Stellaris: Nemesis - After Saving the Galaxy, You Could Rule Over an Imperium

Paradox Interactive recently announced a new expansion to Stellaris called Nemesis. In it, Empires have the option to become the newest and deadliest Crisis to threaten the galaxy. All players have to do is select the proper Ascension Perk and they can begin to plot on how to destroy the whole galaxy and everyone in it. But desperate times call for desperate measures, and to combat these Crisis Empires, the Galactic Community might be willing to call upon the strongest among them as a Custodian.

Introduced as part of a free update alongside the Federations expansion, the Galactic Community is a governing body where each member Empire can vote on laws that affect all other member Empires. Once you've managed to establish communications with at least half of the other Empires in the galaxy, all said Empires will be offered the chance to form a Galactic Community. Keep in mind that at least three Empires need to agree in order for a Galactic Community to be established.

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Afterwards, a resolution can be passed to form the Galactic Council, with members being chosen for the highest diplomatic weight. As soon as there is a Galactic Council, the Galactic Community can propose to elect one of the Council members to become the Custodian. The AI is more likely to vote for a Custodian when there is some sort of crisis going on, be it a midgame or endgame crisis.

To actually be effective against a crisis, the Custodian Empire will be granted special emergency powers. These will allow them to directly influence the Senate and resolutions that will help the Federation be effective against the crisis, such as prematurely ending Senate sessions, freezing resolution proposals for four years, adjusting Custodian term limits, anti-piracy reforms and a Galactic Standard language

Another option is the establishment of various galactic institutions such as the Galactic Defense Force. This is similar to a Federation Fleet except it is directly controlled by the Custodian. Should there cease to be a Custodian, the GDF will become an independent entity until a new Custodian is established.

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While a Custodian Empire gets enormous power and influence over the Community to combat a Crisis, once that Crisis has been defeated, you will be expected to relinquish your title and powers. But absolute power can corrupt absolutely, and you may not want to give up these perks so easily. If a Custodian can be granted a perpetual term limit, they can then propose a resolution for the creation of a Galactic Imperium. ​Once a Galactic Imperium is created, not only are all federations that were previously in the Galactic Community disbanded, but the Community itself will cease to exist, replaced by the Imperium.

With the creation of the Imperium, the Galactic Emperor will have access to a number of new resolutions centered on consolidating their power. These include the powers as a Custodian and permanent intel bonuses against members. If a Galactic Defense Force was formed during the previous Custodianship, it will be converted into the Imperial Armada instead.

The Ethics of an Empire in charge of a Galactic Imperium will shift towards Fanatic Authoritarian, their Authority will shift to Imperial and they will get a new government form. With your new position as Emperor, any Civics that aren't compatible will be removed and replaced with a new unique Civic call Galactic Sovereign, which increases your monthly Influence by five, a 40 percent increase to diplomatic weight, one additional Envoy and an additional Civic slot.

The power that an Emperor holds over the Imperium is measured by the level of Imperial Authority, which members of the Galactic Imperium can choose to Strengthen or Undermine. But, of course, some Empires might not appreciate this so-called New Galactic Order, and may wish to rebel against the Imperium. If Imperial Authority falls below 50, these Empires will be able to start the Spark Rebellion Operation. Rebel Empires will form a rival Federation in an effort to overthrow the Emperor. Those who refuse to join the rebels will join with a loyalist Federation instead, declaring a galactic civil war that pits these two federations against each other.

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If the rebels are victorious, the Imperium will be dismantled and reformed to the Galactic Community again. The Council Members will lose their seats and receive penalties to their diplomatic weight for a few years. This doubles for the former Emperor, who will also lose the Custodian and Imperial powers and positions they enjoyed.

However, if the Loyalists win, the Rebels will all be forced back into the Galactic Imperium and receive a temporary debuff to their diplomatic weight for a few years. Additionally, Imperial Authority will be greatly increased. Should the war end in a Status Quo/White Peace, the Rebels will secede from the Imperium, and their Federation stays intact, but likewise the Imperium will remain with the Emperor still in power, albeit with fewer members.

It's unknown exactly when Nemesis will be available, but it's hopefully coming soon. This will be the biggest expansions to Stellaris yet, placing an emphasis on the idea that the galaxy itself is fragile, going through one crisis after another. Whether or not players want to save the galaxy, rule over it or watch it burn will be up to them to decide.

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