Hunter X Hunter: 6 Anime Heroes Who'd Join The Hunter Association (& 4 Who'd Refuse)

The Hunter Association is an influential, non-governmental organization responsible for testing and licensing of Hunters. In the Hunter X Hunter universe, only the most skilled individuals pass the Hunter Exam and go on to become fully-fledged Hunters.

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There are many benefits to becoming a Hunter. They're financially set for life, can freely access almost any place in the world, and can use the Hunters-only website containing secret intelligence. Additionally, Hunters can work outside the law and are mostly allowed to kill another without consequence. For these reasons, the Hunter Association attracts a diverse set of individuals with varying motivations. But not all are seduced by the Association's benefits and many anime characters would turn away from the title of Hunter.

10 Would Join: Naruto Would Try To Unite All Hunters To Make The World A Better Place

Throughout his life, Naruto has remained an idealist. The current Hokage was undeterred by a history of shinobi warfare, loss and destruction. He never lost hope in his dream of a peaceful world. His time as Hokage has been a peaceful one, with alliances maintained from the previous Ninja War and Naruto's overwhelming power acting as a safeguard for humanity.

If given the opportunity, Naruto would join the Hunter association and hope to bring all Hunters together to make the world a better place. However, he might have a hard time persuading the likes of Hisoka and Illumi.

9 Wouldn't Join: Sasuke Prefers To Work Alone

Sasuke is partly defined by his individualism. He can work well in teams (Team 7 and Taka) but prefers to work alone, outside of laws or unspoken rules. This lack of communal desire partly stems from Sasuke's lonely childhood, a result of being the sole survivor of the Uchiha clan massacre. However, even in Borutodespite his improved relations with Konoha, Sasuke chooses to work from the shadows. Although Hunters prefer to work alone, they still answer to a large organization—something that wouldn't sit right with Sasuke.

8 Would Join: Light Would Use The Association's Considerable Resources To Achieve His Ideal World

Initially content with achieving his post-crime utopia on his own in Death Note, Light eventually came to appreciate the resources available to him as part of the Kira investigation team. As leader of the unit, Light could hunt down his opponents, influence the media, and make life easier in general.

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He wielded extraordinary power as both Kira and the leader of the team trying to catch Kira. Light would almost certainly join the Hunter Association and work his way up until he was the unquestioned leader. From this position, Light could manipulate Hunters and achieve whatever social goal he desired.

7 Wouldn't Join: Scar Doesn't Trust Those Who Wield Exceptional Power

Fullmetal Alchemist's Scar can't be blamed for his trust issues. After all, his entire family and race were wiped out under the guise of war, when in truth, their lives were taken as human sacrifices for a philosophers stone.

Scar initially blamed the alchemists who used their destructive power to destroy the Ishvalans. But after further investigation, he realized they were nothing more than puppets manipulated by the Homunculi. Still, the warrior developed a mistrust for those with incredible power, knowing what happens if it's wielded by the inherently evil. Scar would no doubt feel the same way about Hunters.

6 Would Join: Armin Would Get The Chance To See The World

It's easy to forget that amidst the chaos and destruction in Attack On Titan, Armin dreamt of seeing the ocean. After many years fighting the Titans, he finally got his wish, and since then has travelled to neighboring islands. However, the world is a big place and Armin has only scratched the surface. As a Hunter, Armin would have the finances and resources to travel the world and visit the remnants of ancient civilizations. Factor in that Hunters can travel for free (most of the time) and Armin would be living the dream.

5 Would Join: Senku Could Use His Hunter Privileges For Scientific Pursuits

The protagonist of Dr. Stone, Senku's true love is science. The boy genius is constantly thinking and analyzing, trying to progress mankind and make substantial changes. After humanity was petrified for 3700 years, Senku, upon awakening, was forced to start science from the very beginning.

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The anime sees Senku constantly frustrated by the outdated technology available to him. If he were to join the Hunter Association, Senku would have access to almost infinite resources and the most up to date technology. He could spend the rest of his life pursuing the science he loves the most.

4 Wouldn't Join: Lelouch Has A Deep Mistrust For Powerful Institutions

Following the suspicious death of his mother, Lelouch was discarded by the Britannian royal family in Code Geass. His mistreatment stoked a burning hatred for the world's greatest empire and, after receiving the power of Geass, Lelouch set in motion his plan to destroy Britannia.

The unhinged genius doesn't care for authority—and who can blame him. His history caused severe trust issues, and unless he is leading an organization, Lelouch wants no part in it. The Hunter Association is a powerful institution that both solves and causes problems. It wields a great deal of power—something Lelouch detests.

3 Would Join: Mustang's Ambition Draws Him To Powerful Positions

Roy Mustang is an incredibly powerful alchemist whose strength is matched by his ambition. The Flame Alchemist is the full package: charismatic, intelligent, powerful and a respected war hero. He dreams of one day becoming Fuhrer of Amestris; the unquestioned leader of his country.

It's this reason why Mustang would join the Hunter Association. His insatiable ambition means the Flame Alchemist would try his absolute best to become chairman of the powerful organization. And he just might do it—his mastery over his alchemy and natural charisma would make him a formidable Hunter and leader.

2 Wouldn't Join: Alucard Is Only Loyal To The Van Helsing Family

The complex, capricious vampire from Hellsing is a bit of an enigma. Although individualistic by nature, Alucard works for and obeys the Van Helsing organization. However, this appears to be somewhat of an aberration.

Before he was defeated by Van Helsing, Alucard roamed the world, acting independently. There are no laws that Alucard answers to, no unspoken rules he follows. Sure, Hunters are granted a status of immunity from the law, but that means nothing to the vampire king. He already stands atop a mortal world; any organization is beneath him.

1 Would Join: All Might's Personal Morality Requires Him To Act Within The Law

Law and order in the Hunter X Hunter universe isn't as black and white as the justice system seen in My Hero Academia. All Might was the top Pro Hero, and it was his legal responsibility to apprehend and defeat threats to the public. Hunters are a little bit different.

There are those who specialize in capturing criminals, but Hunters can act outside the law. A Hunter's license gives you freedom from the shackles of the law and a Hunter can kill another person without repercussion. All Might would likely join the Hunter Association to legally bring in criminals whilst making sure he doesn't abuse his position as a Hunter.

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