In Final Fantasy, overpowered tends to be the name of the game. There simply aren't a lot of other universes where players are able to summon the gods of that world to use super-attacks on the enemies— at least, not since Final Fantasy clones started to go away. The enemies tend to have designs on either wiping out the world or taking it over, which means the heroes have to have some way to put a stop to it or get wiped out.
But it's not enough to have powerful magic and summons— Final Fantasy also has no shortage of overpowered items. Near the end of the game, simple Buster Swords and Potions aren't going to get the job done. Enemies use one-hit kills every three turns, and players have to level up. Fortunately, there are tons of overpowered items for heroes and villains alike.
10 Tonberry's Knife Can Become An Auto-Kill

Tonberry is very cute, but cute things aren’t always to be trifled with. When Tonberry comes at the player with their knife, it’s an incredibly dangerous attack. Though it's one of the best games for new players, in Final Fantasy VII the attack is pretty much an auto-kill.
In Final Fantasy V, Tonberry uses it multiple times and completely ignores any defense the player might have, meaning it gets to use the full attack strength on the player. Players have access to materia to protect them in Remake, but who knows how long it is before Tonberry figures out a way to get past that too. He already ignores physical defense, why not magical as well?
9 Zodiac Spear Hits For Max Damage & Offers Incredible Stat Buffs

One of the most powerful weapons in Final Fantasy XII, the Zodiac Spear, might have some of the most ridiculous requirements for a special weapon in any video game. The player has to avoid opening specific chests in order to gain this weapon, and the only way to be aware of this is by having a guide open at pretty much all times.
This only works in the vanilla version of the game, as in the Zodiac Age remaster it’s even more difficult to attain. It offers some insane stat buffs, but in the remaster can only be used by a single character.
8 Cottage Regenerates The Entire Party's HP & MP

The Tent is the OG healing item, but the Cottage has always been just a little better. More often than not, the Tent is only able to regenerate a certain amount of HP and MP, while the Cottage fully restores both for the entire party.
The cottage could only be used at save points or on the world map, but it gave players the extra strength they needed to keep fighting. These days the cottage hasn’t appeared in games, but back in the day it was exactly the item players wanted considering Megalixirs were much more difficult to find.
7 Hero Drink Can Double Attack & Defense

The original Hero Drink was found in Final Fantasy V, and it’s actually not that ridiculous of an item: It simply raises the user’s strength. But by Final Fantasy VII, the ability has gotten truly ridiculous.
It raises the ability of a user in battle, and increases both attack and magic attack by 30% for the duration of the battle. To make matters worse, it can be used four times to effectively double all four stats. This would be the perfect item to use for those pesky boss fights.
6 Killer Bow Wasn't Even Supposed To Be In The Game

This was one of the best items in Final Fantasy II, but only for those who cheated. The player isn’t supposed to have it, as it’s a dummied weapon that isn’t supposed to be accessed at all.
If it is, the game won’t even display any kind of animation with it— it simply looks like the main character threw a physical attack. However, the item has an 80% chance of killing any enemy it’s attacked by.
5 Tetra Elemental Helps The Player Absorb Multiple Different Elements

Tetra Elemental is another amazing accessory introduced into the game. It’s not quite on the level of Ribbon, but it’s pretty close. The original Tetra Elemental is capable of absorbing Fire, Earth, Ice, and Lightning magical abilities.
When it’s introduced again in Final Fantasy X, it grants four different spells to nullify the effects of those same elements. Effectively, anyone wearing this can deal with most mages, unless they start casting some high-element stuff.
4 Baltoro's Seed Allows Players To Gain Multiple Stat Buffs At Once

This is a pretty ridiculous item to get, and is the ultimate stat buff item, potentially for any RPG ever. It’s only found in Zodiac versions of Final Fantasy XII, and only when players are able to steal it from rare enemies or find rare chests with it.
The item places Protect, Regen, Bubble, and about seven other status buffs to the player. This is exactly the kind of item players want if they were taking on some of Final Fantasy XII’s more difficult content.
3 Ribbons Makes One Immune To Nearly All Status Effects

The Ribbon is easily the best accessory in most Final Fantasy games. It stops the player from being affected by most status ailments, with the exceptions generally being Stop, Slow, and the Death clock.
The Ribbon is an absolute must-have in certain fights, especially against something like the Malboro, which has it’s Bad Breath attack inflict multiple status effects on the player at once— something that's so popular it's become the subject of popular Final Fantasy memes. Fortunately it’s typically pretty difficult to find, often needing trips into dangerous side areas or requiring the player to steal it from a specific boss.
2 Megalixir Can Heal All Party Members' HP & MP

This is the item any player should go for if they hack their games. There’s no need to own anything else once they get it. The base Elixir is impressive enough, restoring all HP and MP to a character the player is playing with. But the Megalixir can restore all the HP and all the MP to the entire party.
It’s essentially allowing the player a fresh start against difficult bosses. Fortunately it’s fairly difficult to get, and even costs 650,000 gil in Final Fantasy IV.
1 Mega Phoenix Can Fully Revive All Party Members

The Phoenix Down makes no sense from a canon perspective, as it revives characters and yet it can be bought at the average store for typically not much money at all. Most players have all the Phoenix Downs they could ever want by mid-way through the game.
The Mega Phoenix however revives all fallen players, meaning only one player has to survive to instantly bring back every other character with full health. This item didn’t exist until Final Fantasy VIII, and has only been included in four mainline games since then.