Spider-Man: The New Avengers Reveal Marvel's Most Hated Villain

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Giant-Size Amazing Spider-Man: King's Ransom #1 by Nick Spencer, Roge Antonio, Carlos Gomez, Ze Carlos, Alex Sinclair & VC's Joe Caramagna, on sale now.

After Spider-Man learned that Boomerang found the last piece of the Lifeline Tablet, he also realized all the city’s crime lords descended on the same location, threatening to completely overwhelm Spider-Man's supervillain-turned-roommate.

Spider-Man knew Kingpin would keep law enforcement away to allow the crime bosses to battle over who would capture Boomerang. The wall-crawler needed help, so decided the superheroes most likely to help fight Kingpin’s crime lords were his former teammates from the New Avengers, the Avengers former street-level team. While they all answered his call, the assembled here's all realized that they all hate Boomerang.

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New Avengers hate Boomerang

The idea of everyone hating Boomerang has been a running gag over the last year of Spider-Man comics. Even the street-level criminals he used to hang out with hate him. When Wilson Fisk put a bounty on his head, the crime lords of Manhattan all said they hated him.

Now, the New Avengers revealed they hate the guy too. It is funny considering that Boomerang is a low-level villain whose only real nemesis in his career was Spider-Man. It shows how annoying Boomerang is. However, Spider-Man liked and trusted him, and he vouched for him with the New Avengers.

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It hasn’t always been that way. When Boomerang first came into Spider-Man’s life as a friend, he was hunting for the Lifeline Tablet pieces, which garnered Kingpin’s attention. This led to Boomerang moving in with Randy Robertson, which put him close to Peter Parker. However, Spider-Man didn’t trust him. That changed in Amazing Spider-Man #7 by Nick Spencer and Humberto Ramos. This was when Boomerang, the world’s worst roommate, took Peter to The Bar With No Name and risked his life to save his new roommate. No one in The Bar With No Name wanted anything to do with Boomerang.

After that, Boomerang gained Spider-Man’s trust. He got along great with Peter Parker, and the two even brought home a pet to co-raise in Gog. Spider-Man was the only person in the world who liked Boomerang, much less trusted him. This hatred extended to the crime bosses as well. In Amazing Spider-Man #61 by Nick Spencer and Patrick Gleason, Kingpin offered a 'Get Out of Jail Free' card to whichever crime boss brought him Boomerang. The response from the room full of heavy hitters was “I hate that guy.” With the New Avengers joining in on the hate wagon, it seemed Spider-Man was the only man in Boomerang’s corner.

Boomerang betrays Spider-Man

However, Spider-Man paid for that when Boomerang betrayed him. Boomerang tricked Spider-Man into asking the New Avengers to keep the crime bosses at bay, and Spidey retrieved the last piece of the Lifeline Tablet. At that moment, Boomerang revealed his long-term plan and betrayed Spider-Man.

Boomerang was working for Kingpin all along, and the crime lords and low-level villains were all a cover to keep his loyalties a secret. The crime lords hated Boomerang, the New Avengers hated Boomerang, and when Boomerang betrayed Spider-Man, he proved everyone had a good reason for considering him the most hated villain in the Marvel Universe.

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