Law & Order: Organized Crime Season 2, Episode 1 Recap & Spoilers

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Law & Order: Organized Crime Season 2, Episode 1, "The Man With No Identity," which premiered Thursday on NBC.

The Season 2 premiere of Law & Order: Organized Crime opens with Richard Wheatley, the big bad from Season 1 who ran a drug empire and was tangentially involved with Detective Elliot Stabler's wife's murder, being escorted from prison to his court date where a judge will rule if he will get a reduced sentence for his case cooperation. At the hearing, charges against Wheatley are dismissed, so he's free to rejoin his empire and get revenge on Stabler, despite his false statements about wanting to help the police more. He will then be moved back to Rikers to await trial on his one remaining outstanding murder charge.

At the docks, a suspicious motley crew is met by security, who want to inspect the shipping container the gang is picking up. While police investigate the container, a motorcycle zips by, and the gang beats up the cops. The awaiting driver goes to help his crew attack the guards when multiple police cars show up. The men are arrested, and the driver of the car, whose face hasn't yet been shown, is then revealed to be none other than an undercover Stabler.

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Back at the police headquarters, Sgt. Ayanna Bell testifies that she didn't anticipate an undercover Stabler to be arrested as a cocaine smuggler, but they had fully coordinated with harbor patrol to pull off the operation. Sgt. Brewster, part of a different operation tracking cocaine from cartels and Bells' former commanding officer in Narcos, is under pressure for his own undercover operation not making enough headway. Meanwhile, Bell says Stabler is making his own headway, cultivating relationships with the drug kingpins revealed to be part of an Albanian smuggling cartel.

Stabler's undercover name, Eddie Wagner, is called, and he's lead from holding. Reggie, one of the cartel's main members, vouches to the other guys that Eddie's not going to rat them out. Speaking with Bell, Stabler reports that he suspects there are rogue cops on harbor patrol ready to let that shipment through. He feels it was choreographed but that things are now disrupted a little. Bell reports the narcotics task force is tracking the same shipment and that Brewster is going to make things a little rough. Another cop comes in and says the Albanian drug cartel members' arrests will be voided and Stabler will be let go. Bell says she'll get a manifest to find out which harbor patrol cops have been working the docks.

On the streets, Stabler bonds with Reggie, who feels like he blew the operation and that his uncle will be upset with him. Stabler/Eddie assures Reggie he has his back. Reggie then warns him about his uncle, Albi Briscu, they're about to meet in a boxing gym. Reggie meets with his uncle who is livid about the "hiccup" and has his guy beat up Reggie. Stabler steps in and gives Reggie pointers on how to defend himself, angering Albi. Stabler also says he can help recover the lost investment, so Reggie's uncle invites him into the ring to prove himself -- and then makes him swear to actually deliver on that promise

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Stabler sneaks back into his police office to meet up with Jet "Sloot" Slootmaekers and Bell to go over the records on his Albanian crew and the potentially corrupt harbor cops. They trace one of the cops, Beau Campbell, and find his long-time girlfriend. They hope to use her to determine Beau's whereabouts. Meanwhile, Stabler visits Reggie and Reggie's mother for dinner. Reggie is excited to show off his new friend Eddie (Stabler), and his mom reads Stabler's coffee grounds. She wants to know why Stabler doesn't "tell her how he feels or the person he loves," which is an obvious reference to Olivia, his former partner.

Stabler and Reggie follow a cop car and pull a gun on the officer, demanding to know who made the other four cops disappear. The officer reveals the same name as Sloot found: Beau Campbell and tells them where they might find him. After Reggie and Stabler pull off, the officer reports to Bell that Reggie and the undercover Stabler are on the move.

Sgt. Bell is staying with Angela Wheatley, who's survived the poisoning by her ex-husband Richard Wheatley from last season and is walking again. Angela still has feelings for Stabler, but Bell just wants to make sure Angela will still testify against Richard Wheatley for the murder of Kathy Stabler. Meanwhile, Stabler and Reggie have found Beau, and Stabler beats him up for information. Beau finally reveals a name: "Red Bull," who has a gold tooth and drives a Cadillac.

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Stabler talks to his son, Eli, on the street and wants him to come over for dinner, but he has other plans. It's obvious time away has put a strain on their relationship, and they miss each other, despite Eli saying he understands why Elliot has to be away. Stabler meets with Bell by the water, and she confirms Beau Campbell is in custody. Elliot tells her about the name Red Bull, and Bell knows him as part of a notorious multi-national corporation-type gang.

Stabler happens upon two working women associates of Red Bull while Reggie puts a gun to one of their heads. Stabler asks for a bag of coke to release her. They get it, and Reggie proudly offers the cocaine to his uncle Albi as promised. He tests it, and it passes muster. Reggie confirms he got it from the Marcy Killers gang, selling it for $200 per gram. Albi recognizes it as their own coke, meaning it's stolen. So, he calls for them to exterminate the entire Marcy Killers gang.

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In prison, the leader of the Marcy Killers learns that Red Bull stole cocaine from the Albanian gang-- and that they know. He's frustrated but says he'll handle it, using his hidden phone to put out a call and proactively have his associate, Mr. Webb, meet with RedBull to punish and intimidate him for his transgression that's leading to a gang war.

At home, Ayanna Bell's wife says she got a call from Congressman Kilbride who wants to meet with them regarding her ongoing call for police reform in the wake of her nephew's assault by officers last year. She hopes they can use this opportunity to reform the system, although Bell feels like it's a setup to be used as a political pawn. Just then, Stabler calls Bell and confirms that a gang war is about to happen on the streets over the stolen cocaine. Bell tries to argue her case to intervene and work with Brewster to try and stop an all-out war. They are assigned to be co-commanders of the task force, but both are unhappy. The Albanian gang prepares for war, and Albi hands Stabler an automatic weapon, drafting him into the fight.

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Bell and Brewster are on the streets to stake out and hopefully prevent the Albanian gang versus the Marcy Killers' firefight. Albi and Stabler are driving fast into the city to attack when they get a call that the fight's been called off. Instead, they head back to a backyard celebration for the KO's leader's, Costa, daughter's wedding. The higher-ups talk with Reggie about Stabler/Eddie, who vouches for him, and they ask Stabler to make them a drink. While the women at the party admire Stabler's buns, Reggie's mom wants them to stay away because he's full of misfortune. Though Reggie vouches for Stabler, Costa is adamant he's not sure he trusts him, spelling trouble for our favorite returned detective's future.

Then, representatives of the Marcy Killers gang, including Webb and Red Bull arrive at the party to return most of the missing cocaine. They explain their organization didn't orchestrate the theft but that Red Bull acted rogue instead. Costa pulls a gun on Red Bull, but Webb urges him to think through all the consequences, and Costa agrees to listen to his offer. Webb says they don't want to be at war with each other but would rather work together, expanding their syndicates with combined power.

New episodes of Law & Order: Organized Crime air Thursdays at 9 p.m. on NBC.

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