Nick Fury's 10 Greatest Accomplishments | CBR

At this point, Nick Fury has been walking the Earth for nearly a century. In addition to being a living legend, the man has been a huge part of history, much of which the vast majority of the world has no idea even happened. He started building his reputation in World War II and has only grown it since then.

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Nick Fury has a lot of accomplishments during that time, some of which are actually respectable and not terrifying. He has long been part of the line that stands between humanity and oblivion. And that has led to a lot of wondrous deeds.

10 Leading The Howling Commandos

Nick Fury's long legacy began during World War II. He didn't get involved initially but when he did the man was incredibly serious about it. He was put in charge of a group of special operatives called the Howling Commandos.

This team struck critical blows against the Nazis, Hydra, Red Skull, Baron von Strucker, Baron Zemo, and anyone else who stood in their way. Many of Fury's most heroic acts happened during this period of his life, alongside men who would become his closest friends.

9 Serving With Captain America And Wolverine In World War II

As it turned out, the Howling Commandos weren't the only Marvel legends who played a role in the Second World War. Several notable heroes such as Captain America, Bucky, Namor, Wolverine, and more also participated in the conflict.

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Many of the historic deeds committed by Fury were in support of these heroes. Simply watching their backs and supporting them in their varied battles was an achievement on its own. And when Cap disappeared into the ice, Fury was there to help finish the job he started.

8 Working For The CIA

In the days after World War II, many of Fury's allies who survived the conflict went home. That's not really Nick's style, though. He stuck around Europe, helping to mop up what was left of the Nazis and any of their allies.

But even when that was done, Fury wasn't. He joined the CIA, beginning his long career as an intelligence operative. This career would take him around the world and, as it turned out, far beyond its borders.

7 Becoming The Man On The Wall

Keeping in mind that no one knew this at the time, Fury had also taken on another secret position. Referred to as the Man on the Wall, Fury was the person who stood between Earth and all of the threats lurking in the depths of space.

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The truth of Fury's role was only revealed a few years ago after the death of Uatu the Watcher. While many of the acts committed by Fury during this era were horrifying, to say the least, it's worth mentioning that the man still saved the world more times than anyone knows.

6 Forming The Great Wheel Of Zodiac

There are few characters in the Marvel Universe who are privy to as many secrets as Nick Fury. He also holds a lot of memberships to secret organizations. That includes the Great Wheel of Zodiac which he was invited to join by Leonardo da Vinci. Yeah, that Leonardo da Vinci.

Made up of members of three soon-to-be-formed organizations, S.H.I.E.L.D., Hydra, and Leviathan, this group was founded in 1961 and played a big part in a lot of strange shenanigans. It also fell apart rather quickly thanks to the future Leviathan members but it was still a big deal for a time.

5 Becoming The Second Executive Director Of S.H.I.E.L.D.

The idea for S.H.I.E.L.D. came out of the fall of the Great Wheel of Zodiac. Specifically, it was one of the Great Wheel's agents who came up with it, a man by the name of Howard Stark. He wanted to know there was a group out there who could protect his adopted son, Tony.

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The first Executive Director of the new organization was Colonel Rick Stoner, though Fury was also in the running. When Stoner apparently died, Fury was brought in and took this group to entirely new levels.

4 Constantly Dragging S.H.I.E.L.D. Back From The Brink

While S.H.I.E.L.D. has often held an incredibly important position in the Marvel Universe, it has also had its share of problems. A group of LMDs almost took it down from the inside as did Hydra on more than one occasion.

But every time S.H.I.E.L.D. faltered, Nick Fury was there to pick it up, dust it off, and get it back in action. Even when he was considered a criminal by the United States government, Fury was always working behind the scenes to keep S.H.I.E.L.D. in play.

3 Defeating Baron Von Strucker

If Nick Fury has a nemesis, it's Baron von Strucker. The man is to Hydra what Nick Fury is to S.H.I.E.L.D. in that he is the one ultimately the one responsible for keeping the organization going. These two men have been doing this dance in one form or another since World War II.

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Without question, Strucker is one of the most ingenious and conniving individuals in all of Marvel. It has long fallen on Fury to stay one step ahead of Strucker, a job Nicholas not only relishes but also seems to excel at.

2 Forming The Secret Warriors

After Nick Fury lost his job with S.H.I.E.L.D. because he couldn't leave well enough alone, he simply went underground and kept working. He really got working during the Skrull's invasion of Earth and Norman Osborn's subsequent rise to power as the head of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Part of his response was forming the Secret Warriors, a group of unregistered superheroes who were related to other more prominent powered individuals. This group did a lot of good, though Fury did kill one of them when he discovered the guy was a double agent.

1 Bringing Uatu The Watcher Back

This situation is quite complicated. Part of being the Man on the Wall meant working both with and for Uatu the Watcher. When Fury realized that he could put the Watcher's power to use on his own, he killed Uatu and stole his eye.

Now, that isn't exactly an accomplishment to be proud of, though it is still quite impressive. But Fury was also responsible for bringing Uatu back to life though that whole situation was more by accident than anything else.

NEXT: Marvel: The 10 Worst Things That Nick Fury Has Done In The Comics

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