WARNING: The following contains spoilers for the Justice League Dark story "Dangerous Things" by Ram V, Xermanico, Romulo Fajardo Jr. and Rob Leigh, featured in Justice League #60, available now.
In the DC Universe, Batman has had many issues with supernatural powerhouses, both heroes and villains alike. He's had numerous clashes with John Constantine over morals and methods, but he's also been allied with the likes of Dr. Fate, Deadman and Swamp Thing.
The latest issue of Justice League reveals that the Dark Knight does not trust the most monstrous of these magical heavy-hitters despite the many times they have worked together in the past.

The two Leagues have assembled at their headquarters with the discovery that Merlin is back and wreaking havoc. The powerful magician is assembling an army, and this could be the rise of his knights that devastate the world in "Future State." However, Batman believes in the Dark team, working much closer with them, especially after they have proven themselves by repelling the Upside Down Man and the Otherkind when they invaded to reclaim magic as their own.
He appoints Zatanna as the team leader, with Constantine and Bobo (aka Detective Chimp) as her support. Etrigan's also there to run point, but the way he talks about policing heaven and hell, and that Earth is merely a doomed battleground has Batman suspicious. More so, Etrigan doesn't turn into Jason Blood at all, he just delivers the message, which is another red flag, since the Caped Crusader has had a good rapport with Jason despite tense moments in the past.
When the Dark squad departs, Bruce holds Etrigan back for a second and warns him not to undermine or hurt the newly appointed team leader. He's had a close relationship with her in the past, and also feels like he owes it to her father, the deceased magician Zatara, to protect her.

When Etrigan cheekily makes fun of the Bat for threatening a demon, Bruce makes it clear that regardless, he's Batman and can make good on any threat. He doesn't trust the demon and if he crosses that line, Batman will make sure he pays for his actions.
With Merlin unleashing monsters across America and magical heroes such as Ragman under threat, the Dark team definitely has its work cut out for them, especially if it turns out that Batman is right in not trusting Etrigan.