Reincarnated As A Slime: 5 My Hero Academia Characters Shion Can Beat (& 5 She'd Lose to)

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime is a hit isekai anime starring not only the powerhouse Rimuru Tempest but also his formidable allies, including the six ogres. Shion, in particular, is Rimuru's loyal bodyguard and self-appointed secretary, and she will do absolutely anything for Rimuru's sake, even at the risk of her own life.

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In a fight, Shion can hold her own with superhuman strength and agility, not to mention her massive Hercules sword, martial arts, Magic Bullets, and ranged magical attacks. This time, she will fight the heroes and villains of My Hero Academia to impress her slime boss, and she will give it her all. How far can Shion get against these characters?

10 SHION CAN DEFEAT: Vlad King Is Too Slow To Fight Shion

Vlad King is a pro hero and the teacher of U.A.'s Class 1-B homeroom, and he can use his blood control ability to trap his enemies, as he once did against a Dabi clone. He is also a capable melee fighter, but he is only human, while Shion is a kijin, an evolved ogre.

Shion can outrun anything Vlad King can throw at her, and her Hercules sword will slash him apart. Even if Vlad can block that sword with his blood, Shion can let go of it, then finish him with her bare hands.

9 SHION CAN'T DEFEAT: All Might Is Just Too Strong

Shion would even face the invincible symbol of peace if she thought it would benefit Rimuru, but no way can she triumph against All Might himself. Shion would impress All Might with her kijin-level strength and energy attacks, and he would marvel at her oversized sword. But he has nothing to fear from any of that.

All Might can easily keep up with Shion's movements, and at leisure, he could deliver bone-shattering punches or kicks to take her out commission. He might not even need a Smash attack to win this fight.

8 SHION CAN DEFEAT: Ibara Shiozaki's Vines Will Get Sliced Up

Ibara Shiozaki ranks among Class 1-B's stronger students, and she might be stronger than several Class 1-A students, for that matter. Her Quirk turns her long hair into tough, fast-moving vines that can capture enemies without shedding blood, and she demonstrated this against Denki in the U.A. sports festival.

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Ibara can try that against Shion, but it won't work. Shion is quick enough to evade Ibara's vine attacks, and more importantly, her sword can slice up those vines, and that's going to hurt for Ibara. Then, Shion can get close and pummel Ibara into submission.

7 SHION CAN'T DEFEAT: Tomura Shigaraki Just Got A Massive Upgrade

When the villainous Tomura Shigaraki first appeared, he would have been an even match for Shion. In fact, she might have defeated him, but that's no longer the case. In recent MHA episodes, Tomura awakened the full extent of his Decay ability, and he defeated Re-Destro in a bitter battle for villain supremacy.

Tomura can now decay large amounts of matter around him with impunity, and he received a lot of training by fighting Gigantomachia for so long. If Shion tried getting close, Tomura would reduce her to ash, and she has no countermeasures at all to protect her.

6 SHION CAN DEFEAT: Mt. Lady Is Too Clumsy To Stop Shion

Despite her colossal size, the hero Mt. Lady is surprisingly easy to take down if her opponent knows what to do. Melee-oriented villains can't match her durability and brute strength, but Shion has more tricks up her sleeve than melee combat. She can fire Magic Bullets to deal some damage and keep Mt. Lady busy.

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That will buy Shion time to slash Mt. Lady's ankles and calves, forcing the oversized hero to her hands and knees. Then Shion can leap high enough to slash Mt. Lady's throat and finish her.

5 SHION CAN'T DEFEAT: Shoto Can Restrict Shion's Movement With Ice

Shion can give Shoto Todoroki a good fight, and Shoto will quickly learn not to take this ogre swordswoman lightly. Shion can shatter Shoto's ice with her fists and Magic Bullets, but if Shoto plays his cards right, he can get the upper hand.

Shoto is an expert with his ice, and he can sneak some ice past Shion's defenses to trap her arms and legs and freeze them. If Shion's frozen up, she can't swing her sword or use magic bullets, and Shoto can seal her up inside a massive ice formation.

4 SHION CAN DEFEAT: Magne's Quirk Won't Do Much Good

Magne is a melee villain who can fight evenly with the mighty Tiger, which is saying a lot, and Magne can attract or repel people with a magnetic Quirk. When enough people are around, this Quirk can be highly flexible, but it won't help Magne take Shion down.

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Magne is good in a fistfight, but Shion is better, and Shion has the benefit of kijin strength and her sword, not to mention those Magic Bullets. Before long, Shion will deal a heavy blow to Magne and finish the fight either with a sword slash or a Magic Bullet.

3 SHION CAN'T DEFEAT: Overhaul Can Reshape Matter At Will

Overhaul is a ferociously powerful villain who relies almost entirely on his Quirk to fight. He can reshape living or non-living matter with a touch, and there seems to be no limit to this ability. He can easily heal his wounds or blast his opponent into bloody bits with a touch.

In a fight, Overhaul can keep Shion busy with spikes, walls and pillars made from the floor or walls, and sneak past her defenses and touch her. Shion will be torn to shreds with just one touch, and Overhaul can claim victory.

2 SHION CAN DEFEAT: Tenya Iida Can't Knock Shion Out

Tenya Iida is a runner hero, relying on his legs and his Engine Quirk to race across the battlefield and get in position to deliver devastating kick attacks, including Recipro Burst. He can dispatch most mid-level opponents with these moves, and he has recently received an upgrade, too.

Shion can only barely keep up with this, but when it comes to strength, she has the edge. Tenya might land one kick, but that's not enough to knock out a kijin like Shion. Shion can throw Tenya off-balance with a counterattack, then slash him with Hercules.

1 SHION CAN'T DEFEAT: Dabi's Flames Burn Incredibly Hot

In melee combat, Dabi couldn't possibly hope to take on Shion for even a few seconds, but he won't let it come to that. Dabi is a ranged fighter whose Cremation Quirk is even hotter than Endeavor's Hellflame Quirk, and he can envelop the battlefield in blue flames.

Shion is fast, but not even she can slip out of a raging inferno like this, and she'll take serious damage from the heat. Then, Dabi can hit her again with a more focused attack and incinerate her before his endurance runs out.

NEXT: Jujutsu Kaisen: 10 Anime Characters Who Can Defeat Sukuna

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