Champions: Nova Pushes Ms. Marvel to the Roxxon Corporation | CBR

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Champions #7 by Danny Lore, Luciano Vecchio, Federico Blee & VC's Clayton Cowles, on sale now.

Kamala’s Law hurt many of Marvel's youngest superheroes, even though it was ostensibly meant to help them. Out of all the teenage heroes, the one traumatized most by the Underage Superhuman Welfare Act was Ms. Marvel, the hero whose alter ego the law is named after.

With Kamala Khan suffering more than almost anyone, she wanted nothing to do with Roxxon. However, Ms. Marvel's goal was to bring the entire company crumbling down. Kamala convinced Nova and Spider-Man to go undercover at Roxxon. Personally, she wouldn’t consider working for the corporation herself, but Sam Alexander took that decision away from her in Champions #7.

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Miles Morales and Sam applied for Roxxon, attempting to infiltrate the corporation. With two heroes on the inside, the Champions could prepare for future attacks. This move would finally put them on the offensive. The problem is that Miles Morales sold himself to Roxxon, but they deemed Sam Alexander too boring to connect with the youth. When Sam tried to argue his case, he learned he could get in with a celebrity endorsement. He threw out the one name Roxxon wanted over any other -- Kamala Khan.

It was Ms. Marvel’s idea to infiltrate Roxxon. She knew they needed to send in unknown names, and that eliminated Ironheart since the world knows her identity. Spider-Man admitted they are he was not an expert in espionage, but Ms. Marvel believed working as superheroes made them capable of the job at Roxxon. Viv Vision figured out that Roxxon was hiring social media interns. Ms. Marvel then revealed that Viv could alter the applications and get them in. However, Ms. Marvel wanted Nova and Spider-Man to work for Roxxon instead of her.

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Ironheart asked Ms. Marvel to volunteer, but Kamala said no way. Ironheart called her out on the hypocrisy here, saying Roxxon would love to have Kamala Khan at its side. Ms. Marvel’s refusal made Ironheart question how Kamala could ask one of them to do it if she wouldn’t. That is when Ms. Marvel revealed her discomfort at volunteering herself. Kamala complained that Roxxon used her face on the news every time they talked about the law. She said they took so much of her already and she wouldn’t give any more of herself to Roxxon. Kamala could have gotten in easily because Miriam Blakemoore believed Kamala Khan was the perfect option, but they couldn’t get through to her. Miriam explained that hiring Kamala while the Underage Superhuman Welfare Act was on the books would appeal to both sides.

Kamala Khan was there when Roxxon attacked Coles Academic High School. Ms. Marvel gathered the Champions and went to battle with Roxxon’s Asgardian Dragon to stop them. Things fell apart when Viv exploded, destroying the school and injuring many students. Kamala ended up in a coma, and this led to Senator Geoffrey Patrick passing the Underage Superhuman Welfare Act, nicknamed Kamala’s Law un her honor. According to Patrick, the law’s intent was to help keep underaged heroes safe by limiting their vigilante actions. The fact Kamala was an underaged superhero made it ironic in the worst way. After seeing her name on the television screens while her friends suffered, Kamala Khan wanted nothing to do with Roxxon. Thanks to Nova, she lost that privilege.

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