the Justice League spurred Marvel on to allow Stan Lee and Jack Kirby to re-start the publisher's superheroes with Fantastic Four #1, which would lead to the creation of the Avengers.

Much like the DC Universe, the Marvel Universe has made generations of readers happy and that happiness has made the world a better place, bringing enjoyment to millions.

9 They've Inspired Multiple Teams In The Battle Against Evil

The Justice League wasn't the first super team in the DC Universe but their example has been responsible for many heroes to get together and save the days. From the Teen Titans to the Outsiders to the far future Legion of Superheroes, the Justice League has inspired many teams to form and take up the battle against evil, and that's not even counting the League's own offshoots.

While Justice League took inspiration from the Justice Society, every team after the League looked to them for guidance. The sheer amounts of lives these teams have saved are because they were trying to be like their heroes in the Justice League.

8 They've Prevented All Kinds Of Multiversal Shenanigans

The DC Multiverse can be a very dangerous place and without the League, that danger would have spilled over to the main DC Universe. The biggest example of this is the many iterations of the Crime Syndicate, the evil Justice League of Earth-3. They are only the beginning, though.

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There are all kinds of dangers out there that the Justice League prevents from occurring in their universe. These threats would have devoured the Earth long ago if it wasn't for the team and their stalwart stewardship of the planet.

7 They've Stopped All Kinds Of Alien Invasions

The dangers of the Multiverse aren't the only extra-planetary threats the Justice League face. The DC Universe proper is full of alien races and not all of them are the nice kind of alien that just wants to share their technology and be friends with everyone. There are plenty of alien races that think the universe is their oyster.

The Justice League has stopped multiple alien invasions, keeping the world safe. Whether it be White Martians, the Dominators, or any number of others, the League has stopped them from enslaving the people of the Earth many times.

6 The Justice League Has Given A Lot of Great Technology To The World

The Justice League's adventures have taken them all over the universe and the team's members have had dealings with many alien races beyond fighting them. The League has gotten its hands on lots of technology over the years and that technology has siphoned down to the general public through various means.

On top of that, some of the smartest scientists in the world are League members and have used their brains and the alien tech they have to invent even greater machines, all of which have worked for the betterment of mankind.

5 They're The Earth's Greatest Deterrent Against Darkseid

Darkseid is one of the most terrible evils in the Multiverse. He's irredeemably evil; his entire existence is motivated by the desire to grind the universe under his heel. He doesn't just want to be in charge - he wants complete and total submission, with every sentient being existing only as an extension of his terrible will.

While some of his greatest enemies exist on the planet of New Genesis, if it wasn't for the Justice League, Darkseid's minions would have steamrolled over the Earth years ago, conquering everything in their path.

4 They Saved Creation From The Terrors Of Perpetua And The Batman Who Laughs

After the events of Dark Knights: Metal, Perpetua, one of the Hands responsible for the creation of the Multiverse, was able to break out of the Source Wall. Teaming with Lex Luthor, she desired to bring the element of Doom to ascendance and recreate everything, transforming the multiverse into something dark and predatory.

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Eventually, she would have Lex and the Batman Who Laughs battle it out and take the BWL as her new servant. The two tore the Multiverse apart and then battled amongst themselves over the pieces. It was all down to Wonder Woman bringing the League back together to battle them and save the day, recreating everything.

3 They Stopped The Black Lanterns From Devouring The Earth

The Justice League has fought many colossal battles but few were as desperate as the one against the Black Lanterns. The Black Lanterns were the resurrected dead of the universe and, led by Necron and Black Hand, attacked the Earth to find the entity that embodied Life so they could slay it and Death could rule the universe.

While the various Lantern Corps was instrumental in ending the war against the dead, the Justice League and their allies held them back on Earth, buying the Lanterns the time they needed and saving as many lives as possible.

2 They Stop All Manner Of Human Villains

While the dangers of the greater DC Universe are always there, the Earth has its own homegrown threats that have often proven to be too great for any one hero to deal with. This is where the Justice League comes in - they're the greatest group of heroes on the planet and together can handle the worst of the worst.

The League has been battling the worst the planet has to offer for most of its existence, battling evil villains, eldritch threats, and ancient abominations. Without the League, the world would be a darker place, fought over by the deadliest beings on the planet.

1 They Inspire The Common Citizen To Be Better

The Justice League has inspired many heroes but that's not all. Their very existence has served as inspiration for the people of the Earth as well. The fact that these heroes will give their all to protect the innocent has inspired many non-superpowered citizens of the world to try and do better in their everyday lives.

The Justice League are the ultimate celebrities- powerful, responsible people who save the world on a regular basis. The amount of inspiration they've given the people of their world is undeniable.

NEXT: 10 Ways The Justice League Have Made The World Worse

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